Chapter 499
"Oh, where did it come from? This is a dumpling... what kind of filling?" Fan Seng looked very happy.

Liu Yiyi didn't bother to answer.

"Mother, did you get it from old Qian's family?" Qian Duoduo is smarter.You can tell by the look in your mother's eyes.They can't take advantage of the place next to the village.Qian Shi also came to talk to Liu Yiyi just now, so Qian Duoduo quickly thought of something.

"Ah, it's from their family? I, I don't want to eat it..." Regarding this, Fan Seng really didn't dare to eat it. He was worried that Lao Qian's family would not be reassured.

Liu Yiyi didn't eat it by herself, and it seemed that she wanted to be an experiment subject.If he really wanted to eat it, he would be more at ease cooking it himself.

"It's not poisonous, it's not a waste if you don't eat it." Liu Yiyi tried not to talk too much, she thought, if she talked too much, this guy was even more worried.

"That's right, judging by Qian's current past few days, she should not dare to do anything..."

As for whether she really dared or not, Liu Yiyi couldn't guarantee it, but for the dumplings she brought back in front of her, Liu Yiyi would definitely let him eat them.

Can't be wasted.

However, Liu Yiyi doesn't know how to eat.

"Let's go, mother will cook roast suckling pig for you..." There is still half a little suckling pig at home.

Unfortunately, the big dog only caught two.

Liu Yiyi has adjusted the taste of the suckling pig that she brought home just now.

All that remains now is the final step.

The two buns are very happy.

The monk also wanted to come and eat.But Liu Yiyi said, "It's only ten catties, and after baking it's probably only seven or eight catties, so..."

The monk didn't dare to go forward.His skin is not as thick as that of Lao Qian's family.

Since Wang Qi left, the two buns also asked where Wang Qi went.

However, they seemed to smell something that their mother was not happy with, and they also heard what the villagers said inadvertently, and the two buns also had a tacit understanding. Appeared at home.

Because of this, Liu Yiyi felt a little indebted to the two buns, alas, I didn't see clearly, I was fooled, no, I got involved with the two buns, these days, Liu Yiyi treats them very well.

After that day, Liu Yiyi heard that Wang Guihua was dealt with by Lao Qian's family.

As for how to deal with it, the people from Lao Qian's family were very cryptic.

However, thinking about it, I guess Liu Yiyi can guess a little bit.

It is estimated that this woman is really cheating.

Liu Yiyi lived a relaxed life after Wang Qi left.In other words, she didn't have much emotion on Wang Qi's body.That's why she was able to pick it up and put it down so quickly.

After Wang Qi left, Liu Yiyi didn't inquire about Wang Qi's situation in Wang's Village at all. If someone happened to mention it, Liu Yiyi didn't bother to listen, and just left.

Therefore, very few people mentioned Wang Qi in front of Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi's little life is going well.

In a blink of an eye, it's the end of spring.The weather is already a bit summery.

So hot.

But the changes in Liu Yiyi's [-] mu of land were astonishing.

Fanseng really has a lot of skills in agriculture.

Several lotus spores in the pond in the vegetable garden have begun to show up.

The lotus leaves are extremely wide, and from time to time beside the lotus pond, you can see more than a dozen small frogs perched on the wide lotus leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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