Chapter 325 Outline One
[I can’t write because my legs hurt, so I’ll send you the original cut outline for you to see]

A copy of Hellfire City Wall: a human priest girl, a hunter, two mages, and a Lin Yi, all belong to Ansu.

As expected of a big server, before playing WOW, Lin Yi also found out that there are the most people in Ansu, but the atmosphere is not very good.

Moreover, if I want to broadcast live, there will inevitably be some unnecessary fights in the PVP server. Although Lin Yi is not afraid of 1V1, or even 1V2, 3, but what if it is 1V100, some fans have twisted love, this is really possible, so I chose PVE clothes.

——I have played a copy, so I will explain it to you in detail.

Taking advantage of reading the picture, Lin Yi copied and read what she just saw on Qiandu.

——The copy of Hellfire City Wall is a five-player copy, with three bosses...

——The host is amazing!

——The anchor is serious and cute!
——Who just watched the guide!

Lin Yi tilted her head.

——However, I only saw 30S, and I understood it!

—Think one!

The five-member team entered the dungeon, and Lin Yi was marked with a pie on his head by the priest, meaning to follow T.

Team Channel: Hunter: Up!
——Wait a minute, let me change my talent, it was Bing just now.

Now you must use the T talent to play a copy.

The priest is jumping, and the mage is making water and bread.

— LR: Ink.Directly command the big white bear to rush up.

——You are disgusted, Miss L!
Lin Yi was unmoved, and explained while laying out the skills.

——At this stage, the LR's bear can be a T, but it can't be used as a group, and the hunter needs to fight and mislead. However, there are two LRs in my team, and there are only three monsters in front of me, so it doesn't matter.

After changing the talent, come on, the pastor's sister followed Lin Yi and rushed to the end. Faye had already rubbed the ice arrow about 5 yards in front of Lin Yi.

With an ice touch, Lin Yi grabbed the aggro, and with a death grip, the two monsters were pulled down together, and in an instant there was another blood boil, firmly controlling the three monsters by his side.

After 10 seconds, all three monsters lay down and bent over Lin Yi to pick up something.

The two hunters rushed over again in a hurry, seeing the old driver, Lin Yi was also happy to save trouble.

——You were abandoned, Miss L, I feel distressed for a second.

——Old Toys: These two LRs are trying to kill, if the full-level book is like this again, they will be kicked out immediately.

Before Lin Yi said anything, the barrage began to complain.

The copy continues. I have to say that DK has really short legs. Look at the two LR masters. If it weren't for the priest's sister to speed up, Lin Yi could only eat exhaust all the way.

In less than 3 minutes, five people came to the first boss, and LR commanded vigorously: Come on!

With an ice touch, Lin Yi rushed forward, and then with a blood boil, he pulled steadily... a P.

——Barrage: These two LRs are messing up, and they don't even turn off taunting, it's really disgusting.

Seeing his own hatred and the boss's target, Lin Yi gave a heart attack, and pulled back again. The bear on the left was dealt with, and the bear on the right taunted again, and Lin Yi struck again in the spirit world. Just like that, the boss swayed from side to side ,collapsed.

——You guys are too deceitful!
In the copy of 55, 4 of the five people now have family heirlooms. This copy is really crushing.

While explaining [Paddle] all the way to the final boss area, the pastor's sister An Anjing followed Lin Yi from the beginning to the end. , There is no second skill from beginning to end.

The two hunters ran wildly like wild dogs running wild. They were commanding their pets and chatting.

——Take off your pants and fart: I heard that there is a girl in the barren land, she is super beautiful!
—— Farting and taking off pants: I watched it, I watched it all!I want to go to the Barrens too!

——Barrage: Two idiots!
the hunter asked.

——T You are not barren, have you seen that internet celebrity girl?

Lin Yi typed.


——Barrage: I laughed so hard, serious nonsense!

After finishing the last wave of mobs before the final boss, Lin Yi bent over, hey, the aboriginal turban!

——Danmaku: Luckily, I swiped hundreds of times.

--I need to!
The hunter who had run away drove the cheetah back.

—Crack, deal!Give me!

——Barrage: Fuck, ask for something with confidence!

——Really shameless, let him go!
For this kind of person, Lin Yi decisively clicked X, who knows, another hunter ordered a deal!

—— A pair of shameless, this district is really full of talents!
Fa Ye was still aloof, watching the play from the sidelines.

——Sister Pastor: Sister, can you give it to me?
Lin Yi looked at it, and it seemed that he was wearing a green dress. He made a decisive deal, and finally sneered.

—I gave it to the priest!

- You are big!
LR jumped up and cursed.

——The deal that the old man ordered first, you give it to him!You, come first, first come first, do you understand!to the old!
——Danmaku: I'll go, you are so shameless, I'm going to chop shit off them!

——Preacher’s Sister: Why don’t you give it to him!
--Do not!

Lin Yi directly refused.

—Okay, don't regret it.

After finishing speaking, the hunter opened the monster directly!
——Miss L, be careful, these two people may go offline directly.

There is no need for barrage reminders, of course Lin Yi knows, and if they retreat, they will not be able to add people during the battle. Now a priest, a T is directly harmless, and there is a Master who is hanging up, hey, Master It seems to be online, and recruited a stupid and cute water element.

——Ah, it’s the last boss, sorry, I just got disconnected.

Fa Ye, who had just woken up, cursed immediately when he saw the situation in front of him.

——Oh X, these two hunters went offline directly.

Fa Ye let out an exclamation, and the BOSS who was calling for the hunter Bai Xiong took two hounds and ran towards the nurse in an instant.


