Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 116 It's Baby

Chapter 116 It's Baby
Lin Yi didn't know what others thought of Professor Li's inability to tell the cat's breed, but she nodded secretly to Professor Li's performance.

This old man is really sincere, Lin Yi appreciates him even more.

However, it's normal for him not to see...

Hey, that means that this old man and that young lady are not in the same department, or that he is not in the core position, so some things are out of reach?

Lin Yi naturally didn't know, but it was actually because the kindergarten's monitoring was too poor.

Even if Professor Li just watched the scene in the morning, the street is full of cats, cats and dogs, so it is impossible for him to see a cat and think that it is the cat that appeared that day.

As for the other reason, it was Lin Yi.

Because of the principle of confidentiality and the importance of the above, as long as it is about Lin Yi, it is strictly controlled.

As for Professor Li, because of his non-staff nature, he only knows Rhubarb, but he doesn't know Lin Yi.

But with such a simple three words, the crowd around them began to whisper, and even the way they looked at Professor Li began to waver.

After all, if you are a professor who can't even recognize a cat, then the status of this professor is worthy of scrutiny.

Wang Bing was old and cunning, and when he saw that the atmosphere was not right, he knew he wanted bad food, so he quickly pulled Professor Lali's sleeve secretly.

"Professor Li, this is inappropriate..."

He shrank his neck and persuaded carefully.

There are so many people, if this gets out, what a reputation!
"No problem"

Unexpectedly, Professor Li waved his hand and said boldly.

"Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing"

"When doing research and learning, you must seek truth from facts, and you can't pretend to be fat with a swollen face!"

"If it's a lie, what's the difference between me and those charlatans!"

Professor Li held his head high and looked forward, neither humble nor overbearing, with a loud voice, and his words were full of weight, directly pressing down like a mountain.

Now, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

But after thinking about it, they immediately figured out where Professor Li's confidence lies.

It's easy to say you know.

But to admit one's shortcomings in front of so many people and say that one doesn't know, that's not something ordinary people can do!
After they figured this out, they applauded Professor Li, who was the most arrogant of all.

Look at his attitude and tone, this is the professor!

Seeing the sudden change in the surrounding atmosphere and the loud applause, Wang Bing breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly bowed his head to recognize his grandson.

"What you teach is"

"Okay, let's not talk about that"

After saying this, Professor Li immediately regained his sage status, and under the gaze of everyone, he couldn't wait.

First, he glanced at Wu Yali, then immediately turned to look at the big cat in Lin Xiaoxi's arms.

"I'm telling the truth, believe it or not"

After saying the last sentence, he ignored Wu Yali, but looked at Rhubarb fieryly.

"As for why I can't confirm the breed of this cat, please read here"

"This cat, at first glance, is very similar to an ordinary garden cat in terms of color, shape and characteristics, but I just observed it carefully."

"As a result, it's not true. Those small features are completely different, and the veins inside this ear are also different from the usual ones..."

Staring at the rhubarb in Lin Xiaoxi's arms, Professor Li talked like a five-year-old child seeing his favorite toy.

"Look at this cat, its coat is golden yellow, shiny and shiny, its pupils are round, and its momentum is extraordinary, just like a little tiger"

"Look at this meat pad..."

While speaking, he stretched out his right hand.

Who knew, the big cat patted it with one paw.

Being surrounded by so many people, and being pointed at by an old man, Rhubarb has long been upset. If it wasn't for being afraid of Lin Yi, it really wanted to eat this old bone in one bite.

But fortunately, the cautious Professor Li wore gloves before examining Rhubarb, and Rhubarb's paw only scared him a bit.

But, while taken aback, he became even more excited when he saw Rhubarb's claws.

"Look, look at this red paw, it's bright in color, round and smooth, it's definitely not polished in the later stage, it's just like a work of art!"

Facing the crowd of onlookers, Professor Li spattered and became more excited as he spoke, his original stable scholarly temperament disappeared.

"Professor Li, this cat, even if it's a different breed, but its looks... it shouldn't be that valuable."

Looking at the excited Professor Li, Wang Bing standing behind didn't know what expression to show. Seeing that the other party lost his composure, he quickly stood up and reminded.

"Of course it's long and unpleasant"

Upon hearing Wang Bing's voice, Professor Li seemed to calm down a little. Although he was talking to Wang Bing behind him, he still stared at the big cat in front of him.

"In the eyes of ordinary people, this cat is useless at all, but in my eyes, it is a treasure"

(End of this chapter)

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