Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 1002 Methods of Educating Children 1

Chapter 1002 Methods of Educating Children 1
Liu Yiyi suppressed a smile, and asked such a malicious question.

Uh, it's really hard for Qian to answer this question.At this time, Qian Shi heard it in his own ears, and Qian Shi thought that Liu Yiyi was doing it on purpose.

Liu Yiyi intentionally let the sick man come back to their home.

This dead woman just likes to fight against her.

Liu Yiyi just likes to look at herself unhappy, doesn't Liu Yiyi know how much painstaking effort she and the old man put in to get rid of the sick man?
Since you, Liu Yiyi, have been able to raise the sick child for almost two full years, it's the same if you continue to be a good person to the end. Why let the sick child appear in their house again.

Qian's hates this kind of woman who takes their family's troubles seriously.Liu Yiyi is really damned!

As usual, Qian kept shouting in his heart, but didn't really speak out against Liu Yiyi...

Liu Yiyi also knew that Qian Shi really couldn't do anything to her now.

Such a woman, to Liu Yiyi, her feathers have been completely cut off by her.Therefore, the Qian family, and everyone in their old Qian's family can no longer flop.

Liu Yiyi returned to her yard.I saw my sister Baozi flopping about in the yard again.

It seems that since her two Baozi brothers go to school every day, she has endless energy.Moreover, Liu Yiyi observes carefully, she can still arrange her daily life in an orderly manner.

For example, when I woke up in the morning, I put on my clothes first, then followed my two elder brothers, washed up, and then ran to Liu Yiyi's place, holding her thighs and begging for a hearty breakfast.

For breakfast, Liu Yiyi was not harsh on them.

Liu Yiyi will usually agree, as long as they don't ask too much.

Next, Brother Baozi went to school, and sister Baozi would disappear under Liu Yiyi's nose for half a day.

Liu Yiyi actually knew what she was doing. Sister Baozi hid in her two brothers' study to practice calligraphy.

After an hour has passed, Sister Baozi will ride her little monster for a stroll around the village.

Check whether the food in her home is enough for the villagers to eat.If it's not enough, I can't let my mother make this wrong decision again.

Then, Sister Baozi would go to the vegetable garden, grab a fresh cucumber, and eat it as fruit to quench her thirst.

She was tired from playing alone, and she would go back to Liu Yiyi's kitchen soon after checking the time.Because at this time, Liu Yiyi was making lunch.

Usually at this time, sister Baozi would also beg to cook two more dishes for lunch, but the chances of Liu Yiyi agreeing to her are very small.

Together with brother Baozi who came back from school, after lunch, sister Baozi would take a rest and lie down on the big kang where she slept with her mother, with her feet turned upside down for two hours.

After getting up, I went to practice calligraphy again, and practiced for about an hour, and then I would wait for my two older brothers to come back from school again.

Then Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang would secretly check the achievements of Sister Baozi's secretly practicing calligraphy behind Liu Yiyi's back.

Usually, at this time, when the three brothers and sisters came out of the study, they were all very high-spirited.That's a shame... If you happen to see Liu Yiyi, the degree of contempt for Liu Yiyi's small eyes is super big...

(End of this chapter)

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