Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 1003 Methods of Educating Children 2

Chapter 1003 Methods of Educating Children 2
Of course Liu Yiyi knew why, the reason was very simple, Sister Baozi practiced her calligraphy very well.That's the only reason.

Oftentimes, Liu Yiyi couldn't help it, and found two simple copybooks, and practiced for a while in front of Sister Baozi.

Often at this time, Sister Baozi would be particularly tugging, and sometimes she would turn her back and twitch her shoulders with a smile, looking very underwhelmed.

In this way, Liu Yiyi will know to some extent how literate this little sister Baozi has reached.

Alas, look at her mother, in order to educate this stinky child, her good intentions have really been used to the limit.

Liu Yiyi thought she was great.

After Liu Yiyi practiced calligraphy, Sister Baozi was still reluctant to put down the paper Liu Yiyi was practicing calligraphy. Sister Baozi still couldn't help shaking her head and sighing. It is already known that she knows a lot of words.

Liu Yiyi would sometimes ask Sister Baozi: "Girl, do you think Mother's handwriting is good? Do you think you can recognize all these words? This, and this... Do you know them?"

Liu Yiyi used this method to check how well Sister Baozi can read.Sister Baozi has no worries about this at all.

I saw that she would always stare her eyes wide with confidence, drag her little head with a look of trepidation, and pretend to say to Liu Yiyi: "Oh, mother, this word looks really difficult... sister doesn't know me..."

These words came from Baozi's sister, Liu Yiyi thought, she didn't know if she was praising herself or laughing at her mother.

However, Liu Yiyi was also relieved. Damn it, Liu Yiyi knew about the improvement in her studies, and she was completely mobilized by her mother.

From then on, Liu Yiyi will find that sister Baozi's enthusiasm for learning will be even stronger.

After dinner, sister Baozi and her two elder brothers will start chasing wildly after finishing their studies.

Liu Yiyi found that Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang were about to grow into teenagers now.

They are now eight years old.

Although they are not very old, maybe Liu Yiyi's family's nutrition is really good, and they also like to stuff some food in their backpacks when they go to school from time to time, so...

For Liu Yiyi, this kid was already near her waist.

This is really powerful.

Liu Yiyi could say that she watched these two buns grow from sallow and emaciated to full of energy now, and sometimes it made her want to step up and slap them twice.

Liu Yiyi is quite happy as a mother.

This is my own achievement.

Although she doesn't have any great ideals, she just wants to be at peace and live a simple life with enough food and drink, but after all, she has educated these three children very well.

She used her own method to kill all the inferiority in them, and let them think they were smart to plot against her.

Let them get a little proud.

This is something that makes Liu Yiyi feel happy and satisfied.

"Mom, you look at me like this, it makes me feel really scared... My brother hasn't finished school yet, has my brother made a mistake again..."


(End of this chapter)

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