Chapter 825 Helper 8
"My grandma and my uncle are at home. If Aunt Liu wants to invite someone, please invite them..."

"That's it..."

"Then I'll go home and tell them now..."

Zhou Xiaobao was excited.If I go home this time, my family will be happy.

This is really great...

Zhou Xiaobao was so excited that he wanted to jump up.In fact, the reason is very simple.The old Zhou family dotes on him very much on weekdays, Zhou Xiaobao's pocket money is usually given by the old Zhou family.

No, it doesn't mean that the old Zhou has money, but it doesn't mean that he has money.This kid is no ordinary thief.

Liu Yiyi doesn't know yet.Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang knew why Zhou Xiaobao was working so hard.


"Mother, you really shouldn't agree, you see, this kid is so happy..."

Liu Yiyi shrugged.His own son is too petty.

"You guys, what's wrong with mother making this little guy happy? You see, as long as he is happy, he will go home and inform his grandma and uncle. From then on, this kid won't be able to grasp In your hands..."

Liu Yiyi secretly scolded these two brats for not looking farther.

"Ah, you mean, this brat will be able to listen to us in the future?" Qian Duoduo finally figured out why her mother did all this.

Liu Yiyi shrugged.Anyway, half and half...

At least in the future, Zhou Xiaobao won't be too arrogant if he wants to.Because, his pocket money is not yet in the hands of the mother of the two buns, her.

Although Liu Yiyi would not do such an excessive thing.However, how much can still play a little role.

only.The two sons in front of me...

Liu Yiyi said: "In the future, when doing things, you have to look farther, you can't be so petty, and there are some things that you can't care about."

The two little buns gave a big gift to their mother, and then ran away.

Liu Yiyi, Qian Shi, and the monk who had just returned home unloaded the things from the car.In fact, there is nothing left.

However, in Liu Yiyi's eyes, the two of them were very energetic.Stop talking about work.

Liu Yiyi didn't understand that she also liked the Fan Monk helping her with work, but, this Qian family, Liu Yiyi had been paying attention to her from just now.She seems to be very aggressive and wants to show.

Liu Yiyi waved her hand and called Qian Shi over:
"Mr. Qian, just now I promised Zhou Xiaobao to let his grandma and uncle come over, do you have any objection?"

"No, what can I say." On the contrary, she was very happy.In this way, at least one point is explained.

Qian secretly went to see Liu Yiyi.

Qian immediately wanted to say something.

However, Liu Yiyi spoke before her.

"Since Mrs. Qian is like this, then you should do it well... Get rid of the money for the silver bracelet that your old man and son stole from my house as soon as possible, then I may give you some wages..."

Liu Yiyi waved her hand, telling Qian Shi to leave quickly.

In this way, Qian Shi blocked the words in his mouth that he wanted to say just now.

This dead woman, why is she so fussy, why is this woman so annoying.

"Oh, by the way, Liu Yiyi, if the Zhou family and her eldest daughter-in-law come over, what if they don't obey? There must be someone in charge, right?"

Liu Yiyi narrowed her eyes, what was this old woman thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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