Chapter 320 One blow

——For -earth-earth-, for our homeland!

——Aliens have taken root in Dapingyang, and we have no way out!
Seeing the spokesperson of Yingjiang talking nonsense in front of the camera, Lin Yi didn't show any expression. She just stretched out her chopsticks and picked up a bean sprout and chewed it gently in her mouth.

"Rhubarb, come"

After eating the rice, Lin Yi lightly dropped a piece of meat. The moment the meat fell down, the cat who had been waiting under the table jumped up and caught it in its mouth accurately.

In two or three bites, the rhubarb was swallowed directly.

Meow, delicious~
After eating, Rhubarb looked at Lin Yi expectantly.

M~ Not bad.

Lin Yi nodded.

This is what pets should be like.

Some people are really worse than cats, they don't have any self-knowledge, and it seems that they don't hurt enough.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the battle against aliens in the Dapingyang officially started.

For a while, missiles fired in salvo and artillery fire roared.

Each of the stout missiles carried a large amount of ammunition, galloped up from the submarine and destroyer with black smoke, and flew towards the target.

But because the white mist cuts off the sound, even though the Yingjiang battle group's fight here is loud and lively, there is no feedback in the white mist, as if it was hit on cotton.

Even if this is a helpless move with little effect, the current Eagle Sauce does not intend to fight in close combat, and the ground will be wiped out first. As for the previous King of War, Lady F and a series of fighters can only cover from the sidelines, occasionally Fire the cannon.

The fighter pilot didn't want to do this either, but there was no other way. B had already been confirmed dead, and the other pilots would naturally not foolishly plunge into the white mist, which would be no different from seeking death.

The sky-shaking sound and the constantly lit fire seemed to be in the third world war.

It seems to be a good AC, but because there is no hit feedback in the white fog, and the satellite radar can't monitor it, everyone has no idea, but they have no choice but to check first.

Ying Jiang approached step by step with this relatively stupid way of shelling the ground, making tests, and it would be even better if he could force the opponent out.

But because the white fog has spread for almost 3000 kilometers, this process may take a long time.

Lin Yi, who appeared in mid-air, casually split a PP missile that flew in front of him.

The missile exploded instantly!

The fragments with huge kinetic energy and the sparks jumping around, these are undoubtedly the big killers for ordinary people, but for Lin Yi, they seem to tickle an itch.

They couldn't even get close, just like soft ice creams, falling straight from mid-air.

Stepping lightly on the clouds, looking coldly at the huge aircraft carrier, the fire from the submarine from time to time, and the missiles swarming in, Lin Yi is not in a good mood right now.

This small island is his own laboratory, almost the door of his house, but now, he is being blocked and beaten.

court death!

The holding back last time seemed to make them fail to see their own strength and their ability.

That being the case...

Lin Yi flipped her right hand, and the plastic ruler slipped off her palm. She gently held the ruler in her hand, and let it spin in a handsome circle in her palm.

Then she grabbed it with her free left hand, and amidst the beeping sound, a black hole the size of a basketball suddenly appeared. As soon as it appeared, the surrounding clouds were instantly attracted to it, and then it was directly swallowed by the black hole, leaving nothing left.

Facing such a terrifying and ominous creature, Lin Yi didn't care. She casually grabbed the black hole and pressed it directly on the ruler.

crackle crackle!

The black lightning fled around like a rebellious earthworm, but in the face of absolute power, it was still firmly pressed against the ruler, unable to move, and finally melted into the ruler little by little.

At that moment, the plastic ruler carrying the black hole seemed to be unable to withstand it, and began to tremble slightly.

Just like that, Lin Yi still felt that it was not enough, she grabbed it again with her left hand.

A shining "white hole" appeared in front of him, and Lin Yi attached the "white hole" to the ruler in the same way.

The two repelling elements were forcibly fused, and instantly, at the top of the ruler, the light was so bright that even the surrounding light seemed to be attracted.

Soon, the light on the ruler became brighter and brighter.

At the moment when it was saturated, Lin Yi flicked lightly at the distant aircraft carrier.

With a whoosh, the thick clouds were directly broken, and a bright light fell vertically, whizzing away against the sea.

At the same time, the plastic ruler in Lin Yi's hand seemed to be turned into a pile of powder because it couldn't withstand such a large energy output.

Boom~ boom~
With the momentum of breaking through the sky, the small bright light became bigger in the wind as soon as it flew out of the white mist area.

In the eyes of countless surprises, they found that there seemed to be a full moon falling on the sea.

But it is not like the elegance and tranquility of the moon in the sky, but this full moon is attacking them with an undisguised murderous aura and an unstoppable force.


"run away"

"Oh God bless"

Amidst the exclamation of countless people, with a bang, the wide sea surface was forcibly split, and the sea water rushed to both sides, and the bottom could be seen from the bottom. With this blow, the nearest battleship was directly turned into pieces.

