Chapter 1094 The Hateful Qian Family 3
"Ah, mother, where are you planning to go..."

Sister Baozi became curious.The eyeballs are wide open.

"Mother, this is a trip... Look at this beautiful river and mountain. Anyway, mother is a person with nothing to do. Unlike your little sister Baozi, there are still things to do at home, and you can farm. Your brother asked you to move to the city. Go live here, you are unwilling in every possible way..."

"That's, that's, I have business to do..." Sister Baozi admitted this very happily, as if, she listened, as if Mother was still praising herself.

Liu Yiyi rolled her eyes.Obviously, she was still a little confused.

"Well, my brother will take good care of my younger sister and younger brother in the future, and the family will depend on you. Your family's household will be used to support the family... All future expenses of the family will depend on you two..." Liu Yiyi took care .

"Uh... Mom, are you going to leave us for a few months? Or you, you have..."

There was not much sadness on Qian Guangguang's face, Qian Guangguang just looked at Liu Yiyi's stomach with a strange look.

I don't know what is going on in Qian Guangguang's mind at this moment?
Liu Yiyi understood a little bit.Why, because last time, the only time Liu Yiyi left these two boys, she went to the city alone to give birth to Sister Baozi.

At this time, it is estimated that this dead boy began to doubt again.

But, you doubt it, and you still stare at her belly with such eyes. Isn't this already explaining the problem, and it is tantamount to telling others directly?
Liu Yiyi's face darkened.

However, Qian Guangguang thinks that this is not enough, and Qian Guangguang is still asking: "Mother, are you having another... Don't worry, I know, you did the same thing last time, but this time, is it a younger brother or a brother?" younger sister……"

"Uh... brother, what are you talking about..." Qian Duoduo also began to be a little skeptical. This couldn't be true, but otherwise, why did my mother say that she wanted to leave me? This seems to be a bit wrong .

Liu Yiyi smiled, the smile was a bit permeable to these two guys...

"Stinky boy, your imagination, my mother really wants to say, this is too rich..."

"Isn't it?" Qian Guangguang was a little worried. "Mom, can you guarantee it?"

Liu Yiyi smiled.There is an evil in the eyes.

"Mother is leaving tomorrow... You, look... Is this going to give mother some travel expenses? The two of you are the ones in charge of our family now... My sister is sure that mother can't get it... Mother can only rely on you... ..."

"No, this won't work..." Qian Duoduo was also unhappy.Mother, this is not trying to cheat yourself of money, is it...

This is not possible.

Now Liu Yiyi deeply felt that the hearts of these two children raised by her family were too dark.

That being the case... she also has a way.


The next morning, Liu Yiyi woke up.Although Sister Baozi was a little sad, she wasn't too sad.It seems that they still think that their mother will come back just after going out to relax.

After Liu Yiyi left, Liu Baoling was very happy.

"Mother is gone, work, work...I still have to farm, don't let anyone stop me...or I'll be in a hurry with him..."

Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang scratched their heads, unable to tell what kind of mood they were in at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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