Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 317 Kneeling to the Boss

Chapter 317 Kneeling to the Boss

Because the matter was of great importance, the unidentified video on the F Empress fighter plane piloted by S was quickly secretly sent back to China by F Empress, and was studied and analyzed overnight by the Eagle Sauce Intelligence Bureau.

Early the next morning, the intelligence analysis department confirmed that the unknown creature in the image did exist, not a mirage!
Moreover, the other party really appeared in mid-air at that time!
At this moment, Yingjiang's senior management was collectively shocked.

Being able to get into the upper echelon of Eagle Sauce, everyone knows more or less that the current - earth - earth - is not peaceful, and strange beasts appear from time to time in various countries. Could it be that this is also the case?
Or, is this an alien who has evolved to a higher level?

Thinking of this possibility, Yingjiang's senior executives were immediately excited.

The Hexagonal Building hastily issued an order to search for her at the accident site. She must be found!

At this time, the special department of Yingjiang, which has been dealing with strange beasts, also jumped out to draw big cakes.

——As long as you can find her, or find other creatures from other worlds, and get some advanced technology from them, Yingjiang guarantees to lead the world for another 100 years!
Ever since, a vigorous and undisguised extra-large military operation was launched in the Pacific Ocean!

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Lin Yi yawned and crawled out of the bedroom.

After washing, he dug out the milk and cakes in the refrigerator, flicked his shoes, and sat on the sofa to chew.

When Lin Xiaoxi was in class, Rhubarb was still sleeping.

He was the only one left in the room, and he didn't need to care about his image.

While eating the cake, Lin Yi looked at Rhubarb nestled next to the water dispenser.

Since Lin Yi grounded him, Rhubarb has been sleeping all day long, not going anywhere, except for getting up and moving around when eating, and sleeping at other times, as if hibernating.

Hey, poor cat, feed it something to eat.

"Crooked, rhubarb, do you want to eat the cake?"

Pulling on the slippers, Lin Yi was wearing a big padded jacket and came to Rhubarb with a small cake, bent down and handed it over.

As if smelling the food, Rhubarb raised his head, but after only one glance, he turned his head and went back to sleep.

"If you don't eat, you will fall, hum, you will starve to death, you are very picky eaters!"

Seeing the perfunctory look in Rhubarb's eyes, Lin Yi angrily took back the cake, sat on the sofa with Paji, and turned on the TV.

——Good morning, viewers. Now is the morning news. First, let's break in a piece of international news.

——In the early hours of last night, an F Niangniang fighter plane of Yingjiang fell into the sea in a certain area of ​​Dapingyang, and the pilot ejected to escape.

——At 3 o'clock in the morning last night, the salvage work of Mrs. F was over.

——The specific cause of the crash is unknown, the following is domestic news...

Mom, isn't this what Lin Yi did? The news broke out so quickly? !

After eating the cake in two or three bites, and dabbing it casually on his body, Lin Yi quickly took out his phone and turned on Qiandu.

It has something to do with him, he is going to search the Internet for this matter, the news reports are too general.

Sure enough, there were a lot of news on the Internet, and the sub-plane of military and military, and the post bar of heavy weapons were even more noisy.

In fact, this is also very normal, after all, Ying Jiang's every move does not know how many people are paying attention.

Not to mention Empress F, the omnipotent super fighter that they boasted, it's hard not to cause a sensation when such a powerful fighter falls into the sea.

Looking at it, Lin Yi suddenly shrank his neck and let out a strange cry.

It turned out that there was already a follow-up about this incident on the Internet.

——This morning, Yingjiang dispatched a large number of fighter planes and warships to find a place somewhere in Dapingyang!


Want bad food!
Putting down his phone, he ran to the bedroom.

After a while, Lin Yi in a white dress came out.

Looking at the mobile phone left on the sofa, she wanted to pick it up, but she gave up when she saw the milk cake on the screen.

Eagle sauce...

Lin Yi shook his head lightly.

The expression on her face was still indifferent, as if she didn't take this matter seriously at all.

In addition to the hot discussion among netizens about the F Empress's crash, various high-level officials from domestic special departments are also discussing it.

Dragon base.

Commander Ikari's small black room sat a lot of people this time.

——Yesterday, Ying Jiang claimed to have encountered a UFO, and Lady F was killed. This morning, Ying Jiang made a statement, hoping that all countries would come to help, and then they applied to Congress for a military expenditure of up to 5600 billion yuan...

——According to the pictures captured by my country's "Winter Solstice" satellite, we have not found the so-called UFO of Yingjiang...

——It is speculated that it was a misoperation, or a malfunction of the fighter plane...

——The salvage screen shows that the body is almost intact...

On the huge screen, groups of pictures taken by satellites were displayed in front of everyone.

What the Dragon Team saw was naturally more detailed and true than what was reported in the news.

The PPT was played quickly, and the lights in the darkened room were turned on again.


Before anyone could make a sound, a strong man stood up first, slapped the table carelessly and said.

"Fucking nonsense, I think it's a strange beast, or it's the driver's own fault"

As soon as he finished speaking, a pair of glasses directly opposite picked it up.

