Chapter 321
Yingjiang was defeated, the aircraft carrier sank into the sea, and the evil aliens were dormant in the Pacific Ocean.

Domestically, it seems that they don't care much about this life-and-death matter that concerns the survival of all mankind.

Unlike in the past, when Yingjiang and Maozi launched satellites and missiles, the domestic news reported them extensively, claiming that the other party had ulterior motives, pointing swords at a certain place, hegemonism, and so on.

But this time, Yingjiang was destroyed and the aircraft carrier sank. It stands to reason that such a big event should be reported no matter what, but the strange thing is that the country doesn't seem to be worried at all.

So, is it because of me...

Lin Yi blinked.

She finds the domestic reaction amusing.

Of course Lin Yi was not imagining.

The most direct evidence is that in today's news, the battle of Yingjiang only gave a short news of more than ten seconds.

It can be seen that the domestic attention to it is not as high as that of some remote and small countries.

On the other hand, in foreign countries, Sange, Jiaopenji, Bangzi and other Yingjiang's younger brothers are all in fear and fear.

In some remote small countries, news spread that a large number of wealthy people began to immigrate, and those countries next to the Great Pingyang even moved their entire families.

Of course, the reason why Lin Yi could see the strangeness here was mainly because she was at a different height and was directly involved in this matter.

As for other countries, it is estimated that it is impossible to see what the domestic attitude is.

Moreover, they probably don't have time to investigate now that they are terrified.


Stretching out her slender index finger, Lin Yi tapped her chin lightly.

From the looks of it, the bigwigs in China are convinced that they did it themselves.

Without any evidence, just based on my own words...

This is really full of trust.

Although this is what she thinks in her heart, her face is still indifferent, and there is no trace of sincerity and fear that should be trusted by the country.

I don't plan to broadcast the game live today, so Lin Yi slowly flipped through the news, waiting until the next broadcast, and there was no news from Yingjiang.

It seems that Ying Jiang will not go to Dapingyang for the time being.

Of course, if they dare to go, Lin Yi doesn't mind giving each other a full moon gift bag.

It's nothing more than wasting a ruler, Lin Yiduo is.

Lin Yi's guess was right, Ying Jiang really didn't dare.

Even if their money is used all over the world, even if they have 10+ aircraft carriers, even if their military bases are spread all over Blue Star, they will not be so stubborn as to use nuclear bombs to deal with such an existence that even their opponents cannot see or touch. spell……

At least until he figured out how to use radar to detect and locate, and how to crack the illusion of white mist, he probably never dared again.

10 pm.

The Dapingyang under the cover of night is quiet and quiet, only the sound of the sea water tumbling echoes everywhere.

The wide sea is full of all kinds of wreckage, big and small, ships, and humans.

The white mist not far away connects to the sky, like a long rainbow. Although it is light and light, it looks harmless to humans and animals, but after experiencing today's events, everyone knows that there is an existence like hell.

Standing on the clouds, Lin Yi could clearly see a lot of "garbage" floating on the sea.

Anyway, it's also in front of my own house, so much garbage floating around will definitely affect my mood.

Especially for people like Lin Yi who suffer from serious cleanliness, these "garbage" must be cleaned up.

However, after the First World War today, there should not be any green environmental protection organizations coming to the sea to fish, so she has to do it herself.

Gently tap your toes, and the clouds under your feet slowly rise.

In the thin sky, the moon is getting brighter and brighter.

Facing the moon, Lin Yi waved his hand, and a black hole twisting around and spinning around suddenly appeared.

The black hole that had just appeared shook a few times in the air, and after a little stabilization, it immediately absorbed the light of the moon like a sponge like a sponge.

Slowly, the black hole became bigger and bigger, so big that it soon squeezed through the clouds and floated in the sea.

The exposed corner of the black hole caused panic cries to resound on the sea.

It seems that they don't care at all that those soldiers who were left on the sea, whether it is luck or misfortune, have survived to see this scene beyond reality.

The power of that blow during the day still remained in their minds. At this moment, they who had been abandoned by Ying Jiang had already stepped into hell with half their feet.

They lay on the wreckage of the ship, reported to the group to keep warm, encouraged each other, fantasized and held on, hoping that Yingjiang would return to save people.

But as soon as this huge black hole appeared, they were desperate.

"I am dead"

"I'm dead too"

"it's over"

In their desperate eyes, the black hole flew out.

Like a vacuum cleaner, it flew close to the surface of the sea and sucked all the debris in its flight path into its body.

For those soldiers who were dragged into the air and dropped them at will, screaming in fright.

Lin Yi was too lazy to do anything about these people, so of course he would not save them.

If they dared to start a war, they would no longer be human but invaders when the first shot was fired. As for the invaders, it would be good for Lin Yi not to destroy them humanely.

Close to the surface of the sea, the black hole flew forward all the way, confiscating all the debris and wreckage along the way.

After flying for hundreds of kilometers and collecting a huge amount of garbage, the black hole is still the same size as it was originally, and it seems that there is a three-dimensional space with a large capacity in its belly.

