Jia Ru can come back

Chapter 274 I know this person

Chapter 274 I know this person
In March, misty rain south of the Yangtze River, peach blossoms are like fire and willows are like smoke.City A was still drizzled with a hint of cold. When I walked out of the office, I wrapped my coat and quickly got into the car and started the car.

Driving all the way to the downtown business district, due to the rainy weather, the traffic jam was crawling like a snail.After finally finding a parking space and stopping the car, I put on my hat and ran towards the building.

First, I went to the book city and held a brief meeting with several supervisors, and roughly asked them to give me a list of what happened that day.This is the first reform policy since I took over Bashan Bookstore, because I don't have that much time to spend all my time here, so I can only come over from the office after get off work, so I need a competent assistant to help me manage it.

At present, I have set up three supervisors, and let all employees take up their posts in a rotating manner, and select those with leadership ability from them. In the end, I will choose one of them to become the main person in charge of the book city.

I announced this at the beginning, in addition to making the operation of the book city systematable, it is also to boost morale.Only a competitive workplace can make people passionate.This sentence is what I saw when I read management books recently.

After finishing the reporting work in the book city, I went upstairs to Bashan Shengying. Relatively, the management of this floor is easier than that of the book city.The theater itself is operated by professional film and television professionals, and people are also in charge of film scheduling negotiations and arrangements, which is relatively worry-free for me.

As for the photo studio, there is a team of professional photographers, so I don't need to worry too much.

So basically just come up to say hello, unless there is a difficult problem, I will need to make a decision.

But I didn't expect that there was something in the photo studio staring at me, saying that a couple of clients came to take wedding photos. Everything went well on the day of shooting, but when I came to choose the film today, I asked for a refund. The reason is that the shooting technology It's too bad, I took the unretouched pictures and pretended to be refined ones, which is suspected of defrauding consumers.

With the doors open, there will be disputes.I am not surprised, on the contrary, because I am a lawyer, I am more calm and calm when facing these disputes.After learning about the specifics, I asked Xiao Qi to bring up the photo of the couple for me to see.

I couldn't help but pause when the photo of the new couple appeared on the computer screen. Is this the photo after editing?

How should I put it, the two people in the photo are... bloated, and they look like a husband and wife.Calling up the previous photos, I can only remain silent. The difference between repairing and not repairing is big or small.

I asked what the couple's requirements were, and Xiao Qi said that there was only one requirement—to make the bride beautiful.

I asked again, what is the point of their doubts?Xiaoqi spread his hands at me, saying that he made the bride fat.The corners of my mouth couldn't help twitching. Could it be that a fat man weighing nearly two hundred catties was turned into a bolt of lightning?
The couple was received by Xiaoqi, and naturally she was responsible for the selection of the film, so I patted her on the shoulder to express my comfort.Meeting such unreasonable customers can only be tolerated for a while, and the service industry is like this.

My suggestion is to try to retouch the photos of the bride as much as possible, and then find a way to send some benefits as compensation.Encountering unreasonable customers can only be dealt with extremely, but Xiaoqi called at noon the next day and hurriedly said that something happened.

I had to drop what I was doing and rush over there, and took the direct elevator to the top floor.Because the main entrance of the studio has to go around the theater in a big circle, and to pass through the theater only needs to go through a long corridor to the end, I am used to choosing the shortcut.

When I passed by a movie theater, I heard thunderous applause inside, and I couldn't help but wonder why watching a movie is like this?If I hadn't been busy here, I really wanted to go in and find out which film was on the line that made the audience applaud so strongly.

But when I entered the studio, I found that there was no one there. On the way here, Xiaoqi said that the couple came to the studio today to make a fuss, arguing to sue the studio for fraud, and the man even beat up the photographer of the studio. .

Things are no longer vexatious, but malicious.I called Xiaoqi, but after ringing many times, I didn't answer. I vaguely heard some movement above my head, and I couldn't help but feel moved. Could it be that everyone gathered on the top of the building?
When I got to the stairs, I really heard movement. There was indeed a voice coming from the top, so I couldn't help but quicken my pace.

The moment we met, the corners of my mouth were half raised, and my eyes slowly shrank from where they fell, and gradually became more serious, and then narrowed.

This is a relatively slow process, because the memory line is being involved, and it seems to be long and short.

In fact, I only showed half of my head from the stairs, and the voice came to my ears first. I thought about many possibilities, but I never thought that one day I would see someone standing on the stage, giving a lecture with full of emotion!
There was an empty seat in the last row, and I slipped into one of the chairs without anyone noticing me.

