Chapter 415
Didn't you hear?Wang Guihua said that she had a child in her stomach.This is the child of the old Qian family...

Qian's now hopes that Liu Yiyi will come to help and get Wang Guihua away.

When Liu Yiyi heard this, she didn't want to go in to watch the theater.

"Oh, that's it... Well, isn't Wang Qi just having something to do with our family? Let's go, I'm sorry Qian, let's go then..."

Not long after Liu Yiyi stepped into Lao Qian's courtyard, Liu Yiyi left again.

Qian was stunned.She was furious, this dead woman, she knew it was unreliable, thanks to her old man, he also said that if she used this woman's hand to deal with Wang Guihua, their old Qian family would be fine.

Damn, do you see now that Liu Yiyi, a thief woman, is smarter than a monkey, she has no intention of falling into the trap at all, no matter how curious she is about the old Qian family, she won't be fooled.

This shows what?
Qian was so angry that he jumped up.

Being dragged by Liu Yiyi, Wang Qi sighed in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Now you can feel at ease..."

"I'm relieved, and I'm even happier... It seems that the good days of Lao Qian's family will never come to an end.

Wang Qi, tell me, does this kid belong to Lao Qian's family?I've always suspected that Wang Guihua has only been here for a few days, so she already has everything... Do you think it could be another wild man? With her horny personality, don't say it, it's really very possible. "Liu Yiyi likes gossip like this the most.

Liu Yiyi was talking to Wang Qi with such a serious face when she passed by her own field on the way back.

Wang Qi just laughed and didn't make a sound.It seems that Wang Qi is happy to be like this.Liu Yiyi then began to guess other possible letters.

However, at this moment, Qian Xuantian, who was hiding in the nearby farmland and was planning to go back to check the situation, happened to hear him too.

That's right, Qian Xuantian thought, this child must not be mine, it's too soon, he and Yuelan haven't had any children for so many years, but, did Wang Guihua herself do that thing like her? Even he himself didn't know this.

Thinking about it this way, Qian Xuantian couldn't sit still anymore.

Qian Xuantian was so anxious that he wanted to run home.

Qian Xuantian felt that it was unlucky enough for him to provoke the old woman Wang Guihua to come to his house, but she still calculated him like this.Treated him like a fool from beginning to end!If the child is not his own, then he has helped others to raise the child, and will he wear this green hat for the rest of his life?
Qian Xuantian believed Liu Yiyi's analysis at this time.

True or not, he believed that the child was not his.Because he has no impression at all.


Liu Yiyi lived her little life every day, and the weather began to get softer and softer. The winter was over, and the cold spring had passed, and now it was the real spring.

On days like this, the grass that was almost gray at first glance now showed their tender green spores, growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye every day.

The breath of life is so strong, covering this piece of land.

The two little buns in Liu Yiyi's family are also very busy in the field recently. Their daily task is to feed the family's cows, sheep, chickens, ducks, and rabbits.

Every day they drive poultry to the fields for food.Then carefully drive them home overnight.This is their family's property...

(End of this chapter)

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