Chapter 470

Although I don't know what kind of herb is in that brocade box, but I have to take one with me this time, right?Otherwise, Anqin would feel that she would lose face.

Those horcruxes are not worth much at all, how can there be those medicinal herbs that are so impressive?As long as one is photographed casually, everyone in the city will know that she has a unique vision tonight.

But tonight is also a hell, someone actually got into a fight with her. In terms of financial resources, someone really dared to compete with her like this.

Seeing that the situation on the opposite side has become stalemate at this time, the corner of Wei Yue's mouth curled up, and a sneer flashed across her face. Yao remembered that the eldest lady had caused troubles a lot before. It seems that no matter where she is, this kind of person always likes to provoke some people. An unpleasant thing.

"Yue'er, I heard from the people below that that person is the youngest daughter of the city lord." Wei Yan's ears were sharp, and he naturally didn't let go of the discussion of the people below.

"I'm not interested in who she is." Wei Yue opened the brocade box in front of her while talking.

The previous one was not the soul-transferring grass that she wanted. I don't know if it is this time. Although these medicinal materials are indeed rare, her primary purpose is still that thing.

Looking at the calm figure in front of him, the soul master on the side also smiled gratifiedly. She was still so calm in such a chaotic scene, it seems that this little girl really has some skills.

However, this is a dungeon, not just anyone can cause trouble, even if the other party is the daughter of the city lord, even if the relatives of the emperor come, they have to give them face, what is she a daughter of the city lord?
Under the instruction of the Tool Soul Master, some hidden guards who had been hiding in the dark also suddenly appeared, and it seemed that it only took a moment to bring the shouting figure standing outside directly into the room. Know exactly what happened.

"What happened to those black shadows just now?" Some people on the first floor have already started to question.

"Could it be the people from the Nether Pavilion?"

"It should be, otherwise how could there be such an outreach."

"Whoever dares to make trouble in this dungeon is really desperate."

At this time, the audience has already started to discuss, and the expressions of the people are just a little puzzled, and they are not surprised by An Qin's disappearance. Even if the identity of the other party is precious, it is nothing here.

Feeling the sudden silence ahead, Wei Yue raised her eyebrows slightly, and glanced at the calm figure beside her from the corner of her eye.

It seems that the group of people just acted under the instruction of this soul master, right?This dungeon is really interesting. If you dare to provoke that young lady, it seems that the power behind this dungeon should not be underestimated.

"Girl, you can continue." The soul master nodded slightly at the other party, and then moved to the table below, intending to bid for the last brocade box.

Looking at the indifferent figure below, it seemed that the episode just now didn't make him feel any discomfort, Wei Yue smiled, put the brocade box aside, and a curious look flashed across his eyes.

The people behind this dungeon are really curious!
At this time, An Qin, who was suddenly dragged into the room, was looking at the figure standing in front of him in shock. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the guards who had been knocked out on the ground, and couldn't help swallowing.

Could it be that these masked guards standing in front of you are from the Nether Pavilion?Damn it, why did she forget what her father told her before she came here.

It is said that the power behind this dungeon is the Nether Pavilion, and they are not to be messed with. However, just now, I was too angry, so I wanted to teach the other party a good lesson, but I didn't expect such consequences.

"What are you guys going to do?" Looking at the few people standing in front of them without speaking, the impetuous atmosphere in the air made people feel very uneasy.

Those hidden guards were all well-trained, so naturally they would not pay attention to the other party, but imprisoned the other party with ropes, as if they were guarding, and did not allow the other party to have the slightest chance to go out.

Doing this is already taking care of the other party's identity, otherwise, it will be ugly.

Looking at the silent figures standing in front of her, Anqin gritted her teeth. The oppressive feeling almost overwhelmed her. Although these people covered their faces, their sharp eyes made people look into their hearts. A burst of weakness.

Seeing that the eldest lady in front of her seemed to be calmer, the hidden guards left one person tacitly, and the rest disappeared instantly.

"Do you know the consequences of imprisoning me?" Seeing that there was only one person left in front of her, An Qin's courage suddenly grew.

With her soul power, it's still hard to tell the winner if she gets entangled with the other party, right?
Regarding the other party's question, the dark guard's eyes were full of indifference, and he didn't intend to pay attention to it at all.

Seeing that her words didn't work, An Qin rolled her eyes, thinking about finding a place to break through.

The hidden guard naturally saw the other party's thoughts at a glance, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he didn't bother to move when he stood still.

Looking at the figure in front of him, An Qin calmly began to use his soul power to untie his hands imprisoned behind him, planning to make a sneak attack.

"Boom!" At this time, there was already a crisp gong sound in the venue.

The bidding for this third game has already begun.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Soon, people in the venue began to increase the price one after another, which is enough to prove that the herb is attractive to people.

After all, two of them have been sold at a high price before, so when it comes to the third one, there is no suspense, and many people are interested in it.

"Yue'er, will you continue to follow?" Seeing that he had knocked dozens of times, Wei Yan began to feel sorry for the gold coins.

Although the previous two were not the herbs they wanted, but this is the third one, maybe it needs twice as much gold coins as before.

"Knock." Anyway, as long as he can get the soul-transferring grass, gold coins are nothing to Wei Yue.

Gold coins can be earned again, but if this person is gone, it is really gone. Thinking of Sister Shui Sheng's painful face, people unconsciously want to protect her.

"Okay." With her affirmation, Wei Yan gritted his teeth, and then continued to beat the gong.

Because they had already photographed the previous two pieces, they naturally knew what the last blind medicine was, so naturally they couldn't give up, and the people below seemed to know their thoughts and began to stalemate.

After all, this is the last herb, and some people still want it.

Seeing the number of the little phantom beast on the table rise to three digits again, the soul master felt his heart beat faster.

Didn't you think that these three herbs tonight are more precious than the ore before?I really don't understand what that little girl is thinking, obviously I have already photographed two pieces before, isn't it enough?
Thinking of what she said before, could it be that the ore was sold just to buy these herbs?
(End of this chapter)

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