Chapter 416 Spring is here
Except that the rabbit is not very obedient and likes to wander around and is unwilling to go home, everything else has become a habit, so I don't need to take the two buns too seriously.You can also walk slowly to Liu Yiyi's house as soon as the time is up.

After Liu Yiyi discovered this situation, she thought that this poultry could still be raised a little more.

Liu Yiyi did the math, and the price of just one cow is sky-high, which is more expensive than several houses here, so Liu Yiyi decided to mainly raise cattle in the future.

If you raise too many cows, sell them.

The problem now is that there is no place at home to settle down.

Liu Yiyi looked at the old Liu's dilapidated house again.Simply, demolish that dilapidated house and use it as a cowshed.

As for the fan monk, it is enough to build him a smaller house next to him, which is enough for him to live alone.There is no need to fix the kitchen, he can come and eat here.It's the same as now...

Yes, that's it.

Liu Yiyi told Wang Qi her thoughts.

"Raising cattle?" Wang Qi frowned, why does this woman have to raise so many things.

"That's right, a cow is so expensive, I think raising cows can really make money."

Wang Qi frowned, feeling that her thoughts were a bit too simple.

He thought, if this is really profitable, how could he not know.However, because this cow is expensive, not many people can afford it. There are so many, he will see how she ends up.

"The conditions here are so good, it doesn't cost money to raise cattle,..."

"It's true that raising cattle doesn't cost money, but you don't know that raising cattle is risky. If you raise too many cattle and the cattle get sick, one cattle will die first, and then the other will die. It would be a big loss."

Wang Qi thought, maybe he doesn't know that raising cattle is very profitable, because he knows the risks involved, so he has no interest in it at all.

But the woman in front of him was different.

Liu Yiyi began to worry, this is also a matter, and it is a big matter.

If too many poultry are raised and one of them is not managed well, causing them to have some infectious disease, all of them will be finished at once.

In the previous life, there was bird flu almost every day, but in this ancient time, medicine was not so developed, and this is even more unacceptable.

Alas, if it is said that it is such a good condition and does not raise anything, Liu Yiyi herself feels that she is at a loss.

Liu Yiyi shared her thoughts with Fan Seng.

When the fan monk heard this, he was anxious:

"Then raise them, what are you afraid of? These cattle and sheep are separated from other people's homes. As long as we take care of our own homes, how can it be sick? It's not so easy to infect them... I will feed them when the time comes. Just take some medicine..."

The monk said it firmly.

"Uh..." Liu Yiyi didn't understand why this guy had such a swearing face.

"I have studied medicine...don't underestimate me!"

Liu Yiyi covered her face and smiled.Good guy, I really found a treasure.


Liu Yiyi was happy.He nodded quickly, then stood up, and went directly to take Wang Qi to the city to buy cattle and sheep.

As for the chickens and ducks, they don't need to raise more, they are easy to get sick, Liu Yiyi is really worried that there will be a bird flu in ancient times.At that time, wouldn't it be bad luck.

Wang Qi didn't want Liu Yiyi to take this risk, but since she insisted, let's do it with her.

(End of this chapter)

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