Chapter 479

Xiao Feng's good arrows are all made of excellent materials, coupled with his own hard work, that's why the power is so amazing.

If it was an ordinary person, few people would be able to dodge his attack, because this time it was just a competition between weapon refiners, so as far as the point is concerned, he still had some scruples when he made a move, at least it would not hurt people's lives.

Seeing that the young man was unconscious, the competition on the stage naturally continued.

Soon, someone from the Lin family also started to challenge on stage.

Looking at the figure standing in front of him, Xiao Feng was a little surprised, and his expression became a little nervous.

Feeling that the expression of the Xiao family on the stage was a little weird, Wei Yue couldn't help being a little curious, and looked at the woman on the ground.

That person seemed to be from the camp of the Lin family. His attire was neat and tidy, and his eyebrows and eyes were rather delicate, but his stern face made people look a little indifferent.

"That's from the Lin family." At this moment, Luo Zhilan took the initiative to do the job of explaining, looking at the figure on the stage.

"The atmosphere between the two of them is a bit strange." From the beginning, Wei Yue felt so, especially looking at the expression of the Xiao family, he seemed nervous.

"That's natural. Brother Xiao and Sister Nalin have an engagement, and the wedding date seems to be in a few months." Luo Zhilan explained simply, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what she said.

Anyway, everyone on the street knows about this.

"No wonder..." Hearing her explanation, Wei Yue suddenly realized, seeing the indifferent expressions of the Lin family, it seemed that the next competition would not be soft.

It's just that the Xiao family's frightened expression is really intriguing.

"Ling'er." Sensing the awkwardness in the atmosphere at this moment, Xiao Feng laughed a few times and looked at the other party with a flattering expression.

"Crack!" But Lin Ling didn't appreciate it, she stretched out her right hand lightly, and a fiery red whip appeared in her hand, and even a slight movement of the whip towards the ground could draw a deep mark.

And the appearance of the whip is a bit strange, the color looks a bit like mahogany wood, even the body of the whip seems to be knotted, I don't know, I thought it was just an ordinary thing.

"Ling'er, don't be like this." Seeing the opponent make the first move, Xiao Feng suddenly felt a little sorry, and looked at the opponent with a flattering expression.

It was clearly agreed before that they would not play against each other, why did this change all of a sudden?It is said that the sea needle in this woman's heart looks thinner than the sea needle.

"Let's do it." Lin Ling completely ignored the other party's words, flicked the whip in his hand forward, and slowly sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Ling'er..." Looking at her indifference, although Xiao Feng had already gotten used to it before, but now it's a competition of craftsmen, it's not a joke, he has the entire Xiao family on his back!
"Crack!" Before the other party could finish speaking, Lin Ling swung the whip forward.

Seeing the whip that was approaching, Xiao Feng was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously dodged in a hurry, not daring to use a good arrow at all.

His horcrux is too lethal, even if he strictly controls his soul power, it is easy to hurt the opponent. As long as he thinks that the arrow will hit the opponent, his heart will be extremely distressed. How can he care about any competition at this time? !

At this time, the Xiao family who were sitting on the sidelines watching the battle seemed to be calm, as if they were used to their behavior, they didn't express their attitude at all, and some even laughed out loud.

Seeing the opponent dodging his whip easily, Lin Ling snorted softly, and with a slight movement of the soul power in his right hand, the whip in his hand seemed to come alive. mid-air.

Seeing that he was suddenly surrounded by the whips, Xiao Feng suddenly had the urge to cry, he must have been out of his mind when he went out today, why did he believe what the woman said?

Obviously, everyone had already discussed it before, and they were determined not to face each other, but things changed in the blink of an eye, what a pain!
At this time, the crowd watching could only see that the Xiao family was dodging the other party's whip, and there was no room for resistance at all.

"The Xiao family really loves my wife enough." Judging from the interaction between them, Wei Yue can already conclude.

Although the Xiao family members were already avoiding, there was no anger in their eyes at all. On the contrary, there was a hint of pampering. How deep it must be to have that kind of expression!
"Well, Big Brother Xiao has always been like this, so many girls in An Linshan are envious of Sister Lin." Luo Zhilan nodded, and immediately looked forward to it. She didn't know when she would meet that kind of man.

Every time I see Sister Lin doing what she likes wantonly, no matter what happens, there will always be someone behind her to help her end. The absolute sense of security is really yearning for.

"People from the Xiao family seem to like absolute things." Seeing the man's unconditional doting on the Lin family, Wei Yue suddenly began to understand.

Thinking about it this way, big shots seem to treat themselves in the same way, right?From the beginning, she didn't seem to have done anything for him, but she often appeared suddenly to help him.

"Well, the men from the Xiao family are all very dedicated." Luo Zhilan nodded with starry eyes.

"I can do it too." Wei Yan, who had been sleeping on the side all this time, suddenly raised his head and looked at the other party with a firm look. Before the other party could react, he had already lay back on his stomach again.

Looking at the half-asleep and half-awake figure, Luo Zhilan shook her head helplessly.

"It seems that there is no suspense in this battle!" Seeing that the Xiao family did not dare to fight back, Wei Yue naturally knew the outcome.

Soon, Xiao Feng was hit by the breath of the opponent's whip when he couldn't dodge in time, and his whole body was sent flying to the side. Fortunately, he was able to stand still because of his quick response.

At that time, Lin Ling's expression also appeared a little nervous.

"Next, it will be the Meng family?" Seeing that the winner on the stage has been decided, Wei Yue couldn't help but look at the figure sitting directly opposite.

From the moment they entered the arena, the territory of their Meng family was completely silent, as if no one cared about the competition on the stage at all, and they were always waiting for something.

But the people outside the fence were extremely enthusiastic, yelling loudly from time to time, compared with the low pressure area of ​​Meng's house, it was really against harmony.

"Well, because our Luo family is small, we have always been ranked last." Luo Zhilan nodded, seeing that the competition had progressed to this point, she became nervous again.

"Well, that's good." Seeing that a person seemed to come out from the Meng family, Wei Yue was suddenly curious.

(End of this chapter)

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