Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 303 Fighting the Fire

Chapter 303 Fighting the Fire
——Set fire to the mountain and sit in prison.

This slogan actually shows that once a fire breaks out in the forest, no matter how big or small, the consequences will be extremely serious.

At this time, looking at the soaring fire not far away, and those circling and mourning birds, all three of them looked solemn.

After Xiao Ming finished calling, Xiao Gang immediately asked.

"The fire alarm should be there soon. This kind of forest area is usually equipped with helicopters, so we don't have to worry..."


Xiao Ming pinched his phone tightly and gritted his teeth.

"Yes, they have helicopters, but their helicopters have been sent for maintenance. It will take at least 15 minutes from the base to here."


Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Don't say 15 minutes, even 5 minutes, look at the fire, this is still in the forest, so many trees will be burned, in an instant, the whole area will be gone, even...

Hey, thinking of this, the three people standing on the high slope were silent for a while.

"Or, let's..."

Xiao Hong, who just wanted to say that we should stay away, saw Xiao Ming start to rummage through things before he finished speaking.

He tore open his backpack, found several pairs of masks, took out mineral water and poured them all, put on his gloves, picked up his engineering shovel, and ran to the place where the fire broke out.

"You're going to fight a fire? Are you crazy!"

Xiao Gang rushed forward, immediately grabbed Xiao Ming, and punched him with his hand.

"With such a big fire, what can you do? What about your brain, kicked by a donkey?!"

Covering his chest, he flicked his sleeves silently, and wiped away the spittle that Xiao Gang sprayed on his face. Although Xiao Ming was stunned for a moment by being scolded, his eyes immediately became firm again.

"You're right, but I'm still going to help. I'm going to try to dig out a isolation zone. I can't just watch the fire devour the forest. I'm not that noble, and I don't want to protect national property. I just don't want it. This forest only exists in my memory..."

After all, Xiao Ming ran towards the distance without looking back.

"2X, I'm X!"

Looking at the figure of Erbi who was rushing towards him, Xiao Gang cursed loudly, but after he finished cursing, he gritted his teeth and followed with his engineering shovel.

Xiao Ming's hot blood surged away the other two.

The three of them ran towards the source of the fire non-stop. During this period, animals kept rushing out of the forest.

Rabbits, boars, tigers and even a seal.


But in the face of the fire, the three had no time to marvel.

"Just here, there are not many trees ahead, I guess we can hold on for a while, let's start digging from here"

About 20 meters away from the fire source, the three stopped, covered their noses and mouths with multi-layer masks, and began to dig.

Cutting trees, chopping wood, chopping grass, digging holes, feeling the astonishing heat wave in front of you, and the air is also full of burning smell, everything looks extremely dangerous.

But the three of them didn't stop, they just kept their heads down and worked hard, as if they were holding back their energy.

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Gang!"

After working for a while, Xiao Hong suddenly yelled.

The other two straightened up and looked at it, only then were they dumbfounded.

They were digging the isolation zone and they were trapped in the fire.

The raging fire quietly burned behind them at some point, like a fire dragon, surrounding them all.

For a moment, the crackling sound rang in the ears, and the shadow of despair fell on everyone's head.

Huh, a thunderbolt in the clear sky?

Lin Yi, who was walking slowly in the forest, stopped when he heard movement.

She looked up, not far away, a big tree was smoking.

Is it because the tree is too tall and there is excess oxygen?

In a short while, Lin Yi arrived at the scene of the incident.

Just looking at the roots of the tree, you can tell that it was originally a towering tree, but now there is only a charred shell left.

What made Lin Yi curious was that there was actually a section of tree hidden inside the empty shell. Its color looked very different from that of the big tree. Moreover, it was intact in the fire, and even the young branches and leaves on it were intact. Still alive and well.

Mmm ~ good stuff.

Lin Yi took it away unceremoniously, and with a wave of his hand, tiny ice cubes fell from the sky, extinguishing all the surrounding flames.

After finishing all this, Lin Yi was about to leave, but suddenly stopped.

Eh, this smell...is it on fire?

