Chapter 474 Secret 3
Niutou was curious, and followed by rubbing his chin.

"I don't know, why do I feel that Liu Yiyi has an evil spirit, it's so serious... It's even more fierce than before. Did Liu Yiyi do something just now?" Ma Mian turned to look at Liu Yiyi's home.

"I don't know, why do you care so much?" Niutou's opinion on this matter is that it is not the same thing.

Liu Yiyi has always given them the feeling that she is full of evil spirits, even the ghosts in the underworld will hide away when they see her.

Although she was fierce, the evil spirit on her body showed the fear of the ghosts even more.

Hades did not want Liu Yiyi to stay in the underworld several times.Not to mention that this affects the social atmosphere of the prefecture.And let him think about this Liu Yiyi all day long.

Simply, send it directly to the world.

When Liu Yiyi was in the modern age, she was much better. Yan Wang felt that Yang Jian was more suitable for Liu Yiyi.

But now, from Ma Mian's point of view, he felt differently.

Liu Yiyi was a little fierce.But today, the evil spirit on my body is too heavy.What's the matter?

Ma Mian remained silent and did not go to the theater with Niu Tou.

Ma Mian quietly returned to Liu Yiyi's home, and floated into the room where they saw Liu Yiyi come out just now.

Inside, there were two big dogs lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and one...Damn, isn't this Liu Yiyi's man?He also looks half dead now.

What, what's going on here?

What did Liu Yiyi do to her man?
Everyone is like this, Liu Yiyi can still go out to watch the theater, this, this is really unreasonable.

Did Liu Yiyi have no sense of shame, or did Liu Yiyi not know at all?
There is only this possibility, but why, this is why.Isn't it too strange to say it?

Ma Mian went straight back to the underworld to report the matter to Hades.

The King of Hades in the underworld is eating with his younger brother Yan Bao, and the time and rest in the underworld are the same as others.Only one is at night and the other is during the day.Just upside down.

Come back and say it.

"What, are you sure?" Yan Wang asked coldly.

"Well, it's true, didn't you tell me to observe carefully? Something is wrong with Liu Yiyi today, we didn't plan to go out today,..."

"What could be entangled with her?" The usual evil spirit in the Palace of the King of Hades was no stronger than that in Liu Yiyi's body.

"I don't know? But Liu Yiyi is completely fine, as if it didn't hurt her?" Ma Mian had to say.
"No harm, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is no harm now, what about in the future, in case there is any harm in the future, what should I do?"

These words came out of nowhere, from Liu Yiyi's own sister.

"Uh...wife, why are you here?" Hades was a little scared when he saw his daughter-in-law, this daughter-in-law's eccentricity was not ordinary.

Especially for his own sister, because of this, he was unwilling to let his wife know a little about his sister's current situation.

"What's wrong with my sister now? Are you hiding something from me?"

"Uh, wife...your sister is married now...this man is nice, we've seen it all..." Yan Wang winked at his younger brothers Yan Bao and Ma Mian.

The two guys couldn't stop nodding, "Yes, sister-in-law, Liu Yiyi is living a beautiful life now, and there are two children, and they are twins, and the buns are very cute..."

(End of this chapter)

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