Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 309 For the Birth of the King, Dedicate Meow

Chapter 309 For the Birth of the King, Dedicate Meow
A lot of people surrounded Blizzard's office, just because I heard that two super beautiful oriental guests came.

Originally, they were just curious, but as soon as they saw Lin Yi and the two of them, the curious crowd couldn't leave, and more and more people surrounded the office.

In the office, the voice of the dead house attracted everyone, knowing that it was too loud and a little rude.

Seeing these gazes looking at him, he hastily put down his half-cup of Coke, stood up and explained.

"Because the nostalgic server has encountered some difficulties, it has been stuck for a long time, and the progress has been unable to catch up, so I really hope that someone can give some pointers..."

After hearing the explanation, the people around looked at Lin Yi again.

This time they are no longer toutoumomo, but aboveboard, look!
Faced with these curious, expectant, and suspicious gazes, Lin Yi showed no signs of timidity, and simply returned.


There is no need to ask where the problem is, and there is no need to know how many problems there are, because in Lin Yi's view, as long as it is a computer made on Earth, no matter whether it is software or hardware, it is not a problem!
Wow, so domineering~
Yang Yule who was standing beside Lin Yi was both happy and surprised.

She looked at the adoring eyes looking at Lin Yi around her, and her heart couldn't stop spinning. Could it be that Miss Lin is really a very good programmer?
However, this temperament does not match programmers at all.

The programmers in Yang Yule's eyes should be similar to the previous ones, such as bald head, glasses, greasy body, fat body, coke and mobile phone...

On the other hand, Ms. Lin, with her fluttering white dress, has an outstanding temperament, like a fairy.

This, these two, just like silt and white lotus, have nothing to do with each other at all!

But no matter what, Miss Lin is amazing!
Seeing that Lin Yi agreed, the dead man wearing glasses hurriedly led Lin Yi to his computer.

Looking at the two-dimensional girls' figurines and stickers on the computer table, there is even a shiny Longma pillow on the seat.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, and instead of sitting down, she simply stood there.

But the dead house wearing glasses has no awareness, he spoke very fast.

"The problem is this, this task, the girl by the lake, even though the current official server is completely fine, but when switched to the nostalgic server, as soon as the player accepts this task, the frame will drop wildly, and finally the CPU is seriously high, and the computer directly paralysis"

The other party spoke quickly and briefly, but Lin Yi understood.

After thinking about it, she asked.

"Demonstrate it once, let me see"

"it is good"

The glasses man sat down immediately, and skillfully opened the test account amidst the crowd watching.

"I chose a human to pick up the task. At the beginning, everything was normal, but once I clicked to accept the task, the FPS dropped rapidly until it got stuck on the PPT. During this period, it was useless to give up the task."

Lin Yi looked at the PPT-like picture and asked.

"Won't it drop?"


"Can you release skills?"


During the question and answer, the two answered all the questions.

Beside him, the colleague in the glasses-dead house was also thinking, and soon someone whispered.

"Could it be that the router hasn't been restarted for too long?"

"It may also be that the network cable connector is loose"

"It is possible that the network card driver has not been updated"

Their discussion was in full swing. On the one hand, they wanted to help the glasses-dead house solve the problem, and on the other hand, they were probably trying to show off in front of someone.

But Lin Yi ignored it, and after about a minute, she spoke.

"let me"

Pushing aside the stool beside her, she pulled over the computer next to her. Amidst the almost demented expressions of the crowd, she quickly compiled and reorganized dozens of lines of code, then added a few more letters, and finally typed, OK.

"You try again"

Looking at Lin Yi's actions, the spectacled man was full of doubts. He accepted the task again, but who would have thought that as soon as he accepted the task, he would be stuck and disconnected, and less than a second later, click, a blue screen, and a line of code followed jumped out.

The nerd with glasses was dumbfounded.

He turned his head and stared at Lin Yi seriously.

what are you doing?
If you don’t know it, forget it, and keep messing around, this is my beloved old [electricity] [brain], if it breaks, you can’t afford it!
The other party's dissatisfaction was beyond words, but Lin Yi remained unmoved.

She pointed at the codes and said lightly.

"Now look at your code again, do you find any problems?"

Seeing that the other party was still puzzled and confused, Lin Yi directly reached out and clicked somewhere.

"There is an extra IF here. Now look at whether the bug is obvious. Sometimes, the problem you encounter is relatively small, and you can't see why. In this case, expand the problem. Relatively, its damage scope , and the impact will become clearer, so it will be easy to solve.”


In the corner, a fat man wearing glasses was the first to see clearly, and he yelled.

"This technique is amazing!"


Seeing that Lin Yi solved the problem, the surrounding immediately praised him.

"Miss Lin, here I am, I'm still a novice, I still use C++, and my mind gets confused when I get too much, it seems a bit complicated here, the calculation is also slow, and there are too many redundant data..."

A skinny newcomer raised his hand weakly.