Mixed with the momentum of thunder and thunder, carrying huge waves and howling, the huge full moon did not stop, like a shooting star, it galloped straight towards the aircraft carrier.

Without exception, the submarines and warships on the road, everything that dared to stand in front of them was smashed.

There are countless people who fell into the water on the sea, and there are endless screams, shouts, and exclamations.

Looking at the panicked Nimitz aircraft carrier that was about to flee, Lin Yi was expressionless.

Helplessly, in the despair of the opponent, this huge full moon smashed up.

With a loud click, the Nimitz aircraft carrier, which had become the overlord of the sea, was split in half.

They fell to both sides from left to right, but before they could completely disperse, there was a bang, and the hull caught fire, followed by a muffled sound.

It seems that the ammunition depot on the aircraft carrier was detonated due to the impact, and the huge aircraft carrier directly became a desperate super explosive!

The sea water was blown up tens of meters high, and a mushroom cloud rose on the sea surface. Under the huge impact, the nearby ships of all sizes and the aircraft carrier were instantly wiped out.

Bang, bang, bang.

About 1 minutes passed.

The wreckage in the sky slowly fell, and the sea surface became calm again.

It seems that only the blood-red seawater and countless broken walls are quietly telling something.

There is still a huge roar in the ear, and there is a blood-red scene like hell in front of him.

Seeing this horrifying scene like a meat grinder, the soldiers who were far away from the aircraft carrier and managed to save their lives fled one after another. They dared not stay any longer, for fear that if they stopped for a second, they would not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Yingjiang's army came quickly, lost quickly, and fled even faster.

In less than half an hour, apart from the wreckage of the ship, there were only dead or abandoned soldiers in this sea area.

Their bodies rippled back and forth with the sea, like rootless duckweed.

In the Dapingyang War, Yingjiang lost again, and also lost an aircraft carrier, several ships, and countless casualties.

When the bloody facts were in front of them, people all over the world were in an uproar again.

This time, Ying Jiang was not a small fight, but a military force that could wipe out a small country, but in the end, he was beaten by the opponent without any power to fight back, and he was pushed to the ground and rubbed against the ground in full view.

Are aliens so terrifying?
What if this is changed to another country?
Could it be that this world is about to collapse?

Soon, when the pictures taken by the "autumn equinox" satellite were edited and processed by some special departments and appeared on the Internet, domestic netizens were also boiling.

Looking at the huge cold full moon on the sea level, which should symbolize peace and tranquility, at this moment, it seems like a scythe in the hands of the god of death, with a light wave, it can harvest a large amount of life at will.

It sticks to the surface of the sea and goes with the wind lightly.

Along the way, ruins and broken limbs, blood flowed like rivers,
In an instant, even the overlord of the sea, the invincible aircraft carrier, was split in half.

The flames soared into the sky, and the sound of explosions continued.

This real, unadorned, bloody scene made many people feel as if they were going to hell.

Although those restricted-rated images were smacked by the relevant departments, this has already shocked the netizens in the peaceful age and they can't say anything.

As for those keyboard warriors who sit in front of the computer and yell all day, feel very dissatisfied with their country's insistence on persuading people with reason, and wish to start a war today, they have shut up now.

The heart will not die without seeing the Yellow River.

Only then did they realize how cruel war is and how beautiful peace is.

——Shocked, the whole army of Ying Jiang was wiped out!

——The aliens killed the aircraft carrier in one blow!

———Earth-ball-It's over!
——I want to seek refuge with aliens, is there anyone with me?

——On the cruelty of war and the importance of peace!
On the Internet, the topic of the Eagle Sauce war soared rapidly.

Thousands of hot searches, news headlines, Sina Weibo, and opening any portal, are all discussing this matter. After all, there is no real gun.

Even at night, when Lin Yi was broadcasting live, there were still people discussing non-stop in the studio.

"Miss anchor, are there really aliens in this world?"

"Blue Star's No. [-] Eagle Sauce has lost, what shall we do?"

"You're stupid, that's what Ying Jiang asked for, you have to provoke the other party, hehe, let me tell you, it would be better if Ying Jiang was wiped out."

Lin Yi did not make any comments on this matter.

After all, how could she not know what she did...

The server of the pig farm seems to have been removed by the air conditioner, and the whole game is stuck.

So, while hanging up the game, Lin Yi turned on the news channel.

"There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people. Yingjiang asks for trouble"

"Our country must adhere to the policy of steady development, step by step"

"Aliens are not scary. According to the analysis of relevant domestic departments, the other party may not be able to leave Dapingyang for some reason."

"Please rest assured that our country is one of the most secure countries on the Blue Star. There are about [-] missiles all over the coastal defense line to protect homeland security"

Randomly flipping through the high-spirited talks of those military experts and the Bureau of Strategic Deception, which were used to pass the time, Lin Yi noticed a different meaning after watching.

 Thanks to the 14th green person for the reward of 1888 points.

(End of this chapter)

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