Chapter 806
Soon, Fan Seng found a cow that was having breakfast outside.

Early in the morning, it opened the plug on the fence by itself, and walked to the plain to graze...

When Liu Yiyi saw this one passing by herself, it would always squint at her pretending cow...

Liu Yiyi can always feel that this cow is very thieves, you think you can see from the face of a cow that it is full of disdain for you, and you can feel good about it.In other words, as a normal person, you can't get angry with a beast, can you?

So, every time Liu Yiyi sees it, she really can't do anything to it.

However, today...well... that's different.

Your day is coming...

Liu Yiyi said to the monk: "Go, get the cart and put it on it..."

Liu Yiyi looked at the cow and said with a hint of protest.

"Moo Moo, Moo Moo..." The big, strong cow immediately became dissatisfied.He scratched his hooves on the ground with an angry look on his face.

"I don't want to work, I just want to eat, so I'll sell you today, and I'll see if you get any good results..." Originally, I raised so many cows for the purpose of selling them for money.Now it's time for them to come out for sale.

"Momo..." The cow in front of him was obviously even more angry.

Liu Yiyi was furious.

"Hmph, you are useless. You are in my house now, and you have no output at all... I rely on you to breed me calves in my house, but you are good... Hmph... Until now, you You didn’t do anything, I wondered if you were a bull... Is there something wrong with you...Why, why haven’t any of the cows in my family conceived yet?”

Liu Yiyi stood with her hands on her hips, in the yard of her home, asking herself this cow that had been raised for a long time.

This time, Liu Yiyi's question completely silenced the big strong bull who was still slightly dissatisfied just now.

"Hmph, you are really useless. If you continue like this, wait another month. I will find a chance and sell you... If you still don't allow my cows to conceive... look at me, I even got Sister Baozi down...Look at you..."

Liu Yiyi completely despised it back...

Liu Yiyi felt particularly refreshed.

However, when Liu Yiyi turned her head, what she saw was Fan Monk's face, his jaw was about to drop, and he was terrified.

Liu Yiyi turned her head again, and saw that inside Qian's mouth, the scum of the biscuits that she was stealing just now fell out.

"Qian Shi, what are you doing, stealing food again?" How many times have I told her that these are what my son wants to sell.

"No, no, Liu Yiyi, what did you just say..." When Qian heard Liu Yiyi's astonishing words to a cow, Qian felt that it was incredible, even It's blushing.This Liu Yiyi really didn't care about what she said or did.Really, she can say anything, she said that, how can she compare herself with a cow, really...

Although Qian Shi was caught by Liu Yiyi and was stealing food, Qian Shi was still quite happy in his heart.

"Okay. Liu Yiyi, don't bark, I'm going to work right now. I didn't have enough breakfast just now..."

(End of this chapter)

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