Chapter 870 Start Preparation 3
Qian Shi stopped talking, and started to do it directly, grabbing a watermelon knife that Liu Yiyi had put aside.

Pick up a larger one.

She has compared it repeatedly before.

When Fan Seng saw her like this, he also had some opinions: "You woman, can you hurry up..."

Fan Monk was so angry... This woman Qian can even pick a watermelon for a long time like this.This watermelon was brought back from the field by him and Liu Yiyi in the morning.How could there be anything bad.

"How fast do you want me to..., this watermelon is big, so it tastes good..." Qian muttered.

As soon as Fan Seng rolled his eyes, Fan Seng knew that Qian's old man wanted a big man.

However, Fan Seng was delighted when he saw Qian put the watermelon that was slightly bigger than himself on the cutting board and cut it open.

"Sometimes cutting melons is really an art, and it also depends on who will cut the melons..." Fan Seng laughed.

Seeing that the four melons that Liu Yiyi had just cut up were all very good, but the one that Qian chose by himself was the only one that had been selected for a long time, it was really not that good.

Liu Yiyi also smiled when she saw Qian's melon.

Shaking her head, Liu Yiyi said to her daughter: "Is this sister Gua good enough?" Liu Yiyi asked Sister Baozi.

", don't..." Sister Baozi said to Liu Yiyi with a serious face after looking at it for a long time.

Liu Yiyi sighed.This sister Baozi really looks a bit like me.

"Mr. Qian, this melon will not be fully ripe for a few days, but it is still edible..."

"Well, of course..." Although Qian was a little dissatisfied, she hadn't eaten watermelon for many years. Although there is a lot of land here, no one grows this watermelon.

Only Liu Yiyi, who didn't know where she got the seedlings, planted them silently.

At first, Qian Shi didn't know that those vines crawling everywhere in the field were watermelon vines. Later, Qian Shi saw that the monks took care of them very seriously every day, and Qian Shi asked to find out.

It turns out that this Liu Yiyi not only likes to grow vegetables, but also, look, in other people's vegetable gardens, no matter it is the fruit in the world, as long as she can see it, she can generally eat it in Liu Yiyi's vegetable garden.

All kinds of fruit trees, all kinds of fruits that have been hanging on them for a while are all ripening...

This woman... Qian really felt that she treated Liu Yiyi a little too much before.

If I hadn't looked down on this woman so arrogantly before, hmph, how could it be possible for her to be controlled by Liu Yiyi now, and it doesn't matter how much she wants to eat every day.

To be honest, Qian said, she really regrets a little bit.However, this is only temporary.

The current Qian Shi already has the intention of being a small person in front of Liu Yiyi.

Mrs. Qian was alone, holding a watermelon with pink flesh, and eating happily there.

The monk saw it.I couldn't help laughing and said, "Is it delicious? Who asked you to grab it? It's a comparison, and a big one...haha..."

Fan Monk was very satisfied. The melon he was holding in his hand was the best among them. The melon with the gizzard was so sweet...

"Not bad, the taste is also very good..." Qian Shi squinted and smiled.

"Liu Yiyi, let alone, eating such watermelons in early summer is really a very comfortable thing..."

(End of this chapter)

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