Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 301 Sharp Change [2 Chapters in 1]

Chapter 301 Sharp Change [Two Chapters In One]

After clearing out all the garbage in the space bag, Lin Yi put it away carefully and hung it on his waist.

With her hands free, she picked up the book and read it carefully.

Half an hour later, she gently put down the book.

You know, Lin Yina is a powerful being who can flip through 35 pages in 365 seconds, but now, she spent half an hour facing this book with a thickness of no more than 100 pages.

The reason for this was that Lin Yi couldn't understand it, so he could only skip and look at the illustrations, which also showed how much Lin Yi attached importance to this book.

If it is said that the stupid hair of the once big goose is the key to open the door to another world for her.

It is no exaggeration to say that this book is now a high-speed railway leading to another world.

After savoring carefully, Lin Yi put the book into the space bag.

But after reading the entire book, she felt a trace of indescribable doubt at this time.

Combining with the illustrations, Lin Yi can clearly see that this is a diary, and the author is that mage who has turned gray.

What was recorded in it, I don't know at all.

But according to Lin Yi's speculation, what was written on it should be some magic experience or adventure experience.

But why, in such a diary that records private life, there are some words that she is familiar with.

Did you see it wrong?
Or, just similar?

Do not!
These speculations were immediately denied by Lin Yi.

She can be sure that she has indeed seen some of these words.

And, not in a dream, not in imagination, but in reality.

Closing her eyes, Lin Yi searched carefully in her memory palace.

Since wearing women's clothes, not only her physical body, but her memory has also been greatly strengthened. She stores everything she sees and hears, and can be recalled at any time when needed.

A minute later, she opened her eyes.

The corners of her mouth slightly curled up, then she stretched out her slender index finger and wrote a letter on the table playfully.

"It's really a pigeon..."

At 9:[-] in the evening, the old toy in Lin Yi's live broadcast room had no choice but to knock out this barrage.

Soon, the entire live broadcast room became a gathering place for pigeons.



After closing the door of the laboratory, Lin Yi turned and went back to the bedroom.

Turning on the computer, and proficiently boarding Qiandu, Lin Yi searched for "World of Warcraft Undead Language" on it.

- Undead is a lower form of Common Azeroth, mixed with (rarely) Dwarven and Thalastian, which existed long before the undead and lived in the shadowy According to members of the black market and thieves guild in the sewer, it has evolved into a...

While flipping through the Wikipedia, Lin Yi searched for those familiar words.

That's right, Lin Yi had seen the words in the diary in the game.

Who would have thought that characters from another world would appear in games in the real world.

So ridiculous, but true.

Lin Yi's memory is unmistakable.

Soon, Lin Yi found it.

Now that it was confirmed that there was nothing wrong, she immediately speeded up, and quickly read the 10-word post at a glance.

Then she closed her eyes, opened the diary, and found out the words she saw one by one.

Sure enough, right on...

At this moment, she looked at "Diary of a Mage" and then looked at the posts on Qiandu, an inexplicable smile appeared on that cold and beautiful face unconsciously.



In the blink of an eye, Lin Yi had a guess.

Just like that great detective, Shinichi Kudo said.

—When you remove all the impossibility, what remains, however unbelievable, is the truth!
But the truth is too interesting.

Lin Yi smiled.

Looks like I'll go to Blizzard next time.

Now that you've got a few correct words, let's try to decipher it.

An hour later, Lin Yi walked out of the bedroom shaking her sore wrist.

It is too stupid and too troublesome to rely on manpower to decipher, and the target is still a completely unfamiliar writing system, and Lin Yi roughly estimates that the diary has at least 10 words, and she doesn't have that much time to squander it.

So, she compiled a software at random, and spent another half an hour to fix bugs, improve the operation logic, and then test and run it.

Then, according to the problems encountered during the actual operation, the software was upgraded several times. After several repetitions, a translation software with a little bit of "artificial intelligence" that could be used for independent learning and comparison was born.

After repeated tests and found that it was indeed usable, Lin Yi scanned all the diaries and entered them all.

But dead objects are dead objects after all, and this software is only used for rough selection and rough comparison, because its error rate must be high. After the comparison is completed and the newly expanded lexicon is stored, Lin Yi will screen and select again .

This process must be repeated at least dozens of times before it can be seen. By then, it will probably take at least a day and a night.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Lin Yi raised her delicate little hand and yawned.

After a whole day of work, she was really tired, especially for this kind of "translation" work where a single word was wrong, which meant a huge difference in meaning. Lin Yi had to work hard all the time.