The man on the stage was wearing a headset, and he was particularly eye-catching in a well-tailored dark blue suit, making it impossible for hundreds of audience members to take their eyes off of him.The voice is low and full of magnetism, with a subtle rustling texture, and often throws out a few burdens, causing people in the audience to burst into laughter.

If we talk about the biggest feature of this person, it's not that handsome face, but that particularly clear eyes.There was an irrepressible light in there, even though he looked very thin, he still couldn't cover up his own light shining.

Hearing the little girl on the seat next to her giggle, she turned to her companion and said, "This handsome guy is really funny."

The companion said: "Isn't it? We all came to watch movies, and I didn't take it seriously when I was invited to talk about a project activity. I didn't expect this buddy to be so eloquent."

I turned my face slightly, and asked aloud, "Are you all here to watch the movie?"

The little girl turned her head to look at me, "Yes, I bought a ticket to watch The Avengers. The theater suddenly said that we will do a special event for the lucky ones to go to the rooftop, and there will be a grand prize draw on the spot."

"So did you win the prize?"

The little girl shook her head: "The grand prize hasn't been opened yet, so I drew two rounds of the third prize and the second prize. But the anti-cancer story told by this handsome guy is very interesting. It is said that he is a volunteer of the Anti-Cancer Foundation. Listen, it’s not worth the trip.”

I looked back at the person on the stage, and said softly, "I know this person."

"Really? You are also a volunteer for the Anti-Cancer Foundation? How can I join?"

I thought about it, "Maybe you have to ask the supervisor about this."

After looking around the field, several cameras were set up, and it seemed that they were doing live broadcasting.Suddenly there was a slight movement in my heart, could it be that all the images played in the theater hall below were from this side?

At this moment, the man on the stage was silent for a while and then said: "Actually, I am a patient with brain disease, and many of the stories I told you are my own empathy. It's not that I don't want to describe my disease as a disease Cancer, but I think there is still room to fight. I am married and my wife is a very good lawyer."

There was an uproar, and some young girls couldn't help but sigh with regret.

I sat there and frowned, without moving.

He said again: "But I made her angry last October, and she said she would never forgive me again. I used to think that the best thing for the person I love the most is that I only I can do for her, but in fact..."

Hesitating to speak made the audience anxious: "In fact what?"

But saw him grinning: "Don't talk about me, let's start drawing prizes."

Upon hearing this, everyone diverted their attention, everyone looked forward to it, and a group of people echoed and asked, "What is the grand prize?"

"Temporarily keeping it secret, we will announce it later when the lucky winner is drawn."

There were boos from the audience, but when he took out the lottery machine similar to the sports lottery jackpot, everyone was still looking forward to it with bated breath.Seeing this, I felt that there was no need to stay any longer. I got up and was about to leave when suddenly a message came from the stage: "The winning number is 101." All of a sudden everyone turned their heads, and there was a sound of gasping around me, and at this moment it was me It stood there, so it was particularly eye-catching.

Of course, the gaze on the stage, volleying across the small stage and the crowd, fell on me slowly.

"Ah! No. 101 is you." The little girl shouted in amazement.

I lowered my eyes and confirmed that her eyes were talking to me, but I didn't understand: "What number 101?"

The little girl turned over the chair I was sitting on, revealing the number posted underneath: 101.

"Now," said the person on stage, drawing everyone's attention back, including me, "I can announce what the grand prize is." I raised my eyebrows, waiting for the next article.

"a kiss."

The audience was silent and completely silent.

I cursed in a low voice, turned around and left, and walked quickly.

The number of times I have swearing in my life is really very few, but just now I cursed: Fuck his kiss!
I don't believe that the machine will draw the number 101 by such a coincidence. If so, I should go buy a lottery ticket today.After I walked a few steps, I heard someone on the stage shout: "Jia Xiaoru, I'm back, and you still owe me a kiss."

I stopped suddenly, not being stopped by the people behind me, but two figures in front of me blocked my way, one was Zhou Liang and the other was Tang Jin.I don't have eyes to see Zhou Liang, but Tang Jin?
Tang Jin shrugged and said with a smile, "Forgive me, this is the task Ah Jing entrusted to me."

Zhou Liang snorted coldly: "Don't yell, Ajing, Ajing, what's the matter with you." Tang Jin didn't care about him.

Obviously commotion behind me, I lowered my eyes.

"This lesbian, you won a lottery, why don't you cash it out?"

(End of this chapter)

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