Chapter 454 What Will I Do With You? 7
Wang Qi knew what kind of woman Liu Yiyi was, of course he would take what Liu Yiyi said now seriously, but so what, heh, Wang Qi didn't take it seriously.

Wang Qi raised his eyebrows, crossed over directly, kicked Qian Xuantian's foot that was still trying to get entangled, and then stared again, Qian shrank his head and went straight back.

After the surroundings were quiet, Liu Yiyi squinted, did he think she would be grateful to him?

This is impossible.

Liu Yiyi continued to walk forward.Anyway, she has already said this, as to whether to listen or not, that is not her business.For her, this is really impossible.

When Liu Yiyi came home, the two buns at the door of the house each moved a big chair with a backrest to bask in the sun and ate melon seeds, and the two big dogs at their feet watched them eat with a grin.

It's really uncomfortable.

The two steamed buns saw their mother and their father came back.I am happy.Why is what this mother said different? Didn't it mean that this father no longer wants to come back?
But it's good to be back.Their good days will continue in the future.

"Baozi, close the door and tie the two big dogs at the door. If they still don't work today, hehe..."

The two big dogs are also humane, okay? They're not idiots, okay? There are really only a handful of times when Liu Yiyi was kind to them, that is, the few days when he just arrived at Liu Yiyi's house.Now... She spends all day thinking about how to threaten them, this woman is really hateful.But, what can be done, the dog has to bow his head under the eaves, but fortunately, there are two cute buns in this house who treat them well.

Ho Ho Ho, roar a few times angrily, let's go to work...

Two big dogs stood by the yard gate like door gods.

Looking at so many people with a piercing expression on his face.Is the tigress in trouble?Otherwise, why so many people came to the house today.See, see, she can't do without them.

roar roar...

Liu Yiyi's eyes cheered them up even more, it was a big deal related to their dinner at night.Even the cute buns can't beat this tigress.

If you don't work hard, you don't want to have delicious food.

roar roar...

Wang Qi had never seen such eyes from the two big dogs in his family, and this time he really became fierce all of a sudden.

Is it really psychic, or is Liu Yiyi taking nothing to seduce in front of them?

Good food... good food...

It's a pity that the big dog's call has no effect at all.

Liu Yiyi turned around and nodded, the two big dogs did well today.

Liu Yiyi was very satisfied: "There are two catties of pork belly at night, raw."

Liu Yiyi rewarded her.

Wang Qi raised his eyebrows, what did he say, it must be the latter.Wang Qi followed closely behind, increasing the amount: "Three catties of pork belly, raw!"

"Wow, woof, woof..." Their good days are coming, did the little master see it?

The two buns couldn't believe it, my mother is so generous today?
They also want to eat two catties of pork belly. If they can share some, they will secretly cook it and eat it.

In the past, they did not do less.

"Wang Qi, did you do it on purpose?" Liu Yiyi said speculatively.

"What's on purpose? Our dog is good, why should I reward him with some meat?" Wang Qi raised his eyebrows.

"Fuck, this is not your house anymore, why don't you get out of here quickly."

Liu Yiyi couldn't see such a guy pestering her all day long.She will not forgive anyone who has lied to herself and made herself suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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