Even if she was wearing women's clothes, she didn't dare to be distracted at all.

So, while working on the software, she decided to take a break.

Hey, why did you sleep on the sofa again?

Looking at Lin Xiaoxi and Rhubarb nestled on the sofa in the living room, Lin Yi shook her head helplessly.

In winter, I am not afraid of catching a cold.

When Lin Yi approached, the sleeping rhubarb seemed to notice something, it shook its tail and let out an unconscious cry.

Even rhubarb was spoiled by Xiaoxi, and he didn't sleep even if he had a nest...

Lin Yi, who was acting as a nanny, tapped the ground lightly, suspended the two of them in the air, and then pushed them with his hands, and Da Huang and Lin Xiaoxi flew back to their respective beds [nest? 】room.

“Finally finished”

At three o'clock in the morning, after repeated inspections, Xiao Pin roared happily, his dark and tired face was full of relief.

"Go back and get a good night's sleep!"

Commanding his subordinates, he began to evacuate the convention center.

Standing on the steps of the outer square, watching his subordinates doing scattered finishing work, his face was full of sorrow.

Fortunately, so many people came yesterday, but there was no big news. It's good luck, but there is always such an unlucky guy...

The fat house that hung up in the toilet has been found, alas, sorry.

Xiaopin shook his head helplessly.

Stepping on the crunching snow, he came to the huge ice cone and watched the workers surround the ice sculpture and put up a sign.

"Harbin ice sculptures, works of art, precious, be careful, don't touch them"

Yes, Not Bad.

Nodding in satisfaction, and checking again for the last time, Xiao Pin called everyone to leave quickly.

On Monday morning, Lin Xiaoxi went to class.

In the bedroom next door, Lin Yi's "language translator" was still working hard. After one night, the progress was only 50%.

But with the many phrases that have been parsed out before, it can be used for comparative analysis, and I am afraid that it will be a little faster later.

Sitting in the laboratory, Lin Yi took out the gray space bag and started researching.

In addition to space attributes, this small bag is also very unusual.

Stretching out her thumb and index finger, Lin Yi gently pinched them.

Rubbing the bag felt very comfortable, just like the touch of her skin, smooth and delicate.

At first glance, it looks like a piece of fabric, but I don't know what kind of material it is made of.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi looked at her clothes, they all seemed to have the "invincible" attribute.

But the difference is that Lin Yi's invincibility relies on the blessing of spells.

And this small bag relies on its own special material.

Is this the moon cloth?

When she knew that the language of the undead from another world appeared in WoW, Lin Yi read all the settings about WoW for the first time, and kept it in her mind.

Among them, the moon cloth is a special kind of cloth in the Azeroth universe.

It is said that if you want to obtain moon cloth, you need to kill the demons first, get the devil cloth from them, and then wash and extract the devil cloth in a special place called the Moon Well to make moon cloth, which shows its trouble and preciousness .

Of course, this is just Lin Yi's speculation.

In fact, she was not even sure whether such things as "Moon Well", "Moon Cloth" and "Demon" existed.

Perhaps, the other party drank too much and made it up?

But no matter what it is, this fabric must be special and highly compatible, otherwise it cannot carry the more special attribute of space.

Facing such an unknown and novel thing, Lin Yi was very happy.

Although her face was still indifferent, there was indeed a faint throbbing in her heart.

After all, on the current earth [meow], apart from women's clothing and visitors from other worlds, it is difficult to arouse Lin Yi's interest.

Under the bright light, Lin Yi opened the gray bag.

It was empty, except for dozens of sets of women's clothing, a few rulers and pencils, and a piece of cake.

As soon as Lin Yi believed in it, that square piece of milk cow cake appeared on the table.

Holding up the cake, Lin Yi looked at it and smelled it.

The taste and texture have not changed at all, and it is exactly the same as it was 12 hours ago.

So, next, do you want to experiment with living things?

Meow? !

The rhubarb in the living room suddenly raised its tail.

It raised its head, looked left and right, then jumped onto the balcony like a gallop, and ran downstairs.

On Tuesday morning, the excited Lin got up from the bed at 5 o'clock, without any pants on, and turned on the computer that had been working for two days and two nights and the network cable was removed. Sure enough, it has been cracked.

Lin Yi rubbed his hands, put on his down jacket excitedly, and squatted down on the stool.

"Let me see, what are you writing?"

Peeping at [meow] other people's diaries will always make people excited [meow], this is unavoidable for any species!
Oh, "Mage Diary", Farr, that guy's name is Farr, hey, what an ugly name.

Oh, when you were born, you became your parents, wait a minute, aren't you an undead?
Forget it, skip it.

