The lord is looking at me

Chapter 476 You Are Awesome

Chapter 476 You Are Awesome

Soon, Xiao Mi, the second son of the Xiao family, defeated the several refiners who came up from behind in an instant, and immediately, the faces of the people around were also slightly surprised.

Everyone knows about the Horcruxes of the Xiao family. Last year, that flash was clearly not even in the top ten. This year it seems to have been improved, and it defeated so many people in one fell swoop.

Because he defeated several people in one fell swoop, Xiao Mi's expression at this moment seemed very complacent.

Seeing him like this, the Xiao family sitting near the round platform couldn't help shaking their heads helplessly. It seemed that the other party had forgotten the words "extreme joy begets sorrow".

Those who are able to participate in this refiner competition have spent a year of research and refined their own Horcruxes to participate in the competition. How can it be so easy to underestimate the enemy?

"Who else wants to come up?" At this moment Xiao Mi was in high spirits, he didn't even notice the expressions on Xiao's family.

Hearing his provocation, everyone around looked at each other in blank dismay. Everyone seemed to be a little hesitant. After all, the opponent had indeed defeated many people before, and those people's Horcruxes were not ordinary.

Seeing that there was no one around to fight for the time being, Xiao Mi seemed even more proud. The people from the Horcrux family sitting around the round platform were also suspicious of each other, thinking about who would win in the next round.

"Then no one, can everyone in this family of Horcruxes start?" As long as they can enter this final decisive battle, they can all be counted on the ranking list of Nether Pavilion Horcruxes, so Xiao Mi is even more serious at this time. proud of himself.

Hearing him say such arrogant words, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little delicate, and everyone seemed to be ready to move again.

After all, this is a competition among craftsmen, and the ones who came today are all the best from the Lan Ling Kingdom, how could it be so easy to be compared by others.

"I'll do it." Soon, someone in the crowd started to fight.

Looking at a teenage boy who jumped up from the crowd, Xiao Mi couldn't help laughing, "Just you?"

Judging from the fact that this child is estimated to be eleven or twelve years old, right?Could it be that he is also a craftsman?
You know, to become a craftsman, the first choice is to possess fire-type soul power, which is the foundation. Although many people can rely on external conditions to refine weapons, to become a craftsman, the attribute of this soul power is Must be fire.

"Is there anyone else?" Seeing the other party's disdainful expression, the child didn't seem to appreciate it either. He crossed his arms and looked at the figure in front of him with his chin raised.

Seeing him speak so freely, Xiao Mi's expression changed, as if his authority was being threatened, "Just you little brat, don't cry when I make a move later."

It's just such a little guy who still yells at him, I really don't want to live.

"It's probably you who will cry later, and I won't cry." The young man tilted his head to one side, as if he was too lazy to look at the other person directly, and the deep indifference made people feel a little funny looking at it inexplicably.

When the surrounding people looked at the boy's expression, they were also amused. Although everyone didn't know whether the boy was a craftsman or not, it was because of his courage to confront the people of the Horcrux family so positively. Already commendable.

"Hmph! Then don't blame me for being rude." Xiao Mi became impatient when he heard that the other party was so rude. Naturally, he noticed that the people around him looked like they were waiting to see the show, and he was furious. .

Alright, before I was still concerned about the fact that the other party was a child and wanted to be merciful, but now it seems that it is really impossible not to teach the other party a lesson.

"It's a shame to take out such a broken Horcrux." The boy was not afraid of the other party's threat at all, but looked at the other party with a disdainful attitude, as if he was laughing at the other party's Horcrux.

"You..." At this time Xiao Mi didn't bother to continue chatting nonsense with the other party, his right hand secretly condensed the soul power, and tightly grasped the Horcrux in his hand, and with a movement of the body, a dark light flew towards the other party.

When they saw the strange flash of light, everyone stretched their necks and looked forward, worried that the child would be injured.

But things were as expected before. When the flash of light moved forward, when it passed the child, it deliberately avoided the other party and flew towards the other side through the air.

Seeing that his horcrux was missing, Xiao Mi was slightly startled, but quickly reacted, condensed his horcrux again, and swung it forward quickly.

There were quite a few shots thrown out this time, and I didn't believe that the other party would dodge. The one just now must be an illusion.

The onlookers saw that Xiao Mi flashed several flashes of light in succession, and they were all surprised, and they didn't expect that he would be so cruel to a child.

Immediately, everyone became more concerned about that child, fearing that he would be split in half by those flashes of light.

But it was strange, when the flashes approached the boy, they seemed to avoid them intentionally, and those flashes flew towards the mid-air again, disappearing directly.

"What's going on?" Seeing himself making two mistakes in a row, Xiao Mi began to realize that he seemed to have missed something.

There must be something wrong with that boy.

"Have you used up your unique skills?" The child who was still holding his hands raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the other party with a questioning tone.

Sensing the strong indifference in the opponent's eyes, Xiao Mi couldn't help being startled, before he could react, a figure flew towards him suddenly, catching him by surprise.

"This is my horcrux, a hundred-step wheel." The young man raised his right foot and greeted the opponent's face with ease.

Xiao Mi didn't know why the other party suddenly appeared in front of him. Before he had any reaction, he felt a pain in the left side of his cheek, and his whole body felt dizzy, and he couldn't stand still.

Was he attacked?

"Isn't this delicious? I also specially used some floral fragrance." After the young man finished speaking, he raised his left foot again, and greeted the other party's right cheek without any reservation.

Xiao Mi actually wanted to resist, but he had been attacked once before, his head hadn't recovered yet, and then there was a burst of pain on the right side of his face, and he fell uncontrollably to one side.

what happened to him?I always feel that my body seems to be out of order.

"Win." Looking at the figure on the ground with stars in his eyes, the boy shrugged his shoulders very easily, as if he had expected such a result a long time ago.

And Xiao Mi was knocked out so straightly, and he didn't wake up until the people from the Xiao family came up to carry him away, which was enough to prove that the other party didn't have any strength left.

"Okay." At this moment, the onlookers immediately cheered. Although they didn't understand what happened just now, the current result was exciting enough.

(End of this chapter)

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