Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 455 Liu Yiyi was taught a lesson by Wang 7 1

Chapter 455 Liu Yiyi Was Taught by Wang Qi 1
"Daughter-in-law, where do you want your husband to go?"

Wang Qi chuckled, and as soon as the words fell, he had already stepped over the threshold.

The two big dogs, who were still valiant just now, have now been castrated again.

Damn, shit, shit, what an unreliable idiot dog.

Liu Yiyi went crazy with anger.In the future, for these two dogs, she doesn't plan to waste any more food to feed them.

At this time, the dog dealer who bought dogs in the village happened to see this scene, and he was a little ashamed.Is this the ferocious vicious dog that my family used to raise?He didn't see it before, but now he saw it with his own eyes, and he couldn't believe it.

Liu Yiyi didn't need him to look at it at this time, she must have been standing there and staring at her sinisterly.The point is to get your money back.Allow yourself to bring the dog back.Damn, he was not wronged, he helped Liu Yiyi a lot today, originally planned to come to Liu Yiyi's house with everyone to settle today's wages, but...

At this moment, he didn't dare to ask Liu Yiyi for money anymore.She didn't make a fuss about herself, which is already very good.Do you want to go first?
The dog dealer began to hesitate.

Liu Yiyi doesn't have time to talk to this guy right now, the bastard Wang Qi is the most urgent thing right now.

What I said to him was clear enough.

"Wang Qi, you're not going away, are you?" Liu Yiyi behaved like she always did, and jumped to the side of a pile of firewood sticks in two steps.

These firewood sticks are neatly stacked here by Qian Xuantian these days, this is Qian Xuantian's daily work task.

After Qian Xuantian saw it, he said excitedly in his heart: Liu Yiyi really wants to show her majesty, well, it's okay to help myself teach Wang Qi a lesson?

But the people in the nearby village who finished their work today and still can't wait for their wages are in a hurry.

"Liu Yiyi, can you teach him a lesson later, and settle our wages quickly..."

The eldest son of the old Zhou family can't wait any longer.

"That's right, I'm still waiting to get the money and go play two games..." The youngest son of the old Zhou family, this little ruffian looked contemptuous, as if he was blaming Liu Yiyi for delaying his time. Kung fu, even a little doubt whether Liu Yiyi will give them money?
Fan Seng was also worried, he had no money in his hand, this time he was able to earn money from Liu Yiyi in a fair and honest way, he was very happy, but wait, wait, this woman seems to have forgotten this matter?

After that, Liu Yiyi asked people to work, who would still want to?
The monk didn't dare to complain that it was too obvious, but the meaning in his eyes was already obvious.

"Baozi, hurry up and grab two handfuls of copper coins..." Liu Yiyi said boldly.

"Okay. Mom, wait a minute?" The two buns said obediently.

After a while, the two buns were carrying copper coins.

The group of people who were quite happy just now thought that Liu Yiyi was really generous, she could let her son grab two handfuls of copper coins casually, and after a little thought, at least there were quite a few.They are enough.But, but...

The traffickers of the old Zhou family were anxious: "What's wrong, it's only a dozen or so copper coins, is this sending us?"

The youngest son of the old Zhou's family shouted, "Damn, I'm still waiting to gamble two. Here, it's only a few copper coins. I still want to wait for everyone to share the money."

Others are also helpless.

Wang Qi smiled.Knowing that this woman is stingy, but these people really think that helping her work can make a lot of money.

Wang Qi deliberately said: "Come on, I have it here, let me give it to you?"


(End of this chapter)

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