Chapter 323 Cat Apartment
Cat apartment? !
An apartment for cats?
The three of them quickly flipped through the back of the leaflet. The back of the leaflet was written in more detail.

——The first cat apartment in Haishi has been built!

——This apartment adopts any stray, abandoned or sick cats!
——There are professional animal doctors, nurses, and hundreds of people. It is now newly opened, with special free discounts and free treatment for one week!
——Welcome all cat slaves!
Next to the QR code at the bottom is a cute cat paw, which looks cute.

"Oh, rich, build this kind of utilitarian house in Haishi, tsk tsk"

"Maybe it's an additional request from the developer to take over that piece of land."

"But anyway, go and see"

After the three of them discussed it, they all decided to go and have a look, as well as to join in the fun, otherwise it would be too boring to go to work all the time.

But because the above address is in the suburbs, I can only go to see it after get off work.

Who knew that when they were at work, they also saw this news on the Internet.

From the looks of it, this developer is really rich.

After finally getting off work, the itchy three took a taxi for 20 minutes to arrive at the cat apartment.

When I got out of the car, what I saw was a construction site. The apartment surrounded by the construction site had about 20 floors, and the top was still under construction. There was only a newly repaired two-way concrete road connecting the apartment with the main road.

Cement, steel bars, protective nets can be seen everywhere, as well as workers coming and going, as well as the crowd watching the fun like the three of them. Of course, those cat slaves who came with cats are also indispensable.

"There are so many people"

"It's all for fun"

Along the concrete road, the three of them walked to the main entrance.

In front of the main entrance, there is a statue of a big yellow cat on the left and right, and next to the statue, there is a welcoming lady who is always smiling.

After a casual glance, the three followed the crowd and walked inside.

There were people coming and going in the hall, and it was very lively.

There were conversations, exclamations, and more cats meowing.

Going further inside, there is a huge room facing the door. When you walk into the room, you will see cats, a lot of cats, and most of them are abandoned cats.

Their bodies are dirty, their eyes are frightened, their tails are curled up, and the whole cat is cautious.

According to the staff, these cats were sent by others, and some were collected by the cat apartment itself.

Next to these black purring cats are medical staff wearing white coats and masks. After a brief inspection by the medical staff, the serious ones are sent to the treatment room at the back, and the less serious ones are sent to take a bath and then go to the mild ward Processing, and finally placed in the adoption room.

One-stop, integrated, meticulous and professional care for every cat here.


The three looked at each other and couldn't help expressing emotion.

"The owner of this apartment has really done a great job!"

"It's okay, you just send it, I'll take it all, no matter what kind of cat, as long as it's not dead, I want it all..."

On the third floor of the cat apartment, Wu Zhongsheng was talking on the phone by the window.

After 3 minutes, he hung up the phone, looked at the people coming and going below, and then looked at the two huge cat statues at the door, he couldn't help smiling.

Thank you, kitty!
Don't worry, I will raise all these kittens for you in the future, and they will definitely be white and fat.


The phone started to vibrate and WeChat started to flash.

When he opened it, Wu Zhongsheng laughed.

——Cousin (Wu Zun): You built a cat apartment, why?
Hey, my cousin also knows about this.

Wu Zhongsheng hurriedly typed.

——That's right, cousin, I don't do anything else, I just adopt a cat. Didn't I tell you that my leg was healed by the cat god, you must believe it.

That's right, Wu Zun, Wu Zhongsheng, cousins.

——Okay, okay, you say yes, so what, building an apartment is not bad, it's better than you squandering it.


I knew it.

With a smile, Wu Zhongsheng took two steps back, sat down on the sofa, stretched his legs and put his feet on the table.

Hey, it's nice to have legs!
——By the way, cousin, what are you doing recently? I called you out to play, but I didn't answer.

——I am very busy, and I am doing post bar activities!

After speaking, Wu Zun also sent a screenshot.

——You have received a picture, Lin Yi.jpg
Wu Zhongsheng looked away, and was instantly stunned.

Who is this?
Lin Yi...

so beautiful!
While lamenting the beauty of the other party, Wu Zhongsheng suddenly had a different feeling in his heart.

He widened his eyes and looked left and right.

Strange, why do I have a familiar feeling even though it is the first time I see you?

So, he hurriedly typed and asked.

—Cousin, who is she?
——She, a little anchor.

Ha ha!

No way!

Such a compelling, temperamental anchor?


Cousin, you are dishonest!

Wu Zhongsheng decided to go to his cousin's house tonight and ask him about Lin Yi.

Because Wu Zhongsheng always felt that he had a feeling of deja vu for this Lin Yi.

Monday at 5 am.

Lin Yi's house is downstairs.

"Big sister, why are you so happy today, can you show me a little bit for my younger brother?"

Sitting in the driver's seat, watching the milk tea in the co-pilot keep shaking his legs, with an unconcealable smile on his face, I am a little curious about the sketch that doesn't know the inside story.

Although his boss has always been so out of tune, Xiao Pin felt that the other party was even more out of tune today, and even ran out because he forgot to take his medicine.

You see, the hair is combed casually, the shoes are not put on properly, and the sitting is not good, the whole person is orange, like a busy girl.

What's more, he didn't explain any tasks, only said that there was something to do, and he pulled himself in as a driver early in the morning.

Life is hard, but there is no way, if the elder sister has a hair, he will come even if he goes to dig out the dung.

But today, it's definitely not to dig out dung. According to the above signs, Xiao Pin feels that there must be a big task today.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Yi came here, Xiao Pin knew that this matter must not be simple.

Because, as long as it is about this mysterious Miss Lin, it is no small matter.

Therefore, knowing that it was kept secret, and the level of confidentiality was probably not low, he was still curious, so he asked carefully.

"Sister, if you can't say it, forget it"

"Hey hey hey"

Milk Tea clasped his hands together, and when he exerted force, each joint made a beeping sound like a firecracker.

"I can't say, but it must be a great thing"

Hearing this, Xiaopin rolled his eyes.

Of course I know it's a good thing. Look at you, you're so happy that you're blind.

The two just chatted one after another. During the period, Xiaopin went to a roadside stall to buy two buns and soy milk.

Because they came too early, the two could only stare at the cleaners who were sweeping the floor in a daze, and watched the crowd of early risers gradually increase. Then, at 7:30 in the morning, they finally arrived at Lin Yi.

 Thanks to Yishan Bairi for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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