The lord is looking at me

Chapter 468 Continue to Knock

Chapter 468 Continue to Knock

Naturally, Wei Yue also thought about using her ghost pupils to see what medicinal herbs were in those brocade boxes, but those brocade boxes on the stage seemed to be specially bounded by some kind of enchantment, and her ghost pupils couldn't even see through them.

"Yue'er, can't you see it too?" Looking at the frowning little figure beside him, Wei Yan guessed about it.

It seems that the owner of the herb deliberately made things difficult for them, right?

"Since I can't tell which one it is, I can only buy all three." Wei Yue sighed helplessly, looking in the direction of the first floor.

I don't know if the owner of the herb is in the background at this time.

These herbs seem to be quite precious just by their names. If she buys them all, there is no harm to her. They can be used for alchemy at that time, although the price may be more expensive.

"That's the only way to go." Wei Yan also sighed, and looked at the three brocade boxes under the stage with some resentment.

Now I can only hope that those herbs are worth the price.

"Okay, this time the auction is for soul-moving grass, Qiansihuan and Huimeng Dan. The starting price is [-] gold coins, and [-] gold coins for a gong. Let's start with the first brocade box." At this time, the utensils on the stage The soul master has already begun to explain the rules this time.

"One hundred gold coins, this price is not low, it's the same as that ore." Hearing the voice from below, Wei Yan suddenly felt a little unbalanced.

These medicinal herbs seem to have simple names, but are they so precious?

"It's worth it." When Wei Yue heard the names of the other two herbs, Wei Yue's eyes lit up. He had only seen those two names in the book that day, and they really didn't appear in other medical books.

Even though she has the Mysterious Medicine Tendon Code in her hand, there is still no record about those herbs, which shows that those herbs are very precious.

Seeing that she had said that, Wei Yan naturally couldn't say anything, he didn't know much about medical science, but now it seems that those medicinal herbs are really worth it.

"Okay, now the bidding begins." The soul master looked at the crowd calmly, and began to auction the first brocade box.

"Boom!" Soon, a gong sounded in the venue.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Slowly, one after another, people began to follow.

Hearing the rising and falling voices from below, Wei Yan couldn't sit still, and looked nervously at the people around him, trying to ask for her opinion.

At this time, should they follow?

"Brother, let's start too." Hearing that the sound of the gong didn't seem to stop, Wei Yue looked at the little magic beast on the table beside him, planning to start there.

"Okay." With her permission, Wei Yan was suddenly agitated, picked up the hammer on one side, and directly struck the gong hanging on the other side of the curtain.

"Boom!" With the sound of a clear gong, the eyes of those below couldn't help looking up.

This is the first time someone has sounded a gong in the private room on the second floor tonight.

A lot of horcruxes were auctioned before, but except for the scramble on the first floor, the second floor was quiet all night, which made people wonder if there was anyone there. confirmed.

Since people in the private room on the second floor have already participated in this auction, the people below are naturally more nervous. After all, those people in the private room are all powerful and powerful people, and they are not short of money at all.

When he heard the sound of the gong on the second floor, the soul master naturally knew the purpose of the little girl's trip, it seemed that it was for these medicines, no wonder she had been so quiet before.

"Boom!" Soon, the gong sounded again on the first floor.

Hearing that someone from below was robbing him, Wei Yan naturally would not let the other party go, so he rang the gong again.

Gradually, no matter who was in the audience who rang the gong, the private room on the second floor followed suit, as if they had no intention of admitting defeat.

Seeing that the number of the little phantom beast on the stage has soared to a shocking three digits, the sound of the gong on the first floor also slowly quieted down.

"Boom!" After Wei Yan rang the gong for the last time, the entire venue fell silent.

"One hundred and three rings, it's a deal." Seeing that the time had passed and no one continued to ring the gong, the soul master began to announce the result.

This is the first time to see such a high number of small Eudemons.

"Yue'er, am I knocking too much?" Looking at the number in the audience, Wei Yan looked a little embarrassed, after all, gold coins are not easy to earn!

"It's nothing, as long as you can buy it." Wei Yue didn't feel much about the number, as if the price of that herb had already caught up with one of her ores.

But don't be afraid, anyway, her gold coins are still enough to buy.

Seeing what she said, Wei Yan relaxed a little, only thinking that he must be more cautious next time.

Soon, the soul master sent someone to ask for the tail ring.

Looking at the brocade box handed over by the soul warrior, Wei Yue counted the gold coins and put them on the other party's plate without blinking, and then took the brocade box over.

After the soul master finished counting, he walked directly outside the curtain on one side, jumped directly onto the stage from the second floor, and began to hand over to the soul master.

Although the Artifact Soul Master was also a little surprised by the number given by the other party, but thinking that since the herb could get into the eyes of that little girl, it must be worth the price, so he became less entangled.

Soon, the medicinal herb was directly sold at a high price, causing waves in the venue, and everyone began to speculate about who the person sitting in the private room actually bought the medicinal herb at such a high price. It's really domineering.

Thinking about the sound of the gong at the venue just now, it didn't mean to stop at all, and the sound made people's mood tremble. After all, it was all money!

"Okay, then we will auction the second brocade box." After the first round of communication with the herb master in the background, the tool soul master started the second bid.

"Boom!" Soon, the gong sounded again on the first floor.

"Knock." With this first experience, Wei Yue felt that it was still necessary to strike first.

"En." Wei Yan nodded, and struck the gong again without hesitation.

Hearing that the voice came from the same private room, everyone's eyes were attracted again. It seems that this time the owner of the private room seems to have taken a fancy to the medicinal herbs in that brocade box again.

If this continues, how can the people below compete with her?After all, this is already the first contest, and everyone was a little cautious when they beat the gong.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a gong sounded in another private room on the second floor.

Seeing that there are two companies competing on the second floor at the same time, everyone on the first floor felt that they didn't have anything to do here.

(End of this chapter)

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