Still too slow.

Feeling that there was only one, the efficiency was not high, so Lin Yi summoned another black hole.

After it was fully charged, with a bang, Lin Yi pressed it into the bottom of the sea, let it go along the seabed, and searched all the way up, collecting all the broken copper and rotten iron that sank to the bottom.

During the period, the two black holes pulled back and forth to search and pick up. As for accidentally injuring Yingjiang soldiers, it was inevitable.

But sorry, Lin Yi didn't see anything.

In less than 20 minutes, the two black holes collected all the valuable debris around the Great Pacific Ocean.

Looking at the rags squeezed inside the black hole, which still smelled fishy, ​​Lin Yi covered her nose and frowned slightly.

It's useless for her to ask for these things, but she knows that there is a place where people will definitely buy them at a high price.

Then, with these rubbish, maybe you can exchange for something good, maybe...

Turning around, Lin Yi disappeared with two black holes.

On the morning of the third day after Yingjiang's defeat, there were still hot discussions on the Internet about this matter.

Moreover, the topic is no longer limited to Eagle Sauce, but extended to the country, and even to one of his own people.

What if aliens call?
What if our country is unable to prevent it?
Thinking of this possibility, and looking at the full moon like a big killer, many people became terrified, for fear that the aliens hiding in the Pacific Ocean would come to attack the country in the next second.

At this moment, the relevant departments of the country stepped forward.

They have released a small video on various platforms, which is some top-secret clips, which is a display of the country's hidden power.

—— On the 17th, the second aircraft carrier independently developed by my country was successfully launched...

——On the 22nd, the internationally renowned JOJO3, independently developed by my country, was successfully launched again, with an effective range of up to 1 kilometers...

——The CF17 hypersonic missile was successfully tested. This is a strategic missile capable of gliding in outer space...

——The successful launch of Fat Five indicates that our country has reached the forefront of the world in the space industry...

——Twenty Ji began to be installed, this is our country's latest fourth-generation fighter...

——Rampage, hegemony, bullying the weak, we can't do it, and we don't want to, but in the second island chain, our country is invincible...

Sections of top-secret videos flashed one by one, and the domineering dubbing made people's blood boil.

After the top-secret video was played, it was followed by the oath of soldiers from the army, sea and air forces.

——Defend the home and defend the country!
——Defend the home and defend the country!
The resolute faces and neat shouts fully show the demeanor of Chinese soldiers.

As soon as this video came out, without any surprises, it quickly occupied the top spot on every video website.

"Binggege is so handsome, I'm so hot-blooded-boiling-hot"

"Our country is so awesome, I am so convinced"

"Dongfeng Express is booming"

"Second Artillery Refueling"

"I am proud of my country"

Below the video, the replies were posted one after another, all expressing the overflowing feelings in my heart.

At this moment, people in this country have never been so excited, so united.

Looking at the powerful and fierce weapons in each of these videos, as well as those soldiers who are willing to sacrifice to defend their homes and the country, they deeply understand that it is a blessing in this life to rely on a big country.

Also understood a truth.

There has never been a quiet time, but someone is carrying the burden for us.

"Bull AC!"

Seeing the enthusiastic feedback on the Internet, the milk tea standing in the office of the Central Propaganda Department was full of admiration.

Awesome, just such a video, not only hit Ying Jiang, but also promoted his own country, and also enhanced the cohesion and national pride. It is really a good way to kill three birds with one stone!
Sure enough, the brain is used and the pen is used, the brain circuit is different.

This is not a compliment, the editing is really good.

Not only the civilians, watching those videos, even the milk tea is blood boiling.

As for releasing these secret things so openly, will it have any impact?
As a "person in the circle", Milk Tea knows that there must be an impact, but it is minimal.

Because according to her understanding, the current domestic policy is to test one generation, install the previous generation, and develop the next generation. As long as our country dares to release it, it means that these things are no longer the most advanced.

After watching the video, Milk Tea chatted with Minister Niu of the Internet Propaganda Department, and arranged tasks for the afternoon by the way.

Because it said above, let milk tea take someone to Lin Yi's place, to explore the wind, and express his heart by the way.

With such a big incident happening in Dapingyang, the bosses above must be worried, especially seeing that Lin Yi is so awesome!

Of course, in fact, there are still some people in the upper echelons who are not convinced.

Lin Yi did this?
One man against ten thousand? ?

The Blue Star's No. [-] gangster who still fights has no parry? ? ?

Therefore, it would be best if we could get some evidence during this visit.

To sum up, milk tea is indispensable on this trip.

Of course, the task in the afternoon is mainly milk tea. Even the elites of the Central Propaganda Department don't know the inside story, and they are only used to check for omissions and fill in vacancies.

In the office, Milk Tea and Minister Niu were chatting happily, but the phone rang suddenly.

Then, Minister Niu saw this certain female boss from a special institution holding a gold brick, whoosh, ran to the corner in a few steps, bent down, flattered and carefully talked on the phone.

Mom, who is this?

Minister Niu was instantly full of question marks.

(End of this chapter)

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