"But no matter what, it's definitely not groundless. We didn't see it, but it doesn't mean there is nothing. If there is really nothing, Yingjiang won't go to Dapingyang in such a big way. They must have found something."

After saying this, the glasses thought for a while, and then answered another sentence.

"Of course, it's also possible to act just to cheat money..."

Hearing this, everyone laughed unconsciously.

The big guys on the stage were discussing in full swing, but the milk tea in the corner was deserting.

Her eyes were empty and she was thinking wildly.

Although this matter is still confusing until now, Milk Tea always feels that this matter has something to do with someone.

What is this, a woman's sixth sense?

Milk tea is also a little dizzy about this guess.

On the Internet, after Ying Jiang made a statement and invited everyone to fight aliens together, the post bar was so lively that it was like Chinese New Year.

——The culprit for the discontinuation of F Empress has been found. It is reported that the engine suddenly lost power last night, which caused it to fall into the sea. With such a defect, F Empress stopped production.

——Ying Jiang speaks out about the military action in Dapingyang, calling on the whole world to unite and fight for survival!

—— Ying Jiang met aliens again, but was killed in one encounter!
——The alien is Twenty Ji, Stone Hammer!
——Yes, I can confirm that I am the pilot of Twenty Ji!
Regardless of whether it is true or not, Ying Jiang's action has earned enough attention and gimmicks around the world.

Even in order to attract more attention, they dispatched a Nimitz aircraft carrier, two nuclear submarines, and about [-] accompanying destroyers, cruisers, and support ships, and they drove to the Pacific Ocean in a mighty manner.

Although there is no direct evidence, Eagle Sauce will naturally not do useless work.

This action of theirs can not only deter a certain country, but also make the foot pot chicken, Ah San and other younger brothers surrender, -kneel-lick-, and ask the Congress for funds. If they really find the lair of alien creatures, then It was a surprise, and it can be said to kill four birds with one stone.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if nothing is found, it is fine, it can be regarded as a military exercise in the Dapingyang.

waters near the Great Pacific Ocean.

In order to show caution, the submarine and aircraft carrier formations began to deploy their defenses 2000 kilometers away from the accident site.

Carrier-based aircraft soared into the sky, and cruisers cut through the water and waves, and steadily advanced towards the incident.

Satellites in the sky, radars on fighter planes and carrier-based aircraft, as well as special detection submarines, the trinity of land, sea and air, scanned the entire sea area near the accident site.

Been busy all morning, but found nothing, not even a whale with a bigger head.

"How can there be no whales in Dapingyang, this place is definitely weird!"

The interim commander, who was a little discouraged, immediately regained his spirits after hearing these words from the analysis department.

On his orders, a second search was immediately arranged.

This time, they found an anomaly.

Compared with a few months ago, the sea chart of this sea area has changed. There is a desolate but real island, which is gone!
Now, the army is excited.

The existence that can make a small island disappear is definitely not something that the earth-earth-people can do. At this moment, the existence of aliens seems to be hammered into stone!

Now, as long as you compare the sea chart and determine the exact location of the island, you can surround and attack!

Near noon, Lin Yi came out of the laboratory.

It's not that her experiment is finished, but that Lin Xiaoxi is coming back for lunch.

Glancing at the lab full of black holes and glowing sunlight, Lin Yi gently closed the door, turned around, and walked into the kitchen.

At 12:10, Lin Xiaoxi came back.

At 12:20, the two of them finished their lunch, and Lin Xiaoxi, who was full, went to school bouncing around.

Pulling out the paper towel, wiped his hands, leaving the bowls and chopsticks to Lin Yi to wash, and Lin Yi walked towards the laboratory.

Halfway there, the phone rang.

milk tea?

Could it be that there are strange beasts, but I obviously didn't feel it...

Although a little puzzled, Lin Yi still picked it up.

"Miss Lin, what..."

The humble voice of milk tea can't be heard clearly in the microphone.

"have you eaten?"

Inked for a long time, she finally choked out such a nonsense.


Holding the phone, Lin Yi walked to the balcony.

Looking at the blue sky, cloudless, and peaceful, who would have thought that this beautiful -earth-earth-is being invaded, perhaps, the invasion-war-wars of other worlds are all within easy reach.

But now, since the other party is talking nonsense, it's not a strange beast.

It's not a strange beast, but something that can attract the attention of the dragon group...

Lin Yi turned to look at the TV in the living room.

That could only be it.

"Miss Lin, I just want to ask..."

Seeing that Lin Yi was silent, and then thinking about the nonsense she said, Milk Tea gritted her teeth and said it cruelly.

"Personal question, this is my personal question, if you don't want to answer it..."

Knowing that her cell phone and even this call will be monitored and listened to, Milk Tea still can't bear it. If she doesn't ask today, she may be entangled to death tomorrow.

"That, that Dapingyang, you..."

it is as expected.

"Yes, it's me"

The milk tea, who hadn't finished speaking, was shocked immediately.


Her heart fluttered for a moment.

You guessed it right!
This, this, this is the boss, wow, this is so exciting!
With the strength of one person, the eagle sauce is playing around!
No, eagle sauce!
The milk tea that reacted hurriedly said.

(End of this chapter)

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