Chapter 302 Mountain Fire
0 points in the early hours.

Dapingyang, a small island.

The desolate island under the darkness of night is quiet and deep.

The birds have already returned to the forest, the fish have rested, and there is no light pollution from the bustling city here, everything looks so pleasing to the eye.

A white figure appeared above the island.

At that moment, the sky seemed to brighten up because of her.

“Mum, this place is not bad”

Standing in mid-air, Lin Yi looked left and right, and after a while, she nodded with satisfaction.

Recently, while studying the space technology in the space bag, she started to do space experiments.

You don't need to think about it, you know that space magic is bound to be dangerous and weird, so you definitely can't do it in your own laboratory, or even your own country.

For this reason, Lin Yi searched for a long time, and finally found this remote island that could not be seen on the Gaagle map.

Lin Yi circled around the island.

There are few animals and a lot of vegetation. Most of the surrounding areas are deep sea areas, and the nearest island is hundreds of nautical miles away.

Use this place to do some dangerous experiments, even if the sky falls apart, no one will pay attention.

So, here we go...

With a light tap of his foot, Lin Yi flew into the sky.

After standing still, she put her hands in front of her body, closed her eyes, and lowered her head slightly.

After a while, the quiet air around began to boil.

Under the dark night sky, a little bit of starlight gathered towards Lin Yi's hands, and it became more and more bright, gradually becoming dazzling.

Seeing that it was almost done, Lin Yi raised her hand again, and the starlight began to converge in mid-air, slowly covering the island like an hourglass, and within 5 minutes, the island was completely covered.

Lin Yi retreated lightly, and the small island a hundred steps away became like a flower in a fog, blurred and finally disappeared completely.

Not bad.

Nodding, Lin Yi turned around and disappeared.

"The weather is so nice and perfect for hiking!"

At 11 o'clock in the morning, three backpackers were walking on the rugged mountain road among the high mountains of Shen Njiao.

They were fully armed, wearing thick jumpsuits, sun hats, breathable masks, leather hiking boots, and huge backpacks stuffed behind them.

Holding alpenstocks in their hands, they were steady on their feet, neither fast nor slow, and they looked like veterans.

Unshaven Xiao Ming walked in the front, talking casually while observing the route.

"It's really terrible to go to work all the time. The air in the mountains is better. After walking around, people are refreshed."

Xiaohong and Xiaogang followed closely behind. Although they didn't speak, their sweaty faces were full of approval.

Although it is winter, it is really comfortable except for a little sweat along the way, neither hot nor cold.

The three of them have been friends for many years, and they are also colleagues. Coupled with this common hobby, the relationship is very good.

At five o'clock in the morning, the three of them set off from the foot of the mountain. According to the plan, they would arrive at the first campsite before one o'clock in the afternoon.

Shen Njia is located inland, with a suitable environment, rich products, and a variety of wild animals. In addition, in the past two years, the stories of Shen Njia savages and gods have also made this place more and more lively. Along the way, the three I have met many like-minded donkey friends.

Half an hour later, at a smooth boulder, the three stopped.

While taking off the shoes and throwing out the rubbish inside, he took a rest and drank some water.

As a leader and a person who can't keep his mouth shut, Xiao Ming wiped his sweat while exhaling hot air and finding nothing to say.

"Shen Njia 20 years ago, it was called a rich product, and you can dig some medicinal materials when you go to the mountains. Unfortunately, now the wild ganoderma, ginseng, snow lotus and so on are getting less and less, almost extinct... ..."

Xiaogang and Xiaohong kept silent, they were a little sleepy, just leaning against the stone, wiping their sweat.

In the depths of Shennjia, big trees cover the sky and the sun, and the mist is thick, like a fairyland.

There was nothing in the surrounding area, except for a few occasional animal calls that came from nowhere, and there was no movement.

Under the dense forest, the stacked yellow leaves collapsed slightly, and a white figure suddenly appeared.

As if weightless, she fell slowly, and when her toes touched the fallen leaves, she disappeared again, and reappeared on the top of a high mountain hundreds of miles away.

Leaning over to look at the Ganoderma lucidum under the mountain, she jumped lightly.

The figure is ethereal, like a fairy.

As the mist rose, she stopped in midair like this, reaching out to pick up the dark and crimson Hell Ganoderma that grew on the mountainside.

Look carefully, a little dew is still on it, and the rich fragrance is also wafting in the air.

It looks pretty good.


Oh, there is really something protecting it.

Lin Yi looked back curiously.

The thick fog around was blown to pieces in the blink of an eye, and a ferocious eagle spread its wings and swooped down.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, did not move.

Opening its sharp claws, the eagle faced Lin Yi's flawless face without any hesitation, and just came up with a claw.

In the next second, the seemingly invincible eagle seemed to hit a transparent steel plate and fell straight off the cliff.

Shaking her head, Lin Yi took off the Ganoderma lucidum, tipped her toes, and slowly climbed to the top of the mountain. She looked around and stepped towards the position near the sea.

[Don't ask why there is a sea, the author says there is, and it exists! 】

"Ha, it's finally here"

A small branch of Sea X crossed the Shen N frame, forming an inland river running from north to south inside the forest.

Along the meandering river, Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang started camping, while Xiao Hong, a girl, went to the forest to pick up some broken branches to make a fire.

After a while, the smoke rose, and the three of them started cooking lunch.

After eating and taking a lunch break, the three continued to set off.

According to the scheduled plan, they stayed in the mountains tonight and started to return the next morning.

X sea.

While the sea was tumbling, Lin Yi jumped up and landed on the sea.

To her left was a smooth shell the size of a bath tub, with hills of blue coral at her feet.

Turning over with his left hand, Lin Yi put them all into the space bag.

Glancing in the direction, Lin Yi disappeared again.

God N frame dense forest.

As the three of them went deeper and deeper, the pedestrians left fewer and fewer traces, the mountain road became more and more rugged, and the physical exertion doubled, which made them walk slower and slower.

Suddenly, a click came from a distance, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and the three of them were startled.

"Thunder during the day"

"No one will cross the catastrophe"

Xiao Ming looked up at the tall tree beside him, while wiping off his sweat and taking a rest, he joked casually.

Xiao Gang and Xiao Hong didn't answer, but rolled their eyes at the same time.

The two of them were too tired to talk anymore, looking at Xiao Ming who was climbing up the tree over there...

Hey, it really belongs to the monkey, it is really mentally ill!

"There seems to be a fire over there!"

Xiao Ming on the tree suddenly yelled, then slid down, picked up his things and started running.

"Follow up, we have to go and see, if there is a fire, it will be troublesome!"

Fire, this is in the mountains!
Anyone with a little common sense knows that a fire in the mountains will have disastrous consequences.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong were stunned for a moment, then immediately picked up their things and followed.

"It's over, Crow's Mouth, it's really on fire!"

Standing on the high slope, the three of them were out of breath, with serious faces.

Not far from them, the fire was red, birds flew up from time to time, and animals fled in all directions. With the sound of crackling, it seemed that even the heat wave was close at hand.

"Hey, is there a fire alarm? Yes, I'm on God N, and there's a fire here. Okay, I'll send you the location right away."

Xiao Ming growled into the phone.

"How about it?"

Seeing that Xiao Ming finished making the phone call, Xiao Gang and Xiao Hong immediately joined him.

"X's, I'm X!"

Xiao Ming didn't reply, just stamped his feet and cursed at the same time.

"I'm furious!"

(End of this chapter)

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