Chapter 304
In the fortress surrounded by huge ice cubes, Xiao Gang and Xiao Hong stood on Xiao Ming's back, pulling the ice cubes, sticking their heads out and looking out.

As far as the eye can see, there are shiny ice cubes in a hundred li radius.

Under the shining of the sun, they emit crystal brilliance, just like arriving at an ice and snow castle!

Facing the bombardment of ice that washes the ground, the fire that was still aggressive just now has long been suppressed and breathless.

That's right, the fire is out!

"Look, there are people there!"

Xiaohong said in surprise.

Xiao Gang turned his head to look, but only saw a white figure.

10 minutes later, the helicopter arrived late.

Although the fire was not saved, the helicopter rescued the three trembling in the ice formation.

Time passed, and it was night.

God N Frame, Property Administration.

Although the origin of these ice cubes cannot be explained for the time being, no one believes the fairy and immortal cultivator they said.

He only thought that the three of them were frightened, there was no evidence after all, and Shen Njia had to deal with related matters after the fire, so he comforted the three of them and let them rest temporarily.

11 pm.

Two jeeps drove up, and someone who was dark and wearing glasses pushed away from the room of the three of them.

"Hello, I'm Xiaopin, come to understand something"

The next day.

in the laboratory.

Looking at the small transparent ball of light that was floating a foot high on the table and trembling slightly, Lin Yi moved her thumb and popped out a coin in her hand.

The coin was sucked in, but the ball of light also began to shake, as if it couldn't bear it.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, the coin fell out of the ball of light and fell onto the table.

Without special materials as the carrier, it is really not that easy to make a stable space.

That's right, the fragile and fragile little light ball in front of me is the storage space made by Lin Yi.

Although it has space attributes, its stability is still too poor.

Erasing the ball casually, Lin Yi stood up and looked at the balloon-sized transparent ball of light floating on the ceiling.

Underneath it is a piece of black wood, which looks very ugly, and the combination of the two is very mismatched.

It's like blowing a big bubble gum on top of a piece of wood.

But it was indeed made by Lin Yi, the first successful extra-dimensional space.

The piece of wood below is the strange piece of wood that Lin Yi brought back from the God's N-frame after being struck by lightning but intact.

What kind of plant is it? Lin Yi failed to find the answer on Qiandu, and it is probably a product of chance and coincidence.

In fact, except for the wood that had been struck by lightning, the hundred-year-old ganoderma on the mountainside, the thousand-year-old coral in the water, and the ten-thousand-year-old tortoise shell, she had tried all of these things that Lin Yi brought back from the God N frame.

But alas, the only one that succeeded was this wood.

The material of the alien beast has been cleaned up by her long ago, and the material on the earth is too common. At present, the only thing that can be found and used is such a piece of broken wood.

According to Lin Yi's guess, it should be due to the high harmony between wood attributes and space?

It seems that I will have to go to the tropical rainforest to find wood in the future.

Facing the balloon on the wood, Lin Yi waved lightly, and half of the oranges flew out from it.

Mmm~ It's still broken...

Sure enough, it's a bit difficult.

How to solve the flow rate of time in the storage space and how to maintain the characteristics of items, these problems seem to be more difficult than one.

In addition to these, materials are also a big problem.

You know, this is Earth-Earth, not a different world.

Although, Lin Yi's talent is amazing.

It took less than a week to make a counterfeit product, but Lin Yi knew that she was still far from it.

What she is making now can only be regarded as rubbish, it is extremely unstable, there is still little pretend, and it cannot be preserved for a long time.

Although, Lin Yi's space magic has already reached its peak.

But it is still very difficult to create a different space from her blunt cottage.

Moreover, space magic is extremely dangerous. Two days ago, Lin Yi almost destroyed his home. Fortunately, the previous runes supported him, so there was no big commotion.

How to do……

Stretching out her right hand and curling her long hair unconsciously, Lin Yi walked back and forth in the laboratory a few steps.

Turning around suddenly, she saw the double-connected test tubes on the wall.


If, instead of directly creating a storage space that exists in a different dimension, I create an actual space, and then connect it through a virtual channel...

It seems that it works!
At this moment, Lin Yi's eyes flashed an inexplicable brilliance.

But this method, there is no relevant knowledge in Farr's spell diary, Lin Yi can only do it by himself.

So, she coded and continued to study the uncommon terms of those different worlds, while cracking the space technology, a two-pronged approach.

Time passed day by day. On this day, Lin Yi cast light curtains in the laboratory to block his sight.

Then she solemnly drew a bowl-shaped passage, and the dark island in the Daping Ocean was faintly visible beyond the passage.

Lin Yi continued to correct until the channel was completely stable.

OK, the channel is established successfully.

Next, she took out a coin.

Leave you!

Lin Yi flicked it lightly, and the coin instantly passed through the channel and landed in the sea of ​​Dapingyang.


Half an hour later, after pushing open the door of the laboratory, Lin Yi came to the living room.

