Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 859 Liu Yiyi's Coping Strategy 2

Chapter 859 Liu Yiyi's Coping Strategy 2
The two guys in her family didn't force themselves to eat.

What can I do?
No matter how much I hate them, I still don't really want to see them starve to death, do I?
Qian, who has a big head, now only thinks about how to make his current life easier.

If Liu Yiyi didn't drive her back to live, she really didn't have such a big reason.

Now, she has.

Fan Seng was eating barbecue while helping Qian's ideas.

"Think about it, Qian. In the future, your old man will have no source of income, and your son will have no source of income. Then when they see you in the future, they won't come to kneel down like ordinary people seeing a Bodhisattva?"

Although it is a bit exaggerated to describe it as a fan monk, but Qian likes to hear it!

Qian's eyes lit up.Nodding quickly: "Well, you're right, yes. From now on, as long as Liu Yiyi promises to give me my wages in half a month, then it goes without saying, then I will definitely be the boss of the family..."

"Qian Shi, if you want to take the position of the boss of your family, you have to sit firmly!"

"Of course, who said I don't want to sit still? Really!" Qian rolled her eyes.

"Then what are you worried about, since you have this opportunity, Mrs. Qian?!"

Qian pondered for a while, and she seemed to have thought of an answer.

"Liu Yiyi, why don't you lend me some food first? Don't worry, I will pay it back. At most, I will deduct it from my wages later..."

"How much do you want to borrow... more can't be done, and there's no need... Giving them too much food for nothing is also a waste..." Liu Yiyi reminded.squint.I don't like her very much.Because she is so stupid...

"Of course, I know this. When I go home, they don't take it for granted. I'm not stupid... well, before I can get money from you, you give me a catty of grain every day... "

"Two people eat a catty of grain, is that enough?" Liu Yiyi shook her head.

"It's not enough, it's enough, anyway, I can't die of starvation..." Qian muttered.

"Well, you go to the fan monk to get a catty of food every day, no matter what it is, sweet potatoes or potatoes, all of them must not exceed a catty..."

Liu Yiyi's words, for Qian Shi, she is fine.

Next, Qian's eating was a quick word.

When everyone was full, Qian took a look at Liu Yiyi's expression.Qian asked carefully:
"Then, I'm going to wash the dishes..."

"Well, of course, this is your job..."

Liu Yiyi turned around and entered the room.

Liu Yiyi took Sister Baozi, and took Sister Baozi to the toilet in the back.Then, I helped Sister Baozi wash her face and hands, and finally took off her socks, and washed her little feet...

"Hey, crawl inside quickly, sit a little closer to the inside, mother has to think about things now..."

"Yiyi..." Sister Baozi sat on the edge of the kang with her head up, she looked at her mother strangely.

"Well, good boy, climb inside and sit down..."

"Hmm,..." Sister Baozi moved after two or three rubs.

Sister Baozi recently exercised her arms and legs, which are very vigorous. Sister Baozi can easily do this now.

Liu Yiyi turned around and took a pen and paper.

In the courtyard outside, Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang were reprimanding Zhou Xiaobao who came to visit again...

(End of this chapter)

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