Oh, I entered the Royal Academy of Spells in the Undercity at the age of three, amazing.

Then, Lin Yi couldn't understand.

Because, Farr started to go to school, Farr started to skip grades, Farr started to get a scholarship, Farr started to teach other students of the same grade as a student...

His diary also ranges from "I have a crush on a chinless undead girl" at the beginning to "How to use ten fingers to launch spells of different elements", to "That junior is so handsome" at the end, and then to "How do I combine my junior with him?" The girls are combined together to make a sewing monster" and so on.

The above records became more and more complicated, and in the end, there was no word at all, but filled with dense formulas and symbols.

There is no way, facing the worldwide problem of "I know every word clearly, but I can't understand it when they are combined together", Lin Yi had to take off his down jacket and put on women's clothes.

Lin Yi, who was dressed as a woman, did not rush to look through the notes like Lin Yi did, but stared at the Han language and foreign language comparison table on the computer, and after roughly checking again, wrote down the translated foreign words. down.

Closing her eyes, she went through it in her mind and found that she had indeed written it down. Then she formatted the computer and destroyed it physically.

Taking out her mobile phone, Lin Yi stretched out her free left hand while placing an order on a certain treasure, writing and drawing, trying to master this foreign language proficiently as soon as possible.

——Dung を 食べましょう!
——Time は変わった.grown ups……

——Today is the wind ga ga ga shi ina

With a flick of his left hand, traces were left in front of his eyes. Complicated and mysterious phrases from other worlds kept jumping out under Lin Yi's hands, and soon filled the entire room.

Putting down the phone, looking at the sky full of unfamiliar words, Lin Yi smiled faintly.

Then with a wave of her hand, the phrases turned into specks of starlight and disappeared without a trace.

Looking back at the old computer that has been with her for more than 10 years, and the motherboard and hard disk can no longer be distinguished, Lin Yi is not sad at all.

Anyway, Lin Yi more than once hoped that it would break down soon so that he could replace it with a new one, and he just fulfilled his wish.

Lin Yi knows that her computer and phone will definitely be supervised by certain departments. Although her hacking skills are very strong and the probability of leakage is very low, Lin Yi still chooses to keep it in her mind.

After dealing with these trivial matters, Lin Yi picked up the diary.

Looking at it now, I can roughly understand it, but some very professional and uncommon terms may need to be pondered, but it is not a big problem.

With the continuous expansion of the foreign language lexicon, it can be expected that Lin Yi will eventually be able to deduce the true meaning of these rare words through the whole paragraph.

After she settled down, after reading two pages, Lin Yi benefited a lot.

Although Farr is only a necromancer, he is extremely proficient in the shadow department.

For the whole day, Lin Yina didn't go either.

At this moment, she was like a sponge, absorbing these novel knowledges to her heart's content.

She used to be alone, facing a messy and huge energy system, no teacher, no teaching materials, no one told her what to do, she could only figure it out by herself.

Although Lin Yi could prove her inference through detailed and rigorous analysis, but that method has the convenience of directly comparing textbooks.

From morning to night, 10 minutes before Lin Xiaoxi was about to go home.

Lin Yi put down the diary.

Pushing open the window, looking at this familiar world, just like the surprise that this world brought to Lin Yi when she put on women's clothes for the first time, this world has become different now.

Clear, logical, meticulous, and full of unknowns.

With a light tap of her foot, Lin Yi disappeared.

In the next second, she appeared on the streetlight next to the basketball court in Nancheng Sports Park.

The newly built sports park is well-equipped and lively every day.

"Let's go, brother"

"Four steps is still walking? Have you ever watched the NBA"

"That's right, I'm LeBron James with a six-step layup"

Seeing a group of boys making noise below, Lin Yi turned around and appeared on the huge Ferris wheel in Fumin Playground.

In the high sky, the stars are dotted, behind Lin Yi's hands, the white skirt is fluttering.

With a little more foot, she appeared in the convention center.

Although it is night, under the lights, many people still come here to see the ice sculptures.

“Wow the ice sculptures in Harbin”

"very rare"

"Come on, take a photo"

Lin Yi kept teleporting, appearing at the southernmost beach for a while, and at the northernmost grassland for a while. The moment Lin Xiaoxi opened the door, she returned home from the snow-capped mountain top.

Sure enough, it's different...

"elder sister"

Seeing Lin Yi who opened the door for her, Lin Xiaoxi was very happy.

Lin Yi nodded slightly, with a smile on her lips. At this time, she was wearing a white dress, and she was beyond beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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