Facing a circle of bosses and bosses, he was a little timid.

Lin Yi walked over and pondered for a moment.

"Delete the third sentence, delete the type, number, and all in the fourth sentence, delete all in the fifth sentence, delete all before start, and join 404"

According to the plan given by Lin Yi, the thin man couldn't wait to operate it, and then tried it out.

"Wow, it's almost 2 minutes faster, 50 more than 7788 codes have been deleted!"

"Lying C, that's okay too"

"Excellent, Miss Lin!"

This time, apart from admiration, there was continuous applause all around.

After all, as long as he is a real boss, no matter where he is, he will be respected.

It turns out that Ms. Lin is really a programmer!

Lin Yi's operation made Yang Yule stare at him from the sidelines.

Even crooked nuts can be praised, this level is too good!

Although Yang Yule didn't understand technical things, she still worked hard because of Lin Yi.

I know what Blizzard represents, and I also know that these people seem to be dead houses on the surface, but they are actually masters of technology, which can make them all full of praise, then Ms. Lin is really amazing!

Not far from the Lin family are clusters of neighborhoods, and there are criss-crossing paths between each neighborhood.

They are about half a meter wide and can't be seen at a glance. They are the dividing lines of houses.

Here, there are green trash cans, and next to the trash cans, three dirty wild cats are looking for food.

Next to the squatting sewer, there are overflowing leftovers in the trash can, the stench is stinking, and the mosquitoes are surrounded, but these cats have no choice.

They have been wild cats since they were born, unless they meet a well-meaning excrement shoveler, they will always be in such a disgraceful manner, with garbage, with feces, rejected by people, and chased by dogs.

This kind of difficult life will last for a lifetime, maybe half a year, or a few months, and disappear together with their death.

The cats who found a dead fish were very happy, and they meowed around the food.

At this moment, suddenly there was a cat meowing from a distance.

The voice was high, loud, and majestic.

There's a cat calling!
The three wild cats looked at each other, ate the dead fish in two or three bites, and immediately ran towards the place where the sound came from.

Crackling, stepping on the sewage-filled road, they came to the spacious street.

People come and go here, bright and beautiful, and the dark, narrow path, a sky, a ground.

Under the glare of the sun, when they got to the side of the road, they realized that there were not only the three of them, but also some dirty cats sitting beside them.

At the front of the group of cats was a king-like cat with golden fur.

Looking at his fur, paws, beard, and imposing manner, the three wild cats are both envious and inferior.

This must be a happy cat who was taken in by the shit-shoveling officer, fed well, and dressed warmly.

Just when the three cats were envious, a meow sounded, and the king-like cat walked over with cat steps.

Big Yellow proudly walked under the sun and came to the cats.

Look at your pussy.

They were all skinny and listless, as if they hadn't eaten!
Everyone raised their heads, meow!
It looked around and howled again.

Follow me, meow!

Then he turned around, raised his tail, and strode forward with a pace that his relatives did not recognize.

Under its command, about [-] to [-] cats followed obediently, just like cats, walking on the street mightily.

"Wow, so many cats, so cute"

"Look at the front, that big cat is their leader"

"Well, it's really impressive."

People on the street quickly noticed Da Huang and his party.

Listening to the amazement of the onlookers, the rhubarb who walked in the front was very happy.

But when there are too many cats, it becomes a bit chaotic when walking.

But as soon as Rhubarb stopped, turned around, and barked imposingly, those troublesome cats immediately became good babies.

On the bustling street, there was the clicking sound of mobile phones taking pictures all around from time to time, and more and more people were onlookers.

Rhubarb took a look.

Being watched by so many people, it seems silly to just walk away like this. Find something to do?

There, meow!

Seeing a stray dog ​​lying in front of him catching lice under the sun, Rhubarb instantly regained his energy.

Go beat the dog first!

It greeted and rushed up with an army of cats, and the result was self-evident.

Ten minutes later, looking at the big dog running away with its tail between its legs, Rhubarb licked its front paws in satisfaction, and looked at the adoring eyes of those cats. Its beard was so tall.

Meow, not bad, but not fun, come again!
In this way, in less than an hour, the cat army led by Da Huang was invincible and cleaned up all the stray dogs around.

Rhubarb's violent crushing completely convinced these cats who were often bullied by stray dogs.

In the past, they only listened to Rhubarb because of its aura, but now, after defeating the stray dogs around here, they completely surrendered.

All of a sudden, all the cats standing in front of Rhubarb meowed. They seemed to be singing, as if they were meowing to the birth of the king!
Listening to the flattering meows, Rhubarb from another world is very satisfied.

But at this moment, Da Huang suddenly felt that his stomach seemed a little hungry.

Meow, after so much activity in the morning, I should be hungry.

So, looking at the group of cats under him, Rhubarb waved his paw.

Meow, let's go, let's take you to find something to eat!

As soon as they heard that there was food, these cats, who were worried about eating and drinking every day, followed without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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