The lord is looking at me

Chapter 475 1 mountain is higher than 1 mountain

Chapter 475 A mountain is taller than a mountain
As An Huai's words fell, there were thunderous shouts all around, as if they were expecting some surprising Horcrux to appear in this competition.

As An Huai slowly sat back, another old man walked up from the side, who should be the host this time.

"According to the rules of previous years, the soul masters who came to participate in the refining master competition should be invited first to compete first, and then to compete with the Horcrux family." The old man spoke methodically, looking calm and calm.

"Okay." Following his words, there were voices of cooperation from all around again.

Wei Yue sat on one side, resting her head on the side table with her hands in boredom. Listening to the noisy sounds around her, she felt that she was about to fall asleep.

The competition of the refining masters is probably just a competition of weapons, right?

"I'll come first." Soon, someone in the crowd jumped onto the round platform, looked at the crowd with a proud look, and slowly took out his own big knife from the tail ring, "One leaf big knife, heavy one One hundred catties, cut iron like mud."

As his words fell, the big knife swayed towards the ground, and the ground seemed to shake a few times.

Regarding the performance of the first player, everyone seemed to have no fear. Soon, another person jumped out from the crowd, and also took out a long rope from his tail ring.

Seeing that the first horcrux competition was about to start, everyone immediately waited eagerly, waiting for a good show.

"This big sword with a long rope is really interesting." Wei Yue half-closed her eyes and looked ahead, with a faint smile on her lips. The competition between the crafting masters is probably to test the endurance of their respective Horcruxes, right?
"Yue'er, are you also interested in Horcruxes?" Hearing her voice, Luo Zhilan also tilted her head and looked at her curiously.

"I'm not interested, and I don't have the time to do such troublesome things." Wei Yue refused without thinking.

Of course, she naturally didn't know that one day she would fall in love with this kind of thing that she despised at the beginning.

"Oh." Hearing what she said, Luo Zhilan's eyes darkened, and then she obediently sat on the side and looked forward.

Seeing that the two people on the round platform were about to start a duel, the breath in the air seemed to become a little impetuous.

"Bang!" Soon, the big knife collided directly with the long rope, sparks sparked out.

After all, the big knife has its own weight, it is more important to be strong, but the long rope is just the opposite, it is extremely light and slender, it can move very flexibly, but it can be stretched and stretched by the owner at will.

Seeing that the two horcruxes on the stage began to collide with each other anxiously, it seemed that there was really no winner, and everyone watching the battle seemed to be getting impatient.

The refiner's competition focuses on speed, after all, there are many participants, if everyone is like this, it must be a few days and nights.

"Let me do it." At this time, the Horcrux family sitting on the side couldn't bear it anymore, and jumped onto the round platform, looking at the two people in front with disdain, "Let me finish them."

Before everyone could react from his words, they saw that he had drawn an arc from his hand at some point, and a strange light flashed from his hand, and then, that light moved towards the two people in front.

Although the two were fighting, they were still alert to their surroundings. When they felt the light, they instinctively blocked it with their Horcruxes.

"Bang bang bang!" With a few crisp sounds, the Horcruxes in the hands of the two men broke instantly and turned into scrap iron.

"Okay." Seeing the sudden scene on the round platform, everyone clapped their hands and applauded. Sure enough, once the people from the Horcrux family made a move, the effect would be different.

For someone who suddenly started disrupting the previous competition, everyone still has a lot of tolerance. After all, the rules are set by everyone themselves anyway.

"Since Second Young Master Xiao has made a move, if there are still people in the audience who come to challenge, they can fight against him." The old man who hosted before slowly walked onto the stage, his expression still very calm.

Although the two people who were defeated before regretted their horcruxes, they were still willing to gamble and admit defeat. After all, this horcrux was indeed inferior to others, and this year was considered a waste of work.

"Let me experience the Horcrux of Second Young Master Xiao." Soon, some people started to jump onto the stage and started provoking.

But soon, the long sword in that person's hand was split in half in the blink of an eye.

It was still that strange dark light, which abruptly broke the object in the opponent's hand.

Seeing that there finally seemed to be something interesting on the round stage, Wei Yue began to wonder, what was that light just now? The people from the Xiao family, could it be the Xiao family who photographed his first ore?

It's just that he didn't see any Horcruxes in the opponent's hand at all, so why did he split his sword in half.

"Yue'er, that's the Horcrux flash of the Xiao family. No one has seen the specific appearance of that thing, but they know that every time it is used, it will flash a strange dark light, which can smash anything." Luo Zhilan enthusiastically began to explain that puzzled little look.

"Flash?" Wei Yue raised her eyebrows, and couldn't help but look at the figure on the round platform amusedly. Seeing the light just now, it was really shining.

It's just that since there is such a powerful thing, why didn't it make it to the list of Horcruxes last year?
"Well, although that thing is mysterious, its functions are limited after all. Last year, it was directly defeated by the eleventh-ranked twin chain." Luo Zhilan said exaggeratedly, as if she was still recalling the scene back then.

"Really?" Speaking of the twin chains, Wei Yue suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen it before.

Isn't this the chain that two strong men in the saber-tooth mercenary group held when they participated in the big martial arts show? It's just that kind of broken things can defeat that flash. It seems that the flash is not what a good thing.

"That's right, but it's been a year, I believe the Xiao family must have remodeled that flash, maybe it has become even more powerful." Luo Zhilan's expression became a little excited when she said this. .

Looking at her intoxicated appearance, it seems that she also has a soft spot for this Horcrux. Is it because the people in An Linshan like Horcruxes?
"This flash will be transformed after a year, and other things are naturally possible." Wei Yue smiled, and then continued to look at the round platform.

Hearing her sudden words, Luo Zhilan was slightly taken aback, and immediately raised her cheeks and thought about it, this seems to be the case.

Since this flash can be reconstructed, so can the Horcruxes that were defeated by other people. It seems that this year's competition is really exciting to watch.

In any case, she must not lose this year.

(End of this chapter)

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