The lord is looking at me

Chapter 474 is about to begin

Chapter 474 is about to begin
Seeing the figure slowly leaving in the distance, Shui Sheng was immediately extremely grateful. If she hadn't been there this time, I really don't know what would have happened.

As long as it is something that can last their lives, even if they can live another day, it is very precious to them.

Looking at the figure who was leaving in a hurry, Wei Yan was a little puzzled, not knowing why he was in such a hurry all of a sudden.

Wei Yue walked all the way towards the kitchen, and soon noticed the Canyu who was lying on the kitchen counter and had changed back to its original shape.

"The thousand-year-old silkworm is really powerful. Yesterday, I added my own blood into it to make medicine." Wei Yan naturally noticed the little thing in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although looking at that little thing seemed to be very scared at the time, but I don't know where the determination came from, but he was actually willing to hit him hard.

"It seems that it is also exhausted." Wei Yue picked up the little thing carefully as she spoke, held it in her palm, and then put it in her arms. Judging by its current condition, it seems that it can't go back for the time being up.

"Yes, it was obedient last night." Thinking of the well-behaved appearance of this thousand-year-old silkworm, Wei Yan couldn't help feeling, why is there such a big gap between this phantom beast and phantom beast?

His wildebeest is not obedient at all, and has always been against him.

"Okay, let's go too." As if thinking of something, Wei Yue walked straight to the door.

Seeing her so anxious, Wei Yan was a little puzzled, not knowing what happened again.

"What's the matter?" Although he was puzzled, he had to keep up with the other party's pace.

"Today is the day for the refiner competition. I have to go and see Sister Lan." Thinking of what happened today, Wei Yue quickened his pace.

Before the competition, he could provoke so many young sons, but he still doesn't know what will happen in this official competition.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Obviously, the dean of Tianyi College told her to pick up something here in Anlinshan, but no one has come to contact her so far. What happened? up?

With confusion in their hearts, the two of them had already arrived at the main street of Anlin Mountain.

Maybe it was because of the refining master competition, even though it was early in the morning, there were already many people standing on the street, each of them hurriedly moving in one direction.

The refiner's competition is held once a year, and the ranking of the Nether Pavilion will be refreshed after each competition. This is a good opportunity to become famous, so many refiners are willing to come here to learn from each other in order to get a greater seal.

After all, the rewards that the winners get every year are also very considerable. This kind of fame and fortune is naturally enough to make many people rush to participate.

"Yue'er, it seems to be over there." Seeing that she seemed to be very concerned about this competition, Wei Yan was a little puzzled, since they didn't participate, should they go?
However, since it was the woman who went, it would be fine for him to follow along.

Wei Yue nodded, seeing that the crowd in front of them was obviously moving in one direction, and then followed, "It seems that the competition of craftsmen is not far away."

It seems that this competition is quite exciting, looking at the expressions of those people, they all seem to be winning.

Soon, the two of them followed the crowd and moved to a relatively spacious place, like a competition field in the center of the city. It was very big, and there was a huge table in the middle. There were many tables and chairs around the table. There were already many people sitting there.

Looking at the clothes on those people, they are obviously not ordinary people, and they are fundamentally different from those who were stopped outside.

This competition seems to be based on status. Some ordinary people can only stand outside the fence and watch. Even if they want to participate, they have to raise their hands to signal. Of course, in the end, their things are not as good as those around the round platform.

After all, it is the same every year.

It was only after Wei Yue and the two tried their best to squeeze in that they noticed the leisurely people around the round platform.

"Yue'er, here, here." At this time, Luo Zhilan, who was already sitting near the round platform, naturally noticed the familiar figure in the crowd, and waved happily, beckoning to the soul master beside her to bring him over.

Because the surrounding voices were too noisy, Wei Yue and the others just squeezed in and didn't notice someone calling them at all. They didn't feel familiar until the soul master stood in front of them.

Under the leadership of that soul master, the soldiers on the other side of the fence did not stop people from coming in.

"Yue'er, I thought I wouldn't see you anymore." Looking at the figure walking towards her, Luo Zhilan became agitated for a while, and for some reason, she felt that she was most at ease with this girl around.

Wei Yue smiled, glanced at the people around her from the corner of her eye, and then sat down calmly.

"Yue'er, don't you really want to go back and rest?" Thinking of what happened last night, this girl must have been up all night, Wei Yan felt extremely distressed.

She was indeed exhausted these past few days, and she didn't let her have a good rest.

"It's okay, don't worry." When practicing in the past, she often stayed up for several nights. Wei Yue is naturally used to such high-intensity things, so her spirit is still good at this time.

Seeing that her face was not good, but her spirit was still good, Wei Yan frowned slightly, although he felt distressed, but he also knew that even if she was asked to go back now, this stinky girl would definitely not be obedient.

Anyway, this kind of weapon competition is very fast, and I believe it will not delay any time.

Slowly, more and more people surrounded the round platform, and the round platform was almost full. Not only here, but also the tall buildings around the round platform were full of people at this time, and they chose an excellent position. wait and see.

After all, this kind of competition is also rare.

In the midair directly in front of the round platform, there is a teleportation crystal, which must have been prepared for those who were not able to watch it live. It seems that many people care about this kind of competition.

Slowly, several figures walked in the direction directly in front of the round platform. The smiling middle-aged man walking in the front was An Huai, the city lord of Anlin Mountain. Although there were still rumors in the city that his son didn't know Whereabouts, but at this time does not affect his mood to host this time.

Standing behind him are some famous families in An Linshan, and there are many old men who have studied Horcruxes well. After all, the Horcruxes in this competition still have to be judged by some experts.

Seeing that the tables and chairs around the round platform were also full of people, An Huai cleared his throat, walked up to the round platform with a smile on his face, and looked around, "This year's Artifact Refiner Competition specially invited people who are very good at Horcruxes." The great soul masters who are studying, I believe it will be very exciting, I announce that this time the competition of refining masters will officially begin."

(End of this chapter)

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