Chapter 308 Programmer

Lin Yi's breakfast is very delicate, including milk, sandwiches, strawberry cake, vegetable and fruit platter...

All these things were placed on the table, which shows that the chef has really worked hard, knowing that Lin Yi probably likes light food with a little sweetness.

After delivering the meal, Yang Yule closed the door and left. After Lin Yi had finished her breakfast, she appeared at the door of the room at the right time. She bent slightly and said with a smile.

"Miss Lin, according to your plan, you plan to go to Blizzard today, right?"


Lin Yi nodded slightly.

"Well, I see"

Ten minutes later, accompanied by Yang Yule, the two drove to the Blizzard headquarters.

Halfway through the journey, Lin Yi's phone rang.

There was only one person who could call her at this point in time.

"What's wrong, Xiao Xi"

Picking up the phone, Lin Yi asked softly.

Yang Yule on the side had already looked out the window.

Although you can still hear some, you must have an attitude.

"It's dark at home, I'm alone, I'm a little scared..."

The voice from the microphone was very small, as if the speaker was pinching his nose on purpose.

"That's why I came to talk to you, sister"

"You can turn on the TV, or play with your mobile phone, or let rhubarb accompany you"

Obviously knowing that Lin Xiaoxi did it on purpose, Lin Yi still gave the best answer in an instant, and three at a time.

Although she was not at home, Lin Yi was very relieved.

In addition to the talisman on Lin Xiaoxi's neck, Lin Yi's improved rune array was engraved everywhere on the walls of the house.

As long as you are at home, you have nothing to fear even if it is a nuclear bomb.

In addition to these, there is the rhubarb that looks like a cat, but is actually a cat, but can be used to some extent.

Moreover, if Lin Xiaoxi really encounters troubles that cannot be solved, that's fine. The current Lin Yi can guarantee that she will be in Yingjiang one second and go home the next.

"Sister, don't you know wow..."

As soon as Lin Yi mentioned rhubarb, Lin Xiaoxi immediately pouted and began to report.

"During the past few days when you were not at home, Rhubarb was very mysterious. He always disappeared after eating. It must have fallen in love with someone else's cat. I remember that Rhubarb hadn't been castrated yet..."

Holding the phone to her ear, Lin Yi quietly listened to Lin Xiaoxi's complaints. She didn't speak, and only occasionally responded with monosyllables.

She didn't hang up the phone until 10 minutes later, because Lin Xiaoxi's cell phone was out of battery.

"Miss Lin and her sister have a good relationship."

Seeing Lin Yi put away her phone, Yang Yule said with a smile.

"I really want a sister too!"

Lin Yi responded, nodded, noncommittal.

The car was still driving on the road, neither fast nor slow.

Leaning on the seat, pinching the phone with his right thumb and index finger, Lin Yi gently turned the phone a few times.

Of course, Lin Xiaoxi's safety needn't be worried, as for Rhubarb...

Lin Yi smiled.

When I was not at home, rhubarb really went to heaven.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Rhubarb got up from the cat's nest next to the drinking fountain.

It first let out a habitual cry, then closed its eyes, stretched its limbs, hunched over, and stretched slowly.

Comfortable, meow!

There seems to be something wrong.

Da Huang tilted his head and looked at the familiar room suspiciously.

Quietness is one thing, but at the same time, the aura that scared me is gone?

What happened?

Da Huang took a catwalk and walked carefully to the door of someone's bedroom.

Rhubarb stretched out his front paws, and gently pushed open a crack in the door.

Hey, no!

It turned around immediately and went to the laboratory again, this time it was more careful.

First, I sniffed it vigorously, and then pushed the door open. As a result, it was empty inside, and there was still no one there.

Rhubarb's beard curled up, and he jumped three feet high.

What's wrong, that dead man who stays at home all day, tinkering here and there, is really not here!

"Rhubarb, good morning, so energetic"

Squeak, the door on the other side opened, Lin Xiaoxi pulled on her slippers and came out yawning.

As for the other idiot in the room, he was ignored by Rhubarb who was smoothing his beard and cleaning his fur.

After cleaning itself, it ran back and forth in the room, sniffing everywhere, without paying any attention to Lin Xiaoxi's yelling.

Really hey, I really don't have that person's taste anymore!
Great, Meow!
Wait ~
Rhubarb, who was going crazy, stopped suddenly.

It looked up at the clock on the wall, what if the shit shoveler went shopping?
So, after a while, it jumped onto the balcony and squatted there, basking in the sun, combing its fur, and waiting.

Time passed by little by little, very slowly.

Finally, at noon, Rhubarb jumped up.

The shit-shoveling officer in the white skirt didn't show up!
Go cool!
Rhubarb shuddered and jumped downstairs.

In less than half an hour, Lin Yi arrived at the Blizzard headquarters.

As Blizzard's most important festival, Blizzard Carnival attracts many game lovers every two days.

In addition, Blizzard's reputation in the game industry is not bad, and it has accumulated a lot of fans. Therefore, although the carnival has not yet started, many players are already queuing here.

