Chapter 807
"Okay. Liu Yiyi, don't bark, I'm going to work right now. I didn't have enough breakfast just now..."

It's no wonder that Liu Yiyi believed her words. She didn't say she was greedy. Who would believe that none of the old woman's words were true, really...

Soon, Baozi's son came from the backyard after finishing his work.Seeing that Mother was blaming Qian, the two little guys soon knew the reason.

"Ah, grandma, are you so serious? Why are you eating it secretly? We want to eat it, but we can bear it... This is sold for money. The dim sum made by mother is famous for its deliciousness. Why do you just eat it... ..."

"Yeah, I won't be able to in the future..."

Although Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang spoke very politely, it was not difficult to hear that there were many complaints in their words.

Liu Yiyi snickered, these two children can really control Qian's gluttony.

"Let's go, let's go..." Liu Yiyi put all the twenty beggar chickens made by her son and the snacks she made on the ox cart.

Then he called his son to come forward.

Sister Baozi sat in the cradle babbling, calling out, for fear that Mother would forget her.

She was communicating with her little monster just now.This little monster is getting bigger and bigger.

I really don't know, how could it be possible to get older...

However, since this little monster came to Liu Yiyi's house, its ability to move has become faster and faster. It was not as slow as when I saw it before.

It is estimated that this is also the relationship of growing up.

Liu Yiyi set off with her two sons, a daughter, and Qian Shi.

Fan Monk stays at home to look after the house, and he also needs to do geography work...

"Liu Yiyi, have you seen it now..."

"What?" Liu Yiyi squinted at Qian.

"That, that..." Qian pointed her finger in one direction...

Liu Yiyi looked up and saw a figure, it was a man's figure.

Liu Yiyi frowned, her mood turned bad all of a sudden.

"I didn't see it!" Liu Yiyi said angrily.Feeling very unhappy.

"Well, that's good..." Qian was satisfied.

This dead old woman, this is simply looking for the rhythm of death.

"Oh, she didn't see it, so she was in a happy mood?"

Liu Yiyi really wanted to hit her.

"By the way, Liu Yiyi, to be honest, can your two sons do business?" Qian Shi still thinks that living in her own village is the most comfortable when she is full of food and drink. Everything depends on people's complexion, it's different now, for Qian Shi, although Liu Yiyi is not a good woman, and she is very bad, but she can still bear it to a certain extent...

Why, hum, it's because I'm familiar with it. You know, the word "familiarity" is very scary.Once you get used to it, you'll love it.

"Liu Yiyi, you were born alone in the city a while ago?" Qian began to gossip.Anyway, there was no one she could talk to here.

Qian Shi has never had such an interest in talking to Liu Yiyi. When she saw Liu Yiyi before, she would always make trouble for Liu Yiyi. On the contrary, she never paid attention to whether she and Liu Yiyi talked peacefully.

Liu Yiyi glanced at her, but Liu Yiyi didn't answer.Depend on!This old woman simply doesn't know where she is wrong?She had broken her own taboo.

(End of this chapter)

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