Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 324 Too Small [Add more rewards for Yishan Bairi]

Chapter 324 Too Small [Add more rewards for Yishan Bairi]

"Go to number 5"

Milk Tea gave Xiaopin an order.

Before Lin Yi got into the car, the milk tea, which was originally idle, switched to the state of "serious person".

Her hair was tidied up, her clothes were neatly dressed, she was sitting upright, without looking sideways, and she gave instructions neatly.

No. 5, isn't there nothing in that place?

Although he was puzzled, Xiaopin still accelerated and drove away obediently.

The so-called No. 5 sounds very mysterious, but Xiaopin knows that that place is a temporary air-raid shelter, and its entrance is in Haishi.

In less than 10 minutes, the three arrived at Haishi Mouxun Technology Co., Ltd.

Looking at the huge and conspicuous penguin sign on the high-tech building, Lin Yi stopped for a while and took a look.


Hidden in the city?
Oh, the relevant departments are really evil.

Following the milk tea and sketches, Lin Yi walked into the hall, and the security guards standing on both sides did not stop them, including the customer service manager on the opposite side of the hall, as if they didn't see the three of them.

Led by Milk Tea, the three of them turned to a very inconspicuous small staircase next to it, and walked down a circle. At the end of the stairs, after Milk Tea swiped the card, a hidden elevator appeared on the wall covered with white tiles. .

Xiao Pin took a step back, signaling that he would not go in.

Lin Yi and Milk Tea took the elevator and kept going down.

After about 1 minute, the elevator stopped with a bang.

When I walked out, I saw a huge and dark place similar to an underground parking lot, but there was no car in this place, so it could be seen that it was not open to the public.

The parking lot was pitch black, with the only light coming from the elevator.

Then, I saw Milk Tea took two steps, came to the rolling shutter door on the side, and kicked it hard.

With a bang, the piercing sound spread far in the empty parking lot.

After a while, with the sound of clicking, the rolling shutter slowly opened.

While waiting for the door to open, Milk Tea carefully looked at Lin Yi's face.

Because Lin Yi is by my side, milk tea actually doesn’t want to kick it with my feet. However, the metal rolling gate looks ordinary on the outside, but it’s actually made of special material. It’s no problem to resist RPG, and it’s thick, big, and heavy. , she can't use her fist or head to hammer it.

After the rolling gate was opened, a tourist bus that is common in parks had already parked at the door. The driver sat in the driver's seat with his waist straight and his eyes fixed. He looked like a soldier.

After the two sat in the car, the car quickly moved forward in the dark passage.

In the dark and boring passage, it was quiet and empty, only the sound of the car's engine echoed in my ears.

Using the headlights of the car, Lin Yi discovered that this seemed to be an underground river, but it had already dried up, and the walls on both sides were only made of ordinary stones.

Although it looks mossy and dilapidated, it doesn't mean it's casual.

She could feel that there was a surveillance camera hidden in the dark almost every meter.

There are even some special organs hidden behind the thick wall. If an ordinary person breaks in alone, it may not be easy for ordinary people. After all, there is not even a bunker in this place.

Finally, after seven turns and eight turns, in less than 10 minutes, a huge space appeared at the end of the passage.

After the car drove through a heavy iron gate, it stopped abruptly. The soldier driving the car went out alone without saying a word, and closed the heavy iron gate.

"Already here, Miss Lin"

The milk tea on the side reminded me.

Lin Yi nodded and got off the car, then looked casually.

This is an empty, oval-shaped anti-aircraft facility similar to her own laboratory on a small island in the Pacific Ocean. However, unlike the one she built with bare hands, there are obvious traces of artificial construction here.

Under the bright light in the center, a fat man stood there, wearing a military uniform, looking at the two with a smile.

"That's the boss of the military, surnamed Yang..."

While jumping off the car, Milk Tea introduced to Lin Yi in a low voice.

Lin Yi nodded, and walked with the milk tea.

The entire air-raid shelter was empty, only the three of them.

Seeing Lin Yi approaching, the boss didn't put on airs, and the two sides each walked about 10 steps, and finally stood together.

"Welcome, welcome Miss Lin"

"Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times, really, your temperament is really, one word, good!"

"Hey, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I got this opportunity with a thick skin"

The military boss smiled and spoke very politely.

"you're welcome"

For the military boss, Lin Yi was neither humble nor overbearing, and answered very decently. After all, the two parties are now in a cooperative relationship.

There was milk tea in the middle of the matchmaking, and after a little greeting, the boss talked about the business.

Because the boss found out that Miss Lin was as indifferent, cold, and quiet as the legend said. As for whether she was strong or not, he really couldn't tell.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the other party can come up with something, it's fine to be coaxed by the aunt!

Moreover, as a soldier, he doesn't like to procrastinate, so he organized his language a little bit, pointed to this air-raid shelter, and said directly.

"Miss Lin, don't look at the shabby place here, but the safety factor is definitely high enough. Moreover, the transportation channel is intact, and you can go directly to various places. It is concealed, safe, and has a large space..."

Lin Yi nodded, then looked around, and finally took two random steps. After walking, she shook her head at the two of them again.

The milk tea and the boss surnamed Yang looked at each other during this operation, both of them were dumbfounded.

What does this mean?
Yes or no?
“The place is too small”

In an instant, the two were speechless.

Seeing Mr. Yang's sluggish expression, he covered his heart with some insider milk tea, and asked cautiously.

"Miss Lin, such a big place is not enough?"

Looking at the milk tea with her hands outstretched and gesticulating in the air, Lin Yi didn't speak, but just shook her head.

20 minute later.

In a certain science and technology building, the milk tea sent Lin Yi away at the other exit, and then came back to pick up the sketch. While taking a breath and drinking tea, she hurriedly called Commander Ikari.

Commander Ikari, who was informed of the news, did not give a solution, but just asked Milk Tea to wait a while, and he went to find someone who could make a decision.

After all, the dragon group is the combat department, and what happened to Lin Yi this time was only because of the special status of the other party and the involvement of a familiar milk tea, so the dragon group sent people to assist.

But now that things have changed, Commander Ikari will naturally not overstep.

So, Milk Tea held the mobile phone, drank milk tea, waited for almost 2 minutes, and finally heard a voice from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, I'm Li from the relevant department!"

The other party first reported his family name, and then asked directly.

"Is there not enough space? Miss Lin said it wasn't enough? Are you sure!"

It seems that the other party has already heard the news, but the boss on the other end of the phone is still very hungry, and seems to want to get affirmative news from the person involved in the milk tea.

But before Milk Tea could answer, the other party said to himself again.

"That's a standard wartime air-raid shelter, full of... hey, wait..."

The big guy on the opposite side suddenly became hesitant, and then said excitedly.

"Could it be, she, she really has so many, how is this possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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