Chapter 500
The small fish and shrimps in the lotus pond can also enter and start to grow.

There are herbivorous fish and carnivorous fish, and there are many varieties in the lotus pond.Thinking about it, when the real summer comes, the scenery here will definitely be very good.

There are many varieties of side dishes in the nearby vegetable garden that no one in the village has ever seen.

Many of them are seeds brought by fan monks from Fanwai.

Like cherry tomatoes, this small tomato grows very well on this piece of land.

For this reason, Mrs. Qian has been sneaking over to look at it several times.

Qian Shi wanted to steal it, but Liu Yiyi said that it was not cooked yet, no matter how rich Qian Shi was, she would not dare to steal it.Because the two big dogs on the side seem to have become enlightened recently, or in Qian's cognition, these two big dogs have been completely influenced by Liu Yiyi into two vicious dogs.

Very aggressive.They are not the two big dogs who were gentle and gentle before.

Naturally, Mrs. Qian didn't dare to bring home some side dishes from Liu Yiyi's vegetable garden.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Yiyi was about to become the little rich woman in this village.

Liu Yiyi's warm shed was something Qian had been thinking about all day long. After thinking about it, Qian estimated that Liu Yiyi earned several hundred taels just by relying on the mushrooms inside.

Mrs. Qian went into Liu Yiyi's greenhouse and looked at it, not to mention that now that the weather is warmer, Liu Yiyi also asked someone to remove the cover on the greenhouse, so after looking at it, the growth of mushrooms inside is even stronger. Clearly.

Qian was envious, and wanted to learn Liu Yiyi's method of growing mushrooms at home, and tried many times, but they all ended in failure just like the kimchi before.

Speaking of the failure of this kimchi, the old man of the Qian family scolded Mrs. Qian. Before Mrs. Qian complained that she could make kimchi, Mr. Qian also invested a lot, and bought her something as good as Liu Yiyi. Vegetables, but the old woman ruined all the good things in a daze.Not to mention, the Qian family also secretly fed the rotten vegetables directly to the pigs at home. For this reason, the old Qian family lost a piglet, and the rest of the pigs did not stop until many days later. Live diarrhea.

Qian shi chuckled, today she came to Liu Yiyi's place again.

Liu Yiyi was sitting in the vegetable garden of her home basking in the sun.She loves being here.Not to mention the air, there is also a fragrance emanating from the two plum trees in the garden.

Liu Yiyi squinted at Qian's slowly approaching. Recently, according to Liu Yiyi's own words, the hostility in her body has been restrained a lot.

Therefore, Liu Yiyi has rarely done anything to Qian's recently.In fact, it's not that Liu Yiyi didn't want to, it's just that Qian Shi has learned a lot.Everyone in their family has learned a lot.

Old Qian's family seemed to realize something from this all of a sudden.

Therefore, he treated Liu Yiyi with extra hospitality.

Qian Shi is also smart, she will never mention Wang Qi again in front of Liu Yiyi.

Not only that, Qian Shi always talked about how good his son Qian Xuantian was in front of Liu Yiyi, intentionally or unintentionally.

Liu Yiyi smelled something from here.

Liu Yiyi can only sneer.If this old woman had such an idea, Liu Yiyi would never give her a good look.

What's more...

Liu Yiyi frowned, she stroked her stomach, there must be a damn thing in it.

She didn't tell anyone about it.

Throughout the day, recently this was the thing that bothered her the most.

(End of this chapter)

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