Chapter 475 Secret 4
Liu Yanyan's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.

Then Renzhen took a look at their respective faces, and it was obvious that this was true.Before she wanted to inquire about the living conditions of her younger sister in Yangjian, they refused to let her live.But they are good, obviously they can know, and they know, but they don't inform themselves.

"Say, what's the situation now?"

Hades is a hen-feared man, and his wife stared at him like this, so there is no reason for him not to speak up.Tell the truth, Liu Yiyi was accidentally hit by a car, then came to the underworld, and then they gave her a chance to be reborn, all the truth was told.

"You, you actually won't let me see my sister..."

Chaos began in the Palace of the King of Hades.

Hades secretly fled outside...

Now Liu Yiyi is a big deal, and the secrets about her may not be known to her daughter-in-law. If she finds out, the consequences...

I'm afraid it's because she has to worry even more after knowing that her sister has been reborn.


Liu Yiyi was on the way to Qian's and Lao Zhou's place, she called twice, and this guy asked lazily: "What do you want me to do?"

It seemed that his face was very impatient.

"Why don't you leave me?"

"Leave? I thought too, there's no place..."

Liu Yiyi was furious, listen to this, if someone is really willing to leave, how could it be like this.

"You need a host?" Liu Yiyi wanted to negotiate terms with him.

"No, I need a good place. This place is best for my practice..."

"Get out!" Liu Yiyi scolded immediately.She is a mortal, but she talks about cultivation.

"At the beginning, I didn't know how I chose you. No one knew. When I opened my eyes, it was too late for me to regret..."

Look, he regretted it.This made Liu Yiyi listen, wouldn't she feel even more furious.

Liu Yiyi didn't want such a guy to get close to her, she had to find a way.

"However, recently, for some reason, I feel that there is someone around you who can help me... She has more aura than you here..."

The guy was still talking to himself.

Liu Yiyi took it seriously after hearing it.

"This, is this true?" Liu Yiyi thought, if it was true, it would be great, she would definitely help him, drive her away, and she would feel much more comfortable in the future.A person is at ease.

"Well, it's true." He hesitated before saying.

Liu Yiyi quickly asked: "Then this person is a man or a woman, is he in our village? Do I know him?"

"Woman. Ah, this person is right in front, I can feel it... Liu Yiyi, go over and have a look..."

Liu Yiyi's eyes widened, she looked ahead, there were many people here.Here are all the villagers, all the villagers who came to see the play.

"Well, I'll go now..." Liu Yiyi thought that as long as she could help him, she would be relieved.

Liu Yiyi didn't think so much for the time being.Will it hurt others.

"Don't worry, I have lived in your soul until now, and I haven't hurt you..."

Liu Yiyi couldn't believe this, she still kept her cautious opinion.

Not yet, but that doesn't mean there won't be any in the future.

"Oh, by the way, what are you, since you said you are not human..."


(End of this chapter)

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