Chapter 478
Naturally, Wei Yue didn't know why she gave the other party so much confidence, but she just knew that the next Horcrux competition would be very exciting.

None of those idle refiners could come up, presumably the next ones would be those from the Horcrux family to compete.

Since the horcruxes of the entire Lanling Kingdom have to pass through this Anlin Mountain, and even come from those horcrux families, the things refined by those horcrux families must be top-grade.

Although the horcrux of the second son of the Xiao family just now didn't look very good, I don't know what will happen to the other members of their family.

"Yue'er, tell me, can I win?" Luo Zhilan looked a little nervous looking at the two people who were already at a stalemate on the stage.

This competition must not be lost, after all, the final reward is very useful to her.

Seeing her erratic eyes, she seemed very nervous, and her body began to shake uneasy, Wei Yue looked at her suspiciously, is this competition really important?

The old man who watched the host before didn't seem to say what the reward is this time. It seems that that thing is very important to Sister Lan.

"I really can't lose this time." Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Luo Zhilan became more anxious, and her hands holding the chain around her neck tightened even more.

"Sister Lan." Seeing that her hands seemed to be trembling, Wei Yue looked at her with some surprise. This was already the case before her competition. If she really went up, would she lose directly?
"I... I'm not nervous." Sensing her probing gaze, Luo Zhilan smiled to hide her uneasiness.

At this time, the stalemate on the stage was the young man who had been winning all the time just now, and the one facing him was Xiao Feng, Xiao's eldest son.

"Both of them seem to be very powerful." Although they haven't started yet, Wei Yue feels from the aura of the two of them that the upcoming competition must be very exciting.

Although she is not very interested in this refining tool, it is helpless to watch them fight for their rankings.

"Well, brother Xiao is very powerful." Luo Zhilan nodded, looking forward, as if she was distracted, "His horcruxes have always been very powerful, but he didn't come to participate last year because of serious illness .”

"Can't this Horcrux be sent to someone to participate in the competition?" Wei Yue was still very curious about this point.

After all, the big shot gave her the whip directly before, but she can still use it.

"The horcruxes of the Xiao family are different from those of other families. No one else can use them except myself. Therefore, this is why the horcruxes of the brothers of the Xiao family have no interest in competing for them in the past few years. It doesn't work at all." Luo Zhilan explained unhurriedly, and a trace of admiration slowly filled her eyes.

This kind of absolute Horcrux is really hard to find.

"There is such a Horcrux?" Hearing her explanation, Wei Yue couldn't help raising her eyebrows, their Xiao family is really curious!
Then according to this calculation, even if the Horcruxes manufactured by their Xiao family go out, they can all be used by a soul master. Thinking about it this way, it seems to be quite beneficial. Their Xiao family must have used some means to Let that Horcrux only recognize one master.

"Well, their Xiao family has a secret technique, which is the absolute horcrux. Therefore, their Xiao family's business is the best. Many people want to get that absolute horcrux, and others can't move it at all." Said At this point, Luo Zhilan became even more envious.

"Are you also from that family of Horcruxes?" Thinking that he met them in a nearby town before, Wei Yue didn't include her in the list of this family at all.

After all, sister Lan is related to the city lord, so she can sit here with those aristocratic families.

"Although our Luo family is a small clan, it is also a family of craftsmen with thousands of years of experience. However, the people in the master did not want to compete with the people in Anlin Mountain, so they just moved to a nearby town." Aware of the other party's doubts, Luo Zhilan explained slowly, with a hint of pride in her expression.

Although their Luo family is small, their crafting skills are not bad.

"So that's it." Wei Yue smiled, and suddenly realized.

Since this is the case, the next competition must be very exciting.

"Bang bang bang!" At this time, the original stalemate on the stage had begun, and a big hole was blown out on the ground where the boy moved.

Although the young man's speed was very fast, but his spirit power was weak, Xiao Feng quickly controlled him completely within his sight range.

"What is his Horcrux?" Seeing the one-sided trend on the stage at this time, Wei Yue was a little puzzled, and she couldn't see the other party's gestures clearly until now.

I just saw that the person from the Xiao family flicked his right hand lightly, and a silver light suddenly burst out from his left hand. The speed was very fast and the power was astonishing. I got hit.

"That's a good arrow, it's Brother Xiao's masterpiece, it's actually a bow, but the arrow is built with its own soul power, that's why its power is so amazing, and the Horcruxes of their Xiao family are all The main thing is to hide, so if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to see what they are holding." Luo Zhilan looked forward while explaining, and sighed in her heart.

Now that there are so many people in the refining family, she can wait a little longer. After all, in terms of speed, she will definitely lose.

"That Horcrux is really special." Listening to her explanation, Wei Yue noticed the figure in front of him holding a transparent bow.

"En." Luo Zhilan nodded. Before coming here, someone had secretly informed her about the Horcruxes that other refining families might carry this time, so she knew so well.

Otherwise, in this kind of conference, the refining family would like to hide their Horcruxes first so that the opponents would not find out.

"It seems that the boy is going to lose." Seeing that the winner was about to be decided soon, Wei Yue couldn't help feeling a little pity for the boy.

The Horcruxes of the Xiao family seemed to be faster than that young man, and seeing that young man was struggling to avoid it, it seemed that he had reached his limit.

As soon as she finished speaking, the young man on the stage was directly bounced away by the opponent's Horcrux, and fell into the crowd.

It was rare for an idle craftsman to persevere to this point, so some people in the audience had already started to help the boy up, and some even started to help heal his injuries.

Looking at the little figure who had been knocked unconscious under the stage, Xiao Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he won, he still admired that young man for being able to survive until this time.

(End of this chapter)

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