She tapped the ground lightly and rose into the air.


Surrounded by the fire, Xiao Ming started to tuo- his clothes while apologizing with guilt on his face.

"Come and cover my head with all my clothes, you two go together, the north is the sea, rush there, while the fire is not strong now, there is still hope of escaping..."

Soon, Xiao Ming was surrounded by the two surprised onlookers, and all he had left was his pants.

"What are you still doing in a daze, put it on quickly!"

Before Xiaogang could speak, Xiaohong beside him started crying.

Huh huh~
Seeing Xiao Hong crying, Xiao Ming couldn't help but froze for a moment. At that moment, as if all the strength in his body was drained, he swung his left hand and slapped himself hard.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive. I'm sorry, Xiaogang. I will be obedient next time. If there is a next time..."

The three of them sat on the ground decadently, watching helplessly as the encirclement got smaller and smaller.

The fire took advantage of the wind, and the wind boosted the power of the fire. The heat wave rolled in and hit their faces hard.

Seeing that the three of them were about to die in the sea of ​​flames, Xiao Ming couldn't help but put his own clothes on the heads of the two of them.

At this moment, there was a whoosh, as if something fell from the sky with the sound of tearing the air.

It fell to the ground, splashing dust.

At that moment, even the surrounding flames seemed to be scared away by its momentum.

"This, what the hell is it meowing ice cubes?"

Looking at the huge block of ice that was less than half a step away from him and almost crushed him to death, Xiao Ming pinched his arm vigorously.

"Hiss, it hurts, haha, I'm not dreaming!"

Xiao Ming opened his mouth wide and jumped up happily.

The person-high ice block in front of him was firmly stuck in the soil, and the exposed part of the ground seemed to be still radiating cold air.

Xiao Ming stretched out his hand, and before he touched the ice, he sneezed in the hot and cold pinch.

"It's cold, it's ice cubes!"

Sucking his nose, Xiao Ming was overjoyed when he touched the ice cube.

"It's true!"

He jumped up again, and the other two were also extremely surprised.

But why, there are ice cubes here?

They involuntarily looked up at the sky.

Swish swish!
A few flashes of cold light flashed, and huge ice cubes fell from the sky, like a sword array to protect the three of them firmly, and the flames that had burned around them could only look at the ice and sigh.

"I must be dreaming..."

Xiao Ming took back his clothes and put them on, showing a dull expression.

Xiaogang and Xiaohong were not much better, they almost had the words "surprise" written on their faces.

"You said, we won't meet gods..."

Xiao Ming put on his clothes again, with an afro on his head. He looked at the ice around him first, and then whispered.

"Could it be that there are really immortal cultivators in the God N frame!"

What Xiao Ming said made the two of them stunned for a moment, but before their minds started to circle, suddenly, there was a deafening roar outside the ice formation.

It seemed as if huge shells were constantly bombarding the ground, the ground trembled, smoke billowed, and the three of them couldn't even stand still.

This is?

The three people sitting on the ground looked shocked and couldn't say a word.

"Look, the fire is small"

Xiao Ming, who was a little jumpy, quickly got up, jumped and looked out, and screamed non-stop.

"The fire is really small, and this side is also small!"

"Xiao Gang, get down quickly and let me take a look."

Xiao Ming, who couldn't get enough of watching, put his mind on Xiao Gang.

Hearing this, Xiao Hong couldn't help laughing, while Xiao Gang raised his face.

"Xiao Gang, look at me, just now... right..."

Xiao Ming played the emotional card.

For the sake of your tuoyifu just now, I will bear it.

Xiao Gang gritted his teeth and lay down on his stomach. The next second, Xiao Ming jumped onto his back.


"It's spectacular"

"There are ice cubes everywhere, ah, who is that!"

"Sister Fairy!"

"Get down and let me see!"

Hearing Xiao Ming's yelling, Xiao Hong and Xiao Gang couldn't bear it any longer, and kicked Xiao Ming to the ground.

The two people standing on Xiao Ming's back opened their mouths involuntarily when they saw the situation outside.

(End of this chapter)

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