The lord is looking at me

Chapter 466 Sudden Appearance

Chapter 466 Sudden Appearance
Maybe it's because she didn't have a good rest these days, Wei Yue fell asleep like this, and when she woke up, the sky outside seemed to have darkened, making her wonder whether she hadn't fallen asleep or it had been a day already .

"Yue'er, are you awake?" Hearing the movement inside, Wei Yan knocked on the door cautiously.

This girl sleeps for a whole day, it seems that she is really tired these few days.

"En." Wei Yue responded vaguely, feeling that she seemed to have regained a lot of energy, so she stretched and prepared to get up.

But just as she was about to sit up, she felt that something was pressing on her ankle, which made her stare at it with wide eyes.

He just woke up, his eyes hadn't been opened before, and now he suddenly felt something, so he was naturally very vigilant.

"It's me." Before she could sit up, she felt her body had been pushed back, and then, a familiar voice came from her head.

Looking at the big man who suddenly appeared in front of her at this time, Wei Yue was a little surprised, and suddenly recalled what he said on the top of the mountain in his mind.

I heard that he was coming too, but I didn't expect that he had already arrived. How did he know that he was here?

"It seems that you have a lot of questions." Looking at the small figure with complicated eyes in front of him, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of Yin Xuan's mouth, and a meaningful glint flashed in his eyes.

Feeling that his thoughts seemed to be seen through by the other party, Wei Yue was surprised for a moment, and suddenly began to feel weak in his heart.

"I just came to see you. Are you exhausted after finding so many ores?" Yin Xuan lay down beside the other party as he spoke, and stretched his hand down the other party's neck, with an expression on his face. Doting look.

Feeling that her head seemed to be leaning on the opponent's hand, Wei Yue only felt her whole body stiffen suddenly, and she didn't dare to move rashly at all, as if she could touch the opponent just by turning her head slightly.

At this time, Wei Yan, who was standing outside the door, heard someone talking inside, and couldn't help but feel a little strange, "Yue'er, are you up?"

Haven't woken up yet?Talking in your sleep?

"That... I'll sleep again." Hearing the inquiries from outside, Wei Yue dared not tell the truth. If the elder brother came in like this at this time, and saw such a scene again, it was hard to guarantee that he would not think about it.

This lonely man and widow are in the same room, it is really unreasonable.

Seeing that her voice seemed a little tired, Wei Yan could only give up, "Then I'll come over later."

It seems that this girl is really exhausted.

Hearing the footsteps outside getting farther and farther away, Wei Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"What? Afraid of him?" Compared to the nervousness of the other party, Yin Xuan was much more relaxed at this time, and looked at the other party slightly with his head turned sideways.

Feeling the hot air from the other party's words continuously blowing towards her face, Wei Yue didn't dare to move rashly, her whole body froze, "That... is there something wrong?"

Why is this big man always appearing like a ghost? It's scary.

"We have a marriage contract, it's normal for me to care about you, besides..." Looking at the other party's stiff expression, Yin Xuan's mouth flashed a playful look, and the other hand slowly stroked the other party's cheek, " Even if something happens to us, it's okay."

Feeling the cold feeling on his face, Wei Yue was taken aback. At this time, both of them were on the couch, but this one was obviously only suitable for one person, and now there were two people lying on it abruptly, which seemed very crowded. .

At this time, the other party was leaning against her tightly, as if she could hear the other party's heartbeat. That feeling made her a little nervous, and she didn't know how to react.

Looking at the kitten who seemed to have been frightened silly at this time, Yin Xuan felt very satisfied. He had endured it for several days and did not come to her. When he saw her now, he naturally wanted to take a good look at her.

After all, those iron mines are not easy to deal with. Although they can temper people's patience, they are also easy to get hurt, but they are all good. Anyway, I am watching in the dark, and this little cat has some skills.

"You, you... I, I..." Seeing that the other party's hands didn't seem to be going to stop, Wei Yue really wanted to say something to break the awkward situation, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn't control it.

"Hahaha!" Seeing that her mouth was trembling, Yin Xuan couldn't help laughing out loud. For some reason, every time in front of this little cat, it seemed that he could easily let go of his defenses, and his mood became extremely rare. Get better.

When did this feeling start?
Hearing his laughter, Wei Yue became even more nervous, "I... I, I, I still want to go to that dungeon."

Yes, this reason is good, and I couldn't help but praise myself.

"I know." Yin Xuan played with the other party's hair boredly, sniffing it on the tip of his nose from time to time, and replied casually.

Seeing that he actually knew about this, Wei Yue's heart skipped a beat, as if he was also an instructor for the treatment of Brother Feng.

"That person from Qingying Kingdom is very important?" Yin Xuan played with his hair, then changed places and began to study the opponent's hands.

Hearing what he said, it was obvious that he already knew it. The corners of Wei Yue's mouth twitched, and he had no time to care about the other party's little moves, "Well, this is what I negotiated with him, I must save him."

Thinking of how he gave her the phoenix pearl without hesitation back then, it made her feel that she should do something, otherwise the guilt in her heart would get deeper and deeper.

"Important than me?" Seeing her affirmative answer, Yin Xuan frowned involuntarily, grabbed the other's hand and followed closely.

Feeling the strength in his hand, Wei Yue couldn't help but exhale softly, "Naturally, the important person is the most important."

Obviously there is no comparison between the two, I really don't understand why this big man wants to pursue this.

Ever since he came to the human world, the big man has always taken good care of himself, making himself feel valued by others, that kind of inexplicable feeling, and Brother Feng, he feels more guilty towards him, making him feel like he is valued by others. She had to.

"That's good." Seeing what she said, Yin Xuan smiled and pinched the other's little face, "Okay, I won't tease you, the auction in the dungeon is probably about to start."

Seeing that the other party finally stood up, Wei Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this big man finally knew that he still had something to do.

Hearing her sigh, Yin Xuan felt mixed feelings, could he be too strong?

Wei Yue didn't notice how troubled the figure in front was at this moment, but got up on his own, quickly finished dressing, and waited to go out quickly.

Staying with big shots, I always feel that the atmosphere seems to be tense.

"That... I... I'm leaving." Although a little embarrassed, she had to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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