The lord is looking at me

Chapter 467 Is this also possible?

Chapter 467 Is this also possible?
Hearing her words, Yin Xuan didn't speak, but quietly looked at the night outside the window, his expression became a little disappointed.

"I'm really leaving." Not knowing why the other party suddenly became so weird, Wei Yue frowned slightly, and took a deep look at the figure who had already walked to the window.

I don't know why, under the illumination of that night light, looking at the back of the big man actually feels lonely, and the faint halo envelopes him, making people feel a sense of otherworldliness.

Looking at such a big man, one actually has the urge to step forward and hug him to comfort him.

"Yue'er." At this moment, Wei Yan's voice sounded outside the door.

It was getting late at this time, and if we didn't go there, we might not be able to make it in time for the auction.

Hearing his voice, Wei Yue was taken aback for a moment, and was about to turn around and ask the big man what to do, but at this moment, there was no one there beside the window.

If it wasn't for the faint fragrance echoing in the air at this time, it would have given her the illusion that the other party had never been here.

Looking at the faint night light rippling in from the outside, it suddenly reminded her of the lonely back of the big man just now, and her heart also tugged, feeling distressed.

"Yue'er, are you up?" Seeing that there was no movement inside, Wei Yan called out again.

"Well, here we come." Wei Yue suddenly recovered after being called out by him, then shook her head helplessly, and walked outside.

"The dungeon is probably about to start." Hearing that the door was opened, Wei Yan seemed to become more anxious.

It's been hard work to accumulate so many gold coins, so we can't fall short here.

Wei Yue nodded, looked at the empty window with a sense of loss, and then pursed her lips, "Let's go."

Seeing that her expression seemed to be different, Wei Yan also looked inside curiously, but he didn't see anyone. Could it be that the girl has been sleeping for too long and has become stupid?

"Let's go." Seeing that he didn't seem to keep up, Wei Yue couldn't help calling out again.

"Oh, okay, here we come." Wei Yan glanced at the situation in the room suspiciously, then closed the door, and hurriedly followed.

The auction in the dungeon is about to start, so the two of them naturally have to hurry up.

At this time, on a roof not far from their inn, there was a tall figure standing, that slightly lonely back made people feel distressed.

"Master!" Long Yi who was hiding in the dark couldn't help but stepped forward and called softly.

It's cold at night, and the master's body has always been weak. If he blows it a few more times, he will probably be ill again for a while.

"The moonlight tonight is really good." Yin Xuan looked up at the bright moonlight, looking a little melancholy.

The time of onset is getting closer and closer. It seems that the prophecy is about to loom, right?

"Master." It is rare to see a master like this, making Long Yi look a little flustered.

Hearing the tension in the other party's tone, Yin Xuan slowly smiled, "Go back."

No matter how beautiful the night was, it was not his after all.

At this time, Wei Yue and Wei Yue had already arrived at the auction venue in the dungeon. Because they had been here several times before, the soul master was very enthusiastic and asked the soul master to arrange a private room on the second floor for them. , on the one hand, it can hide the identity, and on the other hand, it can also avoid unnecessary conflicts.

"The second floor is good." Wei Yan couldn't help sighing as he watched the servants outside bringing in food.

There are partitions between each private room, only the direction of the main entrance is separated by screens or curtains, people outside cannot see who is inside.
Wei Yue nodded, this soul master is still giving them face!
When they came in, the auction had already started. If it wasn't for the innkeeper leading the way, they would still be stuck outside and unable to enter.

After all, the items auctioned tonight were not bad, because they had already heard the news, and the people nearby also came here early, and those who couldn't get in could only stretch their necks at the door and wait and see.

After all, this auction will be held round after round, and there will always be some inside who have spent all their gold coins. At that time, it will be time for those waiting outside to come in.

"Yue'er, I heard that two Horcruxes have been sold here." Along the way, listening to the innkeeper's explanation, Wei Yan had a general understanding of the situation.

"I don't know when the medicinal herbs will come out." Wei Yue was thinking about this at the moment, and she really didn't have much interest in those Horcruxes.

"When those horcruxes are sold out, it should be it." Wei Yan stretched his neck and looked down. At this time, there were still several horcruxes on the middle table.

"Then let's fill up the stomach first." After all, Wei Yue felt that she was very hungry after sleeping for a whole day.

Before, I always thought that I rushed here because I was afraid of missing the auction, but now I haven't got what she wants anyway, so it doesn't matter.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" At this moment, the sound of the gong had already begun to sound from the audience.

It seemed that those horcruxes were not bad, and they all sold a lot of gold coins.

At this time, the soul master looked at the direction of the second floor with some doubts.

Obviously a soul warrior had come over before and said that the little girl had come, but she didn't make the slightest movement at this time. Could it be that she didn't even like these Horcruxes?

The best private room was specially reserved for them before, so that they could see every move on the stage more clearly. At this moment, it seems that this little girl is not interested in these Horcruxes at all!

As those horcruxes were sold one by one, the second auction officially started.

"The items in the second round are three kinds of medicinal herbs. Due to the regulations of the herb owner, we can't directly announce which one will be auctioned for the time being. You have to think about it." The soul master quickly put the three brocade boxes together. Put it directly on the table on the stage, and began to explain the rules this time.

Although he didn't understand why the owner of the herb did this, there must be a reason.

"Yue'er, we can't tell which of these three brocade boxes is what we want, what should we do?" Hearing the explanation below, Wei Yan was taken aback for a moment.

"Could it be that the herb owner knows what we want, so he deliberately set up this maze? If so, we can only buy back those herbs. If this is the case, we will need a lot of gold coins." Thinking of this possibility, Wei Yue I started to feel like I was being tricked.

"Yue'er, don't you have that..." Wei Yan pointed to his eyes while speaking, "The red one can see through things."

Wei Yue naturally knew what he meant, and couldn't help shaking her head. It's not that she hadn't thought about it, but it was surprising that the brocade box seemed to be equipped with some kind of formation, and it was able to fool her ghost pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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