On the square outside the clubhouse, Blizzard also thoughtfully prepared tents, a stage, and a dressing room. Here, many cosplayers are already performing.

There are many people, and the queue is long. Blizzard Carnival is a festival for Blizzard fans. Everyone who comes here seems to be on a pilgrimage, with piety and excitement.

Although she also played Blizzard games, Lin Yi didn't feel anything at the moment when she set foot on the Blizzard company.

In fact, if you want her to feel strange while wearing a small skirt, I'm afraid you have to set foot on the territory of another world.

Even if Lin Yi had to come to Blizzard, she was not in a hurry, so Lin Yi and Yang Yule started to wander around Blizzard according to the map sent to them at the entrance.

Beautiful ribbons, naughty dolls, huge balloons, flaming banners, players everywhere, cosplay can be seen everywhere, the atmosphere is very good, everyone is smiling, just like Christmas.

Along the way, even if the surroundings were noisy and messy, the two beauties must be eye-catching when they walk together. Just striking up a conversation and taking pictures, they encountered several waves.

Of course, Yang Yule blocked all of this, and that's what she was doing by Lin Yi's side.

Whether it is Ying Jiang, Ru Fa, Foot Pot Chicken or Mao Xiong, Yang Yule, who is proficient in various languages, is fearless.

The two stopped and stopped, just like ordinary tourists, and after a while, they came under the statue of Thrall.

Looking at this statue, which has long been famous on the Internet, Lin Yi just casually glanced at it and did not comment.

Walking past the statue and turning another corner, Lin Yi saw an acquaintance, and it was not appropriate to say that he was an acquaintance, because this person was already familiar to domestic Blizzard players.

- Jeff.

Lin Yi stepped forward.

Yang Yule quickly followed and introduced.

"Hi Jeff, this is Lin Yi, Miss Lin"

Seeing Lin Yi, Jeff's eyes were obviously surprised, he rubbed his hands unconsciously, and then said with a smile.

"Hallo! Nice to meet you!"


Smile on both sides and shake hands gently.

After being polite, Jeff turned around and led the way, striding ahead.

But after walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and praised him vigorously.

"so beautiful!"

Lin Yi just nodded as a response.

Clearly seeing Lin Yi's indifference, Jeff was taken aback for a moment, then shrugged with disappointment on his face.

This crooked nut, I think a lot!

Yang Yule, who was walking behind, sneered.

Just think hard!

As for you, a greasy engineering man with bald head and glasses, can Ms. Lin like you?

Jeff came to greet him in person, so Lin Yi and Yang Yule couldn't continue to hang out.

Together with Jeff, they went to where Blizzard works.

It’s no different from any other company. When you enter the door, you will see a huge 1:1 statue of Kerrigan. It’s dark, gothic, and evil, which fits the Queen of Blades very well.

Going further inside, there are rows of game characters hanging on the white walls, from The Lost Vikings, to Diablo, Interstellar, Diablo 2, and then to wow and so on.

Looking at them along the way, I seem to have seen how Blizzard was founded, and then it went to glory step by step, and then it declined step by step in the past two years.

As Arthas' father, Terenas Menethil said.

"Kingship has no eternity..."

In the small but comfortable office, Jeff called all the employees to introduce Lin Yi one by one.

"This is Tom"

"This is Jerry"

"This is Taffey"

"And this one, it's Butch"

Originally, these technical geeks were full of complaints when they were called in when they were busy, but when they came, they turned out to be two such beautiful guests, and they didn't have any complaints in an instant, and even a few of them turned into toutou. Put on makeup.

Clapping his hands, he brought his attention back to himself. Looking at these energetic young men with shining eyes, Jeff touched his reflective Mediterranean brain and introduced with a smile.

"This is Lin Yi, a popular domestic anchor with tens of millions of fans, and has had in-depth cooperation with Pig Farm more than once. Not only that, she is also a super powerful programmer!"

The materials Jeff read were all given by the pig farm.

As Blizzard's only partner in China, Land-Head-Snake, the two parties have cooperated for many years, and most of them know the basics. Therefore, based on the previous cooperation foundation, Jeff will believe what the pig farm says.

The pig farm naturally didn't know how good Lin Yi's computer skills were, so they had no choice but to make up this identity.

It's just because Lin Yi wants to see someone else's technician, the pig farm has no choice but to arrange such an identity.

In fact, the pig farm also suffers unspeakably.

Think about it, you don’t know anything, just a popular anchor who plays games, wants to meet other people’s IT elites, and people don’t have that much free time, spend half a day at Blizzard Carnival to meet an Internet celebrity with a wrong professional, even a pig farm If you are a matchmaker in the middle, people may not necessarily meet you.

In order to ensure the success of this meeting, they made up such an identity.

But who knows, the upright crooked nut will believe it.


Hearing this, a dead house wearing glasses stood up.

When he heard the word programmer, his face was full of joy, even more enthusiastic than when he first met Lin Yi.

No loss is a model of crooked fruit dead house, relying on strength to be single.

(End of this chapter)

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