The lord is looking at me

Chapter 471 is finally here

Chapter 471 is finally here
Wei Yue's thoughts are naturally obvious. Of course, only the soul master knows this.

After all, the people present didn't know that the person who was beating the gong desperately was the person who sold the ore before, and they couldn't figure out that someone would sell those herbs at a high price.

Although medicinal herbs are rare and hard to find, they are still slightly inferior to Horcruxes. After all, Horcruxes can be used continuously, but this medicinal herb is used less once.

"130 rings, deal." Because Anqin made a fuss before, the third auction went smoothly.

The instrument soul master looked at the brocade box on the stage, and moved it upwards with eyes filled with disbelief.

Unexpectedly, the third one was still taken down by that little girl.

"Yue'er, it's done." Looking at the brocade box handed over by the other party, Wei Yan was suddenly overjoyed.

It was not easy to photograph this.

Wei Yue nodded, and began to count the gold coins to the other party, and then exchanged the brocade box back.

"Girl, you really spent money tonight." The soul master was a little surprised when she thought that all three medicinal herbs had been bought by her.

After all, it cost a lot of gold coins this time.

Wei Yue smiled, looked at the soul-changing grass in the brocade box, and then heaved a deep sigh of relief, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"You're welcome." The soul master smiled, and then stepped back.

Although we have only been together for a few days, that little girl's behavior is really old-fashioned, not at all the temper that a woman of her age should have, but also because of this, I always feel that this little girl is very easy to get along with.

At this time, because they photographed the three medicinal herbs three times in a row in their private room, they immediately attracted the attention of the people below. After all, they spent a lot of gold coins this time. Don't dare to do that.

"Yue'er, shall we leave now?" Feeling those probing gazes below, Wei Yan felt very uncomfortable.

Hearing his question, Wei Yue nodded, put the brocade box in front of her into the tail ring, and then got up, "Since what I want is already in hand, I'm not interested in other things, it's better to rush back first." .”

Thinking about Brother Dafeng's condition, it really can't be delayed.

Seeing her anxious expression, Wei Yan suddenly became more puzzled, who could make this stinky girl so interested?It's really annoying.

"Go." Wei Yue said as she walked towards the small door on the other side of the private room.

That side is specially for people to go downstairs, and they can go directly to the direction of the first floor without being noticed.

After all, going down from here is close to the door, so the people inside naturally don't pay much attention to the situation here.

The soul master who was planning to continue the auction naturally also noticed the change in the private room. Although he was a little puzzled, he also knew the rules here. After all, they can't interfere with the buyer's affairs.

No one detained them until Wei Yue left the dungeon. After all, there were too many people coming to the dungeon this time, and dragons and snakes were mixed together, so naturally they would not attract people's attention.

As soon as he got out of the dungeon, Wei Yue rushed to the inn without stopping, planning to help see a doctor first.

"Yue'er, slow down." Looking at the fast-moving figure ahead, Wei Yan panted and tried his best to keep up.

Hearing the voice behind, Wei Yue hesitated for a while. This time, there may be some places where the elder brother can help me in the past, so I'd better wait.

By the time the two arrived at Tongfeng's inn, it was already the middle of the night.

Because most people in the city went to the dungeon to join in the fun, there were no people in the inn at all, and many rooms were empty, so there was no sense of popularity at all.

"You..." Looking at the two people who suddenly ran in from outside the door, the little girl was suddenly awakened and looked at each other suspiciously.

"Look for someone." Wei Yue didn't continue to argue with the other party, but walked straight to the small courtyard inside.

Sister Shui said before that they seem to be moving to the small courtyard inside.

Seeing the two who were still in front of them running straight towards the small courtyard at the back, the little one was a little puzzled and hurriedly followed.

After all, the previous guests over there had told them not to be disturbed by anyone.

"Yue'er?" Just as Xiao Er was about to go up to ask, a familiar voice sounded.

"Sister Shui." Looking at the figure coming out of the yard with a basin, Wei Yue's eyes flashed with joy.

It was hard to get the medicine, so naturally I was eager for someone to share it.

Seeing her excited appearance, Shui Sheng naturally guessed that things might be going well, "Go in and have a look."

While speaking, he put the basin in his hand aside, and directly pulled the other party forward.

In an instant, only Wei Yan and the Xiao Er were left in the yard.

"So you know each other." Seeing that Shui Sheng greeted him so warmly, the little girl naturally had no intention of stopping her.

Since they are acquainted, there is no need to disturb or not to disturb.

"Who is that woman?" Wei Yan ignored Xiao Er's words and walked straight ahead. He wanted to see who could make his sister care so much.

When he came to the front room, he was almost moved to tears by the strong smell of herbs.

What the hell happened!

"Yue'er, how are you doing?" At this moment, Shui Sheng was looking anxiously at the figure who was feeling his pulse.

As soon as Wei Yue entered the room, she was shocked by the scene in front of her, especially when she saw the figure on the couch that had almost lost half of her life, she couldn't believe it.

It only took a few days, how could the disease suddenly become so serious?
"I've been suffering from illnesses for the past few days, I'm afraid of him..." Thinking of the scene of the illness, Shui Sheng still felt it vividly, and felt extremely worried.

"The previous injection was relieved a bit." Thinking of what he explained before leaving, Wei Yue suddenly felt lucky.

Fortunately, I taught the enemy how to fight at that time, otherwise what I saw at this time might not be a living person.

Thinking of the high-spirited appearance of Brother Feng in Yuzi Kingdom before, it is really difficult to integrate with this person who has become thin and his face has changed. The identity of this half-devil is really like a curse.

"Well, his complexion will be much better after each injection." Shui Sheng nodded, there is no doubt about this.

"I've already brought back the medicinal herb, which can extend his life, but how many years it can help him in the end depends on his luck." Wei Yue stood up helplessly while talking.

Naturally, the bloodline of this half-devil cannot be changed. Although I don't know what is the reason for this, it is the curse that God gave this human-devil love, and their offspring are so short-lived.

"Yue'er, he seems to be seriously ill." At this moment, Wei Yan seemed to have forgotten the previous unhappiness, and kept looking at the comatose figure on the couch.

(End of this chapter)

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