Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 115 I Don't Know

Chapter 115 I Don't Know
Seeing the old man's movements, everyone suddenly realized.


You can ask this master to help you look after your pets!

People who come to this pet street, in addition to buying pets and pet supplies, the rest is to see a doctor, and now, a great power suddenly appeared in front of them, this is a good opportunity to check up on their pets!
"And I!"

A fat uncle squeezed over with a black cat in his arms.

"Wait, there's me!"

I don't know who started it, and the crowd rushed towards Professor Li in an instant.

Facing such enthusiastic crowd, Wang Bing, acting as a dog's leg, hurriedly stood in front of him.

"line up"

"One by one"

"Don't worry!'

Looking at the swarming crowd, Wang Bing was sweating profusely.

X, if he guesses this result, he will not be in the limelight. I just don't know, will Professor Li and his old man be angry?

Wang Bing looked back carefully.

In less than a moment, Professor Li was crowded with people, and the other party was still smiling, and he would not refuse these pets, and even enthusiastically helped point out the problems and treatment methods of the pets.

Phew~ that's good, that's good.

Wang Bing breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and worked harder to maintain order.

On the other side, Wu Yali, who was taught by Professor Li, was dumbfounded by the crowd. This unwelcome behavior made her feel cold while holding the white cat.

how so!
No, it's fake!

I do not believe!
When she raised her head, Wu Yali was about to refute, but inadvertently, she saw Lin Xiaoxi standing aside. She was originally an enemy, but now she was even more jealous when they met, and Wu Yali didn't even get angry.

"Even if my cat is fake, it's ten thousand times stronger than her fat cat!"

With red eyes, Wu Yali pointed at Lin Xiaoxi and Lin Yi fiercely.

do my best!

Let me make a fool of myself, you two don't even think about it!

People who have already drowned want to drag others into the pit. I have to say that Wu Yali's personality is really unpleasant.

All of a sudden, Wu Yali's roar, which had changed her voice, made everyone around Professor Li look back.

court death!

Seeing these dense eyes, Lin Yi frowned slightly.

It seems that if you don't teach me a lesson, you really don't know how many eyes Prince Ma has!

With her right hand behind her back, Lin Yi drew the words of the rune without a trace. After a while, just as the rune was about to take shape, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

"No, you are wrong!"

Hey, this voice is that Professor Li?

With a puff, the gathered energy was lightly grasped by Lin Yi, turned into invisible fragments, and disappeared into the air.

Now that things had changed, Lin Yi temporarily stopped. She looked back, and as expected, it was Professor Li who spoke.

"excuse me"

He carefully separated the crowd surrounding him, walked slowly in front of Lin Xiaoxi, stared at Da Huang carefully, and then said seriously to Wu Yali.

"You are wrong, even if you are the real Thai imperial cat, in my old man's opinion, it is not as valuable as this cat..."

While talking, Professor Li looked at Rhubarb from time to time.

Those eyes full of love and tenderness made Rhubarb feel uncomfortable all over.

This person is not gay!
Rhubarb is pretty wicked to think of.

The crowd was amazed again.

Is it true that Thai royal cats are not worth as much as this fat cat?

Are you kidding me?
Look at this big cat, with its bulging body and dazed appearance, no matter how you look at it, it is not as valuable as the fake Thai royal cat with pure coat color and aristocratic atmosphere all over its body.
Everyone opened their mouths wide and stared blankly at Professor Li, wanting to hear what the other party would explain.

In just half an hour, it was like watching a play, with constant orgasms.

Soon, Professor Li spoke again.

"Hey, I'm ashamed"

"Old man, let me tell you the truth"

"This cat, I don't know what breed it is!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and they didn't bother to be surprised anymore. Anyway, their mouths were still opened in surprise.

"Aren't you...professor?"

Finally, someone asked weakly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Bing on the side immediately pissed in fright.

Professor, wow, how can you say you can't see it!
Aren't you discrediting yourself by saying this?

Here, there are so many people here, what should we do if we want to spread the word?

Looking at the crowd whose faces had changed slightly, Wang Bing was about to cry, but he didn't know how to save him, he was afraid that he would be self-defeating, he was in a dilemma, and he didn't know what to do.

 Thank you Xing Ranqi for your reward!
  Thank you for the lost Qingming! !

(End of this chapter)

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