That's right, before the two hunters went offline, they turned off the taunting momentarily, and the two misguided hit the pastor's girl on the head.

Looking at the red mark above her head, and then at the aggressive boss and hunting dog, the girl was stunned for a moment, and even forgot the blank space.

But at this time, no one thought that the Faye who just went online seemed to be a master too!
Seeing that the situation was wrong, he teleported, ice pick, and ice ring.

- run!
Faye shouted.

It's a pity that the boss couldn't control it, and was only temporarily slowed down, so he raised his ax and chopped it down.

At this moment, a black figure stood in front of the priest.

—Blood boiling!
Wow, the two hounds were taunted and bit towards Lin Yi, and the bone shield instantly blocked it.

The boss didn't take this set of ridicule, and still passed Lin Yi and slashed at the pastor's sister.

Lin Yi didn't panic, a death grip instantly pulled her back.

Glyph installed can pull allies.

The boss was a little dazed, seeing the figure of the pastor's girl overlapped with Lin Yi, he finally came back to his senses, and jumped to hide behind Lin Yi.

Another dark order, Lin Yi held the boss firmly, the boss was finally controlled, the girl hiding behind still didn't add blood, just 2 seconds, no blood added, bottomed out instantly, I have to say blood DK resistance, a spirit world Hit directly full.

——Don't be dumbfounded!

Seeing these three words, the pastor finally came back to his senses and began to read the article, Healing.

——Fa Ye: This bull!
——Bullet screen: 666, I almost crushed instant noodles just now.

— Coach, I want to learn!
Lin Yi held on firmly, and the pastor occasionally lit the fire in his heart. Even though there was only one Magistrate, he was really good. The boss fell, and the three said goodbye.

——Barrage: These two scum, scum!
——The barrage is angry!
Lin Yi would not have such emotions in the game.

— Bye, get off.

After playing, I went offline. It was very late, 10:[-].Although Yuan Wushui didn't understand it very well, he still liked it combined with the barrage.After watching the live broadcast, I am busy editing pictures.Hey, this is so perfect, there is no need to fix it at all, but the background is flawed, which is really amazing!Then change the background to a perfect point.

— No, I can't swallow this breath.

——Me too, whore those two grandsons, let’s go!The water friends are full of enthusiasm, this is for justice!

——I have written down the names of the two people. If we have a large size, we will go directly to the large size, and if we don’t have a large size, we will use the small size to watch.

I started to make suggestions, I don’t know how many people started to enter Ansu, and immediately queued up 1000+ trumpets, appeared, and started to swipe the screen.

World Channel: The hunter has no quality, intentionally attracts monsters, goes offline halfway, misleads teammates, and even curses, everything is needed!

World Channel: It will grow out!
The trumpet began to swing its body, and soon the entire Stormwind City was placed from the entrance of the AH bank to the flight point, all piled up with corpses.It's scary, it's so green!
World Channel: Someone is causing trouble again, people who eat melons, move stools, and watch the excitement, this time it’s a bit big, Stormwind City is full of S bodies, I’m already stuck!
World Channel: There is a video and evidence, please move to the NGA discipline area.

In the middle of the night, a lot of people were shocked to watch, there was excitement to watch, instant energy, came to NGA, my S, the 1th floor, I don’t believe this is not a hype, click on it, you, these two LRs are embarrassing, others All Niusek, only those two hunters.

Don't talk about monsters all the way, but also deal with the face, people don't give, and scold, and finally go offline to mislead, scum!Two words, back to the game and began to swipe the screen, this time no one is facing these two hunters alone, even if it is their own area.

Soon, the GM received a complaint.

——Hello, this is Netease customer service.

—I report two hunters.

— Excuse me, is it called, uh, yes, how do you know.

——The girl has registered for you here, is there anything else, no more.


Looking back at his colleague, the GM smiled wryly.

—Another one.

——How much, almost 5000 complaints, this is public outrage.

——I read it too, it's very dishonest.

——What the above said, the manager is still waiting, and it is estimated that there will be a result soon.

——Come on, email, excitedly click on it, awesome, phone, these two people didn't even apologize, and said that you can control the game I play above, there is a good show to watch!

The world kept swiping the screen, chatting in S body and white characters on the ground.

Brother, that's it!

Oh, my fellow, are you also a fan of Sister Lin Yi?

Yes, it's so beautiful to say haha!

While we were chatting about Heat, the system announced: We have received a large number of reports from players today, and after careful investigation, in view of the two players XX seriously affecting the game order and destroying the game environment, according to Article X of the Player Code, the following punishments are hereby made, player The account is permanently banned. I hope players take this as a warning. The game is not a place outside the law. A good game environment needs everyone to maintain!

—— NetEase Papa Niu!

——666!Not even the wall!
In the middle of the night, the entire Ansu World Channel is just like Chinese New Year!The same is true for Lin Yi's live broadcast room, victory!
The whole server announcement, I saw it in other districts, what's wrong, it's the first time I saw such a system announcement, went to the official website, there was a blue post, lying c, bull, Netease bull, cursed, and then topped Netease.

University dormitory, woke up.

a boy.

——Rabbit, you have caused a catastrophe, your account has been blocked, and NetEase also said that you two should be role models and you will be held accountable.

As soon as you get on the account, you will be blocked. Go to the official website post, you, my invincible.

Still held accountable?
My heart is cold, I am just playing games and paralyzed.

Hold accountable?

——GM9527: The supervisor said, it’s just a big deal, to scare them and hype it up, but I heard that it’s because of that Miss Lin.

——Oh, no wonder, I heard that she is in the Barrens, so I also went to build an account, together.

(End of this chapter)

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