Chapter 871 Start Preparation 4
"That's right, in the outside world, it hasn't been sold yet... This is all my skill... I'm really an agricultural expert..." Fan Seng was stunned.He is most proud of this fruit of labor.

Liu Yiyi nodded.

"We don't sell it this year, and we don't grow much. The family eats it. It's probably about the same. If we want to sell it, it won't be a deal..."

For Liu Yiyi's words, Fan Seng and Qian's are naturally the happiest, because if they sell it, what they can get is limited.

"I plan to send a dozen melons to my parents in two days..."

Liu Yiyi's words made her turn around and had no objection.

Qian Shi has a little opinion.

"Then, Liu Yiyi, I'm still your much do you give son is still your former man...will you give him too?"

Sincerely, Qian is not willing to suffer at all.

Liu Yiyi rolled her eyes, Liu Yiyi really didn't have any temper towards this Qian family, this Qian family was really cheeky, why is she always so thick.

Sometimes, Liu Yiyi really doesn't understand...

"I'll give each of you one... Is there any more..."

"Hey...hey...then when will I get it..."

"Wait for a few days... Look at the melon you picked, it's not ripe yet..."

Qian's doesn't care, for Qian's, some food is enough.

The current Liu Yiyi is still easy to speak.Of course, the premise is to listen to Liu Yiyi.

Qian shi happily ate the melon in his hand...

Liu Yiyi said: "Tomorrow morning, let's go to the street to set up a stall... I reckoned, it's about the same time... Those people in the city are probably starting to worry too... For them, we are already missing It's been a week..." Liu Yiyi said slowly with a smile on her lips.

"Well, yes, it's time to go out to make money..." Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang are the most anxious about going out to make money.

For them, if they don't go for a day, they will feel itchy in their hearts. It's really uncomfortable for them to have no money in their account.

Liu Yiyi glanced at them, grasping their thoughts very clearly at this moment.

That day, the fan monk still went to the city. The monk was at the entrance of the alley, and he saw the owner of their house.

Liu Yiyi's analysis was not wrong.Fan Seng fully knew that he was being used by others.

Fan Seng came back, Fan Seng asked Liu Yiyi: "How did you judge..."

Liu Yiyi just smiled: "It's up to judgement. For a normal person, no matter how large the family is, he is a man. Why should he buy so many snacks like a woman... It is impossible for a man to pay attention to the family. What do young and old people like to eat...but pay more attention to how much money they make at home...this has been the case throughout the ages..."

This is Liu Yiyi's judgment on a normal person.Of course, this is indeed a normal person.

So, the judgment is quite correct.

Immediately, after the monk came back to report the incident, Liu Yiyi decided to simply rest for a week.It is no longer two or three days.

Aren't you trying to plot against me?
Well, I'll give you a chance...

There was a smile on Liu Yiyi's face, Liu Yiyi's face was determined, Liu Yiyi didn't have to worry about anything at all...

"Tomorrow, Mrs. Qian, you have to cheer up..." Liu Yiyi took care of Mrs. Qian.

(End of this chapter)

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