The lord is looking at me

Chapter 473 Fortunately, I have you

Chapter 473 Fortunately, I have you
Just when Wei Yue felt that the silver needle was almost used up, there was a knock on the door.

"Yue'er, the medicine is ready." Shui Sheng gently opened the door and walked in, looking very cautious.

Seeing her coming in alone, Wei Yue was a little puzzled, but he didn't have time to ask, "It's just in time, give Brother Feng a drink."

At this time, those agglomerates are already disappearing, and with the help of this herb, I believe it will be effective.

Shui Sheng nodded, and then walked forward with the medicine in hand.

Looking at the unconscious figure on the couch at this time, her eyes were unconsciously covered with mist, and her voice became a little choked up, "He...will he be all right?"

"Don't worry, the effect of this soul-transferring herb is very powerful." Although Wei Yue didn't know why such a precious herb appeared here, the things recorded in the heavenly book must be correct.

Coupled with the fact that there are so many precious auxiliary medicinal materials this time, the boiled stuff will definitely not be bad.

"En." Shui Sheng nodded, and then walked forward with the medicine, intending to feed the other party the medicine.

Seeing her anxious appearance, Wei Yue stood aside and watched quietly. At this moment, I believe the other party is also very anxious, right?
"Brother Feng, come here." Looking at the figure on the couch at this time, Shui Sheng held back tears, and then put a spoonful into the other's mouth.

Maybe it was because he was still in a coma, as soon as the concoction touched the other party's mouth, it flowed down the side, and the other party had no intention of drinking it at all.

"Brother Feng probably did this because he was in a coma." It stands to reason that he should be awake for the medicine, right?Wei Yue thought about it, and was hesitating whether to wake him up.

"Don't worry, I have a solution." When the other party just finished speaking, Shui Sheng had already poured all the medicine juice in his hand into his mouth, and then his body slowly moved forward, directly getting close to the other party.

Looking at the two people close together in front, Wei Yue also touched her mouth subconsciously, and instantly recalled that she seemed to be like a big shot before.

So, is there another way to feed the medicine?But it seems that it is really effective, and Brother Feng seems to have swallowed the medicinal juice.

After feeding the medicine, Shui Sheng began to blush belatedly, a little afraid to face the figure on the couch.

"You can take it three times today, and the remaining residue can be refined into elixir and taken every day. I believe that Brother Feng's health will definitely improve in less than a month." Looking at the figure on the couch who had already fed the medicine , Wei Yue stepped forward and began to explain the situation.

"En." Shui Sheng nodded vaguely, looking a little embarrassed. She was in a hurry just now, and she really didn't think too much.

"Brother Feng will continue to give needles, Sister Shui, just watch from the sidelines, and you must use that set of needles every day." Wei Yue didn't notice anything wrong with the other party's expression at all, wasn't it just a kiss?What's so bad about that?

She was like this with big shots before!Apart from the better taste, there seems to be no other special feeling.

"Okay." Shui Sheng lowered her head shyly, put down the bowl in her hand and stood aside, planning to start studying.

The effect of the herb this time is indeed very good. Only then did I put down my stomach, and I can already see the effect of the medicine. I can vaguely see a stream of heat flowing from the opponent's tendons, directly rushing away the remaining lumps. Scatter until it disappears.

The blood of this half-demon is indeed a little different from that of ordinary people. It can't help but look darker, and there are many more veins inside, but there is a disadvantage, that is, the veins of the body are very narrow and small, so it can be seen. Easy to knot and condense into lumps.

"We have done what we have to do. As for what will happen to Brother Feng later, it depends on his good fortune." Wei Yue picked up the silver needle on the side and began to demonstrate while talking.

Seeing the other party start to make a move, Shui Sheng immediately stared with wide eyes, fearing that he might miss something.

Wei Yan and Canyu, who were helping outside before, were already lying on the kitchen side because they were too tired, and they didn't wake up until the sun was high.

And the first thing they did when they woke up was to go to the house to check the situation.

As soon as the door was opened, the strong smell of medicine came from the front, almost choking people could not breathe.

"Yue'er." Because of worry, Wei Yan pushed the door open and walked in, looking around.

He had boiled the medicine well before, so why did he fall asleep all of a sudden, and he slept so late.

"I'm fine, I'm here." Hearing the anxious voice outside, Wei Yue began to respond, and the movements of his hands didn't stop.

This is already the third set of stitches she has taught the other party.

Each set of acupuncture has different effects, and different formations must be used in the morning, afternoon and evening according to different times, so some time is wasted.

"I understand." After learning the third set of acupuncture, Shui Sheng couldn't help sighing.

Obviously, she also learned a lot about the ability of doctors in the college, but suddenly felt that in front of this little girl, it seemed that she had learned everything in vain.

Each set of formations restrains each other and interacts with each other, and the acupuncture method is unique, which has never been seen before. It is really powerful.

"As long as the formation is combined with the effect of the herb, I believe Brother Feng's body will gradually improve." Although the effect is very slow, this is the only way, Wei Yue said, looking helplessly at the couch that figure.

The soul-moving herb was originally used to extend life. If brother Feng really died young as predicted, maybe this life-extending herb can bring him some effect.

At least, he can make up for some unnecessary regrets and accomplish some things he wants to do.

"I see. Don't worry." After memorizing those stitches, Shui Sheng suddenly felt that she had a bottom line, and a little hope slowly sprouted in her heart.

She has always known about the life experience of the person on the couch, but she just pretended not to understand it all the time. What she cares about is every moment now, and as for the future, at least it would be nice to have it once, right?
"Yue'er, his complexion seems to be much better." Thinking of the sallow complexion when he saw that person for the first time, it seemed to be getting a little rosy now, thinking of this, Wei Yan couldn't help feeling relieved.

Sure enough, with this little sister around, nothing is impossible.

Wei Yue nodded, the life-extending grass plus the unique acupuncture, the change of expression is the most normal, "Okay brother, the patient needs to rest, let's go out first."

The next time is to slowly use pills and acupuncture to assist, don't be in a hurry.

"Yue'er, thank you." Looking at the figure walking towards the door, Shui Sheng couldn't help being very grateful. If she wasn't there, he really didn't know what to do.

Hearing the voice behind, Wei Yue waved his hand, signaling to the other party not to be polite, "I'll come back another day."

(End of this chapter)

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