Chapter 316 Aliens

Because it is open for business, in order to make the store brighter, Meiyijia's fat boss keeps the lights on even in the daytime.

But the moment the girl came in, the fat boss felt that the 50000W LED light bulb in his room was suppressed!
Who is this?
The fat boss couldn't help but look up. At this moment, in the light, he seemed to see a fairy.

well, so beautiful...

"I'll get the money, Rhubarb will let you here"

The girl spoke.

This sound like the sounds of nature made the fat boss wake up immediately.

Looking at the elegant girl on the opposite side, who seemed to be bathed in the holy light, an idiom suddenly popped up in the fat boss's mind.



Also, indescribable!
He didn't dare to stare at the other person anymore, so he could only look at the big cat on the counter as if avoiding it.

"You, you are his master"

The fat boss said a nonsense knowingly.


After 2 minutes, one person and one cat left.

With tears in his eyes, the fat boss leaned against the door and waved goodbye.


just go...

At this time, the fat boss always felt that there seemed to be something missing in his 10-pound heart.

She's gone, and she probably won't come back...

"Hey boss, get a bag of dried fish"

A familiar guest came in and patted the fat boss on the shoulder.

Seeing that the fat boss didn't respond and kept looking outside, he also looked curiously.

"Yo, who was that just now, looks very pretty"

"do not know……"

The fat boss with a deadpan expression took out a pack of dried fish and handed it over.

"Hey, aren't you monitored?"

After tearing open the package, the guest pointed to the top of his head while eating the dried fish.

"Just look at it"


The distraught fat boss suddenly realized.

Yes, why are you so stupid!
He eagerly turned on the computer and took a look.

black screen? ? ?

"You forgot to turn it on?"

The guest muttered.

The fat boss was struck by lightning.

I never turned it off!
After teleporting home with rhubarb, Lin Yi counted the money face to face, and then went to wash his hands.

Although this amount of money was very little, Lin Yi naturally wanted to get it back because it was hard-earned by selling Rhubarb.

After washing her hands, she went back to the living room and looked at Rhubarb, Lin Yi said.

"I'll take care of your business for you"

Rhubarb immediately nodded with a fawning expression on his face.

In addition to the money, Lin Yi also helped it heal all the injuries of its younger brothers, which made Rhubarb very happy.

"Good to see home"

After all, Lin Yi's figure disappeared.


Hearing the call, Wu Zhongsheng woke up covering his head, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a moving car.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

Sit up quickly and take a look.

Legs, really legs!

I am not dreaming!

"Master, your leg..."

The middle-aged driver who was driving slowed down and asked with a vibrato.

"You, what's going on?"

"Stop now!"

After the pleasant surprise, Wu Zhongsheng grabbed the seat and shouted loudly, the hideous appearance startled the driver.

"No, don't stop, turn around, go back, go to the wild!"

After 10 minutes, the two rushed back.

Leaning on crutches, Wu Zhongsheng ran into the field with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

Standing in front of the dilapidated prefabricated house, he looked around and looked around.

What about cats?

Why are so many cats gone?

I am not dreaming, there must be, there must be here.

"Master, when I found you, you were lying here..."

Seeing that Wu Zhongsheng was looking for something, the middle-aged driver quickly pointed to a certain place.

"Did you see the cat?"

Wu Zhongsheng ignored him, just grabbed the driver's shoulder and asked vigorously.

"A big golden cat!"


The driver shook his head.

Suddenly, Wu Zhongsheng yelled and squatted down in pain, holding his head.

Why do I have a headache, why, I seem to have forgotten something...

Next to the ear, the driver's shout became farther and farther away, his eyes went dark, and Wu Zhongsheng passed out again.

When he woke up, it was already late at night. Looking at his parents and relatives who were crying with joy, Wu Zhongsheng didn't exchange pleasantries, but immediately took out his mobile phone, opened the map, and found a certain place.

"Father, buy land. I want to build a house. My leg was healed by the cat god. I want to build a house to thank him!"


Seeing his son who had regained his right leg, Wu Zhongsheng's father readily agreed.

Not to mention building a house, you can eat S!

10 pm.

The Yingjiang pilot code-named S drove the F Empress fighter plane on a routine patrol over the Pacific Ocean.

For Ying Jiang, who claims to be the world-police-police, this earth belongs to him.

Naturally, every moment has to be watched carefully, lest a certain country reach out.

Although the Dapingyang region has its own military base, the possibility of the other party reaching out is very small, but as the military power of a certain country continues to increase day by day, this possibility is gradually increasing.

Moreover, without these high-sounding reasons, how can you confidently ask Congress for money?

"over, everything is fine"

Although it was already late at night, there were no clouds or fog to cover the sky, and the sight was still very clear.

Even without the help of night vision devices or distributed optical aperture systems, the S can take in the entire sky.

Besides, S has long been familiar with this kind of night flight training.

