Chapter 1095 The Hateful Qian Family 4
It was early in the morning when Liu Yiyi left the village.

That's why not many people know about it.

Liu Yiyi walked forward.Originally, she planned to take her family's ox cart, but she didn't plan to come back soon, so Liu Yiyi planned to go to the city temporarily, and then hire a car to look around...

Although her son was unwilling to give him money for traveling, Liu Yiyi still unceremoniously took the whole money jar they had hidden in the small hole in the wall.

These stinky guys, they are all the meat that fell from their own bodies, how could they be so cheap.She takes some money from them, and that's okay.

That's what Liu Yiyi thought.

Liu Yiyi wasn't worried at all.

When she went out this time, she was mainly to relax.

Depressed.She counted carefully, she came to this strange world for a long time.

She left Old Qian's house, got married again, and finally drove that man away again.

She brought up the children, and now, now, the children can be independent, although they are terribly precocious.However, she really had nothing to worry about.They can take care of themselves, that's for sure.

In fact, she planned to go out and have a look very early on.Since coming to this strange world, she has slowly begun to accept the things in front of her.

It's just that the child was still young at that time, but now that the child is grown up, why does she hesitate?
Naturally, it was impossible for Liu Yiyi to guard them like this anymore. Now, Liu Yiyi just wanted to reward herself.

Strolling all the way, I was in a good mood, and soon came to the city.Among the county towns closest to her own village, Liu Yiyi was the only one who walked the farthest.

It seems that in the past few years, she has never been to any other place except here.Speaking of which, it's really a bit embarrassing.

"Okay, let's start now... Well, first find a car hire..."

Liu Yiyi bought some dry food and went straight to the car dealership.

Liu Yiyi just saw a carriage pulled by a strong carriage.

"Okay, just for this price, take me to the next town...I'll give you a tael of silver..."

"One tael of silver, ah, that's not okay, it's a bit small, it's not worth it for me..."

Liu Yiyi looked like, "Why is it less, will you make money, you drag me to the next town, it only takes a day, how much will this delay you..." Liu Yiyi looked like you don't agree, I won't do it Stance.

Negotiating a price with someone.Suddenly, a figure appeared at this time.

Liu Yiyi was taken aback, "Qian Shi, are you...following me?"

"Liu Yiyi, look at what you said... I'm here to take care of you, so don't be kind all the time..." Qian had been sitting at the head of the village waiting for Liu Yiyi early this morning.She also wanted to go out for a stroll. Last time, the only time she went out was not a pleasant experience. Qian always regretted it. Now, she finally waited for this good time.Liu Yiyi planned to be alone, leaving the child behind and going out for a walk. As early as last night, after hearing such important news from Liu Yiyi's house, Qian immediately said nothing, and she went home and began to pack up. .

Qian could almost say that she didn't sleep all night because she was excited, how could she fall asleep.

That dead old man also planned to come with Qian Shi.

(End of this chapter)

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