The lord is looking at me

Chapter 469 Dare to rob me?

Chapter 469 Dare to rob me?

As long as the private rooms on the second floor intend to start fighting, the people on the first floor already know that they don't need to participate in it, and it's better to quietly watch them fight.

Anyway, these are contests between big shots, and to them, it's just a show.

Wei Yue was arranged in the private room, on the one hand, it was convenient to hide her identity, and on the other hand, it could avoid unnecessary troubles, but at the moment, it seems that someone took the initiative to fight her.

"Yue'er." Wei Yan was a little surprised when he heard the gong beating in the opposite private room.

After all, he had heard of this before, and when the people on the second floor competed, they were spending money like dirt!
"Knock." Although he knew there was a strong opponent, that herb Wei Yue was determined to win.

Wei Yan nodded and struck the gong again.

And when the people on the opposite side heard them ringing the gong, they also rang their own again, as if they had no intention of avoiding it.

Looking at the contest between the private rooms on the second floor, the soul master frowned slightly. It seems that the gold coins spent this time will not be less than the first round. If there is no contest, the little girl can rely on the previous round Those who overwhelm the people on this floor will not spend too much gold coins. Right now, it seems that things are not quite as expected.

Gradually, the two private rooms seemed to be at odds with each other, and there was no intention of stopping each other. The crisp sound of the gong resounded throughout the venue, and everyone felt a little unbelievable when they heard it.

Seeing the little phantom beast on the stage break through the three digits with ease, everyone's hearts were suspended.

How precious is that medicinal herb, to provoke such a scramble between two nobles.

"Boom!" When Wei Yan rang the gong again, the room directly opposite seemed to stop suddenly, with no intention of continuing.

More than that, it seemed that there were some arguing voices suddenly.

"120 rings, deal." Looking at the already quiet venue, the soul master directly announced the result.

Sure enough, the second brocade box was indeed more expensive than the first one, even exceeding the previous ore price.

When they saw the shocking number, everyone on the first floor couldn't help exclaiming how precious the herb was, and it was sold at such a high price.

At this time, in the backstage of the first floor, there is a white figure sitting in a calm and breezy manner. Because his back is facing the hall, he can only be seen drinking tea elegantly at this time, and he heard those exclamations outside. At that time, a smile slowly crossed the face that had been flat all along.

"Who is it that dares to snatch it from me?" Just as the soul master was about to send the things up, a figure suddenly appeared in the private room opposite, opened the curtain in front of the room, walked directly to the corridor outside and stared at him. Looking at the opposite figure.

Seeing people walking out of Nayajian suddenly, everyone followed the prestige and couldn't help sighing that it was none other than An Qin, the youngest daughter of the city lord of Anlin Mountain.

Hearing the somewhat familiar voice on the opposite side, Wei Yue frowned slightly, looked forward through the curtain, and couldn't help being startled.

That's not someone else, isn't it the stinky girl who was taught by him in Langyue Mountain?
Thinking of how arrogant she was at the beginning, she probably felt very upset after being taught a lesson by herself, right?Unexpectedly, Yuanjia Road is narrow, and I ran into it here.

"Yue'er, do you know that person?" Looking at his sister's contemptuous eyes, Wei Yan guessed it all at once.

Wei Yue nodded, "There were some holidays before."

Hearing her explanation, Wei Yan naturally thought that the woman must have done something annoying, otherwise his sister wouldn't hate someone so openly.

"Isn't that person the youngest daughter of the city lord?" When seeing the real person, people on the first floor had already started talking.

"No wonder you beat the gong so vigorously just now, the owner of An Linshan's house is really not short of money."

"Yes, but looking at her like that, she seems very dissatisfied."

"Everyone knows the rules of this dungeon. Whoever dares to provoke them, even if the city lord of Anlin Mountain is here, there is no problem. Behind this dungeon is the Nether Pavilion. Even the city lord should show some face?"

"Looks like it's going to be a good show."

Seeing this scene, the people on the first floor began to speculate in various ways, and there was a hint of preparation for a good show in everyone's eyes.

Then An Qin naturally heard the conversation of those people, joking, the second floor is not very far from the first floor, and the voices of those people talking are so loud, the deaf can't hear it, right?
"Hey! The one in front, you should know who I am. If you are sensible, just give me that herb." No matter who the other party is, is there anyone in this world who dare not listen to her?
Seeing the clamoring figure in front of him, Wei Yan snorted coldly, eyes full of disdain, "That woman talks a lot."

"I taught her a lesson before, it seems that this memory is still not long." Wei Yue has always been disgusted with this kind of arrogant young lady, and doesn't like to argue with the other party, thinking that it is a waste of her saliva.

"Yue'er, do you want to go out?" Looking at the extremely calm figure beside him, Wei Yan couldn't sit still anymore, he couldn't get used to this kind of pampered person the most.

Thinking about it this way, I still feel that a certain gentle and watery young lady is not bad. It's strange why he suddenly thought of going there.

"No, this is the auction venue. Even if we don't care, someone will go there." Thinking that someone had mentioned the forces behind the dungeon before coming here, Wei Yue wanted to take a look at it.

Everything was as she expected, at this time some soul warriors had already come to Anqin to appease her.

After tidying up the things, the Artifact Soul Master personally sent the brocade box inside.

"This is a medicinal herb." Ignoring the clamoring figure on the opposite side, he handed over the brocade box.

Wei Yue counted the gold coins and started exchanging them directly with the other party.

"How dare you ignore me, don't you know who my father is?" Looking at the opposite figure who seemed to have started to meet, Anqin shouted immediately, wishing to rush over immediately, but was soon stopped by a soul warrior up.

At this time, everyone on the first floor looked at the good show above with amused expression, especially when they saw someone talking to themselves, they only felt it was funny for a while.

And An Qin naturally felt the optimistic eyes of those people in the audience, and suddenly became even more angry.

"What are you all doing in there? Hurry up and come out. I don't believe it today. Who dares to stop me here?" He said, shouting into the room.

Hearing the sound, a group of guards came out of the room one after another, and quickly confronted those soul warriors in a stalemate.

"Catch me that desperate person on the opposite side. I want her to know who is in charge here and who dares to steal things from me. It seems that she is tired of work." An Qin said with a sneer, that was already The rapidly deformed eyes stared at the private room opposite, as if to see a hole in the other's face.

(End of this chapter)

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