While patrolling, he kept in touch with the headquarters of the Dapingyang Military Base.

Thousands of miles in the sky, alone, really lonely as snow.

With no wine or meat, S suddenly misses the Red Star Erguotou in his counter.

That wine, it's really strong, ha, let's end it quickly!

The more greedy S pushed the joystick, the F-22 instantly exploded with great thrust.

The speed of the fighter plane was getting faster and faster, and with a bang, sonic booms exploded in the air one by one.

Just as S was flying forward at supersonic speed, suddenly, about 100 meters ahead, a figure appeared on the originally empty sea!

S, who was yelling at each other, was instantly gutted. Subconsciously, he pulled the joystick, wanting to climb vertically.

But at this time, the speed of the fighter plane is too fast, and the turning radius is too small, even Lady F has more than enough energy.

Don't look at what S is driving - it is - one of the most awesome fighters on the ground - on the ground - on the ground. Don't look at the fact that the cost of the F lady is 1.5 million, but if you really want to hit it at this speed, even if it is a chicken on the other side, you will die. I'm sure it's S.

If you are unlucky, maybe you will be cremated directly, and there will be no residue left...

At this moment, S is going crazy.

His whole body was tense, pressed against the seat, and his arms were outputting wildly.

After 2 seconds.


Can't hide, the distance is not enough!
As a veteran pilot with 1500 hours of flying experience, S knew it was time to jump.

Even jumping off a rapidly rising fighter plane is a narrow escape, but it is better than being directly killed.


Immediately, S quickly issued a code with a special meaning, and then pressed the eject button.

In the howling wind, S popped out smoothly and flew tens of meters in an instant.

With another bang, the parachute opened, and S was startled, floating in the air.

Feeling a little relieved, he could only watch helplessly as the out-of-control fighter crashed into an unknown object.

Even though he was wearing a helmet, he subconsciously covered his eyes, but after three seconds, the explosion he imagined did not appear. He only saw the unmanned fighter plane flying upwards, then lost power, and plunged into the sea, plopping With a sound, a huge wave was set off.

Looking at the empty sky and the huge waves on the sea, S felt a chill in his heart.

"beep beep~"

"S, you are messing with me, why did you abandon the plane!"

"Could it be that it was attacked, but why the radar didn't show it, it couldn't be Twenty Ji?"

"You're deaf, talk!"

Hearing Li Ha in his ear, S made a bitter face, not knowing how to answer.

Said he was blind?

Or do you mean slipping by yourself?
Or, are there aliens?

But no matter what the reason is, he knows that in the future Erguotou, he won't even think about it, maybe he will have to go to the prison to play with mud.

Eagle sauce, the pilot.

Lin Yi, who was standing on the cloud, looked at S who was drifting away, with an indifferent expression.

There is no guilt at all for damaging someone else's 1.5 million plane worth [-] million because of his sudden appearance.

Lin Yi knew that Yingjiang had a military base in Dapingyang, but she didn't expect such a coincidence.

However, it doesn't matter.

As if nothing happened, Lin Yi turned around and went to the island.

Looking at Lady F who fell into the sea, there were only two engines still floating on the water. She just meowed casually, and then dodged into the island.

The interior of the island has been completely remodeled by Lin Yi.

Empty, huge, as if the entire island had been hollowed out.

In the blink of an eye, it looks like an air-raid shelter. Although it is rough, it is enough.

With a wave of Lin Yi's right hand, an artificial sun slowly rose into the sky.

The air-raid shelter lit up in an instant, and with another wave, a black hole appeared out of thin air.

Looking at this different space that was shaking slightly but kept stable all the time, Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction and started to get busy.

Lin Yi was busy on the island, but she didn't know that the outside world had already turned upside down.

At 10:30 in the evening, the Yingjiang Dapingyang Fleet began to assemble secretly.

The formation composed of five F Empresses had already flown to the accident site first, followed by the Nimitz aircraft carrier formation.

For such a big battle for a plane, it can be seen that Yingjiang attaches great importance to this matter.

Although I don't know what happened yet, but the F lady must be in Yingjiang's own hands!
If the technology on Empress F is obtained by a certain country, at least it can save the other party 20 years of detours, so I can't be too nervous.

But fortunately, there was an aircraft carrier sweeping the formation, and everything was safe and sound.

At 0 o'clock in the evening, Miss F who fell into the sea was salvaged out of the sea.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, Lady F was sent back to the Eagle Sauce military base.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, the pilot S who was under temporary control was received by the boss.

The anxious S thought that he was going to be sent to eat dirt, but who knows, after watching the surveillance video of the fighter plane with the boss, he himself was shocked.

It was a vague but real white figure, and there were indeed people in the sky at that time.

At this moment, S was both happy and surprised.

The good news is that I can drink Erguotou again.

To my surprise, what is this white figure, a god, a monster, or a UFO?

(End of this chapter)

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