With a wave of his hand, the kettle flew up by itself, served tea and poured water, and handed it to Lin Yi. Lin Yi bent down slightly, picked up the teacup gracefully, and slowly tasted it.

The tea leaves on the top of the mountain really taste unusual. It seems that next time I go looking for wood, I can bring some by myself.

The experiment that had been prepared for a long time was successful, which showed that Lin Yi's thinking was correct.

Next, you just need to follow this correct train of thought and run all the way.

Having been busy for so long, it was rare for him to be free. After Lin Yi had a drink, he poured another for himself.

But at this moment, her cell phone rang.


Seeing the incoming call, Lin Yi smiled.

Hum, one good thing after another.

If there are no accidents on Netease's side, then the many problems that are bothering me now may be resolved soon.

So, putting down the teacup, Lin Yi picked up the phone.

"Hi, I'm Lin Yi"

12 o'clock noon.

During commute time, the busiest places in Haishi are the bus and subway stations.

By the side of the road, there are shared bicycles that can't be seen at a glance. The bus stop is always crowded with passengers waiting to get on the bus.

Most of them held a claw machine, bent down and lowered their heads, staring intently.

There are also various expressions, some are serious, some are nervous, some are secretly happy, and they are a vivid picture of "the various states of life".

Even though it was several degrees below zero today, Xiaomei, who was still dressed coolly, didn't care. She was wearing high heels, carrying a bag, leaning against the huge poster in front of the bus stop.

While scrolling through Weibo, she looked around boredly.

Hmph, this bald man is so ugly, he dares to steal [meow] to see his wife, but... he seems to be quite rich.

Hey, I'm so grown up, I'm not ashamed to still be a ship girl.

Ha, this is still a junior high school student.

Hey, why is it so difficult to find a man who can see you in the future?

Ah, this is God insisting that I be single!
Suddenly, a deep roar came from far to near, causing many people to look up.

"No way, now, Nike has also started making cars?"

"Second, this is McLaren!"

"The car is not expensive, only about 200 million, and the license plate number is awesome, Leopard number!"

"Tsk tsk, rich!"

In the eyes of everyone, the booming red McLaren stopped slowly at the bus stop sign, and even pulled aside to avoid blocking the bus.

"Give the car owner a thumbs up"

"Rich people with high quality are still very few"

"Agreed, it won't be a girl"

This guess made many single dogs at the bus station straighten up instantly.

But it is a pity that what came down was a young man with an ordinary appearance but an excellent reincarnation.


Ah ~!

As soon as the boys lamented, the girls couldn't wait to jump out in secret joy.

Wow, no way!
Could it be that God heard my complaints!
Xiaomei's heart began to thump, and its frequency reached 998 in an instant!

Oh rich man!
The moment the other party got off the car, Xiaomei seemed to see a pile of mobile banknotes.

Wow, [Car] is so handsome!
People are also [generally] handsome!

After all, the opponent can drive a McLaren with one hand!

Seeing the young man looking towards the bus stop sign and then walking over, Xiaomei quickly stood up straight, trying to control her trembling hands.

Is he coming?

Xiaomei didn't look sideways, although she felt flustered in her heart, she put on a nonchalant expression on her face.

Today's makeup is pretty good, earrings, colored contact lenses, necklace...


He really came!
Under everyone's curious, envious, and jealous eyes, the other party actually came towards Xiaomei, and even started talking to her.

"Hello, beauty"

what should I do?
Xiaomei, who was leaning against the bus stop sign, felt that the 365000 pores on her body were trembling.

He's coming, he's looking at me, he's really coming!
How to do!
Should I be reserved, or be more straightforward.

No, you can't be reserved, there are still a few P pools peeping beside you!
Ah ~!

He held out his hand.

What is he going to do?

This... Could this be, Bidong?
Looking at this ordinary-looking but very rich young man in front of her, Xiao Mei felt that her head was about to smoke.

Does he really want to tease me?

Ah ah ah~
He touched my hair!

At this moment, Xiaomei even thought of the name of her future child.

Li Goudan?
Wang Erniu?
Or Chen Pipi?
Just when Xiaomei was almost daydreaming about her future life as a rich woman, the other party spoke.

"Hello, beauty"

Xiaomei swallowed her saliva with difficulty, and after shaking for a long time, she returned nervously.


Looking at the wrist stretched out in front of her, although she couldn't see the brand, but the watch was full of diamonds, Xiaomei felt even more dizzy, as if she had been hit on the head by an 80-time sledgehammer.

Having watched too many romantic dramas, she subconsciously imagined the next scene.

Next, is he going to say.

——Are you free? Can I ask you out?
As long as he dares to speak, my wife will agree!
Little Merle thought happily.

Seeing that this rich young man really put on a posture to tease Xiaomei, for a while, the bus stop sign was full of lemons, vinegar and garlic.

Seeing that Xiaomei responded, and everyone was watching, the young man said again.

"I'm sorry, beauty, can you step aside..."

 Thanks to Bingyue Weilian, book friend 150624043057785, book friend 20191129012300698, book friend 20191203000352549 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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