Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 860 Liu Yiyi's Coping Strategy 3

Chapter 860 Liu Yiyi's Coping Strategy 3
"Yiyi..." Sister Baozi sat for a while, then crawled to Mother's side, tilted her head to watch Mother draw and write on the paper.

"Mother is writing down all the snacks she knows how to make on paper... Mother is thinking, this time, we will make enough at once...

Do you know that Mother's house was earned by selling kimchi before... Now... I guess I can earn more..."

"Although kimchi is an appetizer, some people still don't like it very much... Although the taste is good, it is really a bit expensive in the market now...

However, fortunately, the recipe for kimchi is all in the hands of my mother, so I am not afraid that people outside will learn it.

Not many people outside know that my mother has this prescription...

Although Mother doesn't take much care of the market now, but there are your grandparents and a few uncles taking care of it, but in the end, it is still up to Mother to decide..."

"Yiyi..." Sister Baozi got a little bit of ink on her hand and smeared it on the paper.

Sister Baozi was very happy when she saw that she had drawn a zigzag line, so she quickly asked her mother to take a look...

"Little fool..." Liu Yiyi shook her head, wiped her daughter's little hand again, and then took out a small script writing brush:
"If you want to draw, you have to learn to hold this little brush first... My brother also used this brush when he learned to write, remember?"

"Hmm..." Liu Baoling shook her head and nodded seriously.she remembers.remember.

Before, my mother said...

Liu Yiyi found a large piece of rice paper from the cabinet, spread it all out, and put it on the small table on the kang, let Baozi sister hold the writing brush of small script by herself, and let her draw whatever she wanted...

However, Liu Yiyi waited for Sister Baozi for a long time, but she didn't write anything.

"Yiyi..." Sister Baozi wrinkled her little Qiong nose, so cute that Liu Yiyi couldn't help but take a bite.

"Well, what's the matter?" Liu Yiyi asked softly, with a smile.

Sister Baozi shook the brush she was holding tightly in her hand twice, but she didn't draw on the paper.

"Young girl, you are so cautious... Mother called your little pet into the house, why don't you draw a picture like it?" Liu Yiyi seemed to understand what her daughter was thinking.

"En, um!" Liu Baoling finally smiled.She grinned, smiling like a sweet angel.

Liu Yiyi really didn't know that this girl originally liked to draw.

Of course, if this is considered a painting...

Of course, she is still too young, no matter what Liu Baoling draws, Liu Yiyi likes it very much.I always like to look carefully, what is this painting, is it a foot of the little monster, or its head...

Liu Yiyi would look up and look at the little monster placed on the table in the distance, some distance away from them.

Liu Yiyi will compare carefully.

"Girl, this is a foot..."

"Yiyi... um, um..."

When Fan Seng came in to report on Qian's situation outside, Fan Seng was a little speechless seeing this scene.

"Liu Yiyi, what's wrong with your girl's drawing? Is this completely ghost drawing? And her posture of holding the brush is not right..."

Fan Seng scolded Sister Baozi for a while, and was not satisfied at all, Liu Yiyi shouldn't be used to her own children like this.

(End of this chapter)

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