Chapter 826 Helper 9
Seeing the opportunity, Qian couldn't miss it, and quickly said to Liu Yiyi:

"Liu Yiyi..."

"Well, what's the matter, tell me." It's not a good thing anyway.Liu Yiyi knew this very well.It's strange that this Qian family can say things that are not good for her.Qian's has always been, no matter what she does, it is the best for herself.

"Liu Yiyi, let me take care of these two people..." Qian's eyes were begging.

Because these two people belong to the old Zhou family.The Zhou family of the old Zhou family is the sworn enemy of the Qian family.Naturally, Mrs. Zhou likes to do such things very much.

"Sure, I have no objection to this..." Liu Yiyi replied too straightforwardly.

This made Qian Shi completely stunned.Qian didn't expect things to go so smoothly.Qian thought, at least he should beg her a few more times, right?But no.

Qian asked again: "Liu Yiyi, what's the matter, why did you agree so quickly..."

"Well, it's okay if I don't agree..." Liu Yiyi shrugged.Looking at the good thing in the distance, the gossiping Zhou family is walking here led by Zhou Xiaobao, a little bun.

"Why, why is Liu Yiyi?" Qian asked quickly.

Liu Yiyi sighed.

"This, it's very simple. I should have beaten Mrs. Zhou violently just now. I don't want her to come over and work for me, to cause trouble... If you don't obey, Mrs. Qian, just use your means... ...Of course, don't get carried away, our goal must be clear, that is to work and make money, if you are too ordinary all day long, then you will be in trouble..."

Of course, Qian could hear Liu Yiyi's words clearly.However, Qian Shi is very satisfied that Liu Yiyi can talk as much as Liu Yiyi.

"Don't worry Liu Yiyi, I know, I know..."

"Well, that's good..." Liu Yiyi was satisfied with such an answer.

Liu Yiyi was soon in the yard of her home, waiting for Mrs. Zhou to come.And Zhou's eldest daughter-in-law, Wang.

"What's the matter, Liu Yiyi, are you short of manpower here? Why didn't you say it earlier, you said it earlier, I came here early to help you with work..."

Look, what a resilient person this is.

Liu Yiyi sighed.Thinking about it, I was overthinking it. This old Zhou and Qian are on the same side. Naturally, their ability to resist and fight is not as strong as usual.That is absolutely beyond comparison for ordinary people.

Liu Yiyi sighed, that's good, it's better than the first one, and she pointedly pointed at her hypocritically to beat her up and try to snatch her.Such a good seedling still needs to be kept by his side.

Liu Yiyi is a bit evil, because maybe she has a chance, she can still tickle her hands.

Liu Yiyi turned around and entered the granary beside her.

The bag of flour that was moved out yesterday is probably not enough.

"Qian Shi, Wang Shi, and Zhou Shi, come here..." Liu Yiyi yelled.

However, without Liu Yiyi shouting, everyone here has already arrived.

Liu Yiyi said: "The three of you go and carry a bag of flour to the kitchen. Be careful, don't be shy, you need two bags of flour in total, and one bag of my flour is fifty catties. It's very heavy..."

Liu Yiyi said so.For the three people in front of me, it can be said that they are completely showing off, showing off...

"Liu Yiyi, you are too much..."

(End of this chapter)

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