Hand tea to the women's clothing boss

Chapter 334 True and False

Chapter 334 True and False




"The Taishang Laojun is in a hurry like a law"

"Follow my orders, come out, water elemental"

Base No. 666, the first batch of students, about 50 people, the exam has ended, as expected, none of them passed.

While this was to be expected, it was somewhat discouraging.

In the examination room, bigwigs from all sides gathered here, and they sat together and began to mark the papers.

Watching the video, a strong soldier pressed his hands down, sank into his dantian, and then failed.

A white and clean soldier was making various gestures in the air, but failed.

There are also solemn things that are being recited silently, Lin, Bing, Dou...


Still fail.

The entire test video looks like a funny, low-quality folk show operation. This is a more elegant way of saying it. To put it bluntly, it is to watch a group of normal people go crazy like they are pretending to be crazy.

An hour later, after watching all the videos, everyone's expressions were heavy.

In fact, before the exam, the bosses who invigilated the exam knew that it would be the result, but they still had some luck, what if someone got it?
As a result, uh, sure enough...

It's like a bucket of cold water hit the top of the head, it feels really bad.

"Tell me your opinion"

The leadership secretary who was sitting on the side spoke first.

"Miss Lin, you're not lying to us, are you?"

A big man spoke first and spoke out the aspirations of everyone. As soon as the words came out, many people immediately nodded in agreement.

In fact, it's no wonder the bigwigs think so.

Because these "students" are all elites.

Highly educated, high-quality, discipline, and character are nothing to say, they can completely represent the top group of people in the country, but in the end, the entire army was wiped out.

With such a group of high-end talents, there is not even a single entry.

Is this subject too difficult, or...

Therefore, under this result, doubting the teaching materials and teachers is also the thinking of normal people.

After all, Lin Yi is the only one who knows magic and supernatural powers. Whether she is right or wrong is up to her alone, and there is no way to prove it.

At worst, even if you are given the wrong textbook, you won't be able to tell the difference.

As for questioning Lin Yi who wrote the textbook?
Heh, you don't understand anything, how can you question it?
This is a dead loop.

There is a problem with the textbook, I can’t learn it, I want to question it, but I don’t understand anything, I have to learn the knowledge in the book if I don’t understand anything...

"About this textbook, I have also read it, and I always feel that it is very awkward."

This big guy said it more implicitly, but the implication is that there may be a problem with the book.

"Well, I think that this is a new kind of knowledge, and it has a severe conflict with the current inherent concepts, so I feel awkward and uncomfortable during the study. Of course, this is just my personal idea."

Another big guy made an opinion.

His pertinent words also attracted many people to nod.

Immediately afterwards, the atmosphere became active, and discussions gradually started on the scene.

"I think it would be better for Ms. Lin to give lectures on the spot, and she can also give on-site guidance"

A big man said so.

"Yes, you can tell whether this is true or not."

"Hey, what you said is so simple, but people are willing."

"Why don't you want to? Contribute to the construction of a great river crab, how in line with the core values ​​​​of socialism"

After discussing for 10 minutes, seeing that it was almost done, the secretary clapped his hands and made all the bosses look at him.

"Let me say something"

"There is no problem with the teaching materials, this is the tone"

"As for letting Ms. Lin teach on-site, I will report it to the above, but I don't have much hope."

"Okay, now let's discuss and analyze, how to learn this book well, whether we are on the wrong path, or which direction is wrong, or whether we need to break old concepts and establish a new world view, etc., collect these questions, and I will discuss it again. Go and ask Ms. Lin in a targeted manner. As for the sentence that there is a problem with the book, I hope I won't hear it again in the future."

The secretary's words were a little harsh.

But the people in the audience are not stupid, they all understand.

Since the warning is issued in such a firm tone, it means that there are methods to prove the authenticity of the book. In this case, don't worry about it, don't make yourself boring, let's discuss how to learn this book well.

Sitting on the sidelines, the secretary was satisfied when he watched the crowd finally change from "there is a problem with the textbook and Lin Yi, I don't think so" to "there is no problem with the textbook and Lin Yi, how can I study?"

In fact, he had doubts about this matter.

However, the leaders can see clearly.

——Don't worry, Miss Lin is not that kind of person.

——How should I put it, just like humans, would you lie to ants?
—Obviously, no.

Call ~
Humans, ants.

The secretary frowned.

On the side of ants, he really hoped that some ants would become stronger.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Lin Yi opened the live broadcast room.

With a click of biu, the number of private messages on her account instantly reached 999+...

Lin Yi tilted her head and looked.

Most of them are asking why they are pigeons, whether they don’t want water friends, whether they have rich money, etc.

It's just been a few days since it was broadcast, and the water friends are really enthusiastic.

In the past few days, because she got a lot of materials, she has been busy doing experiments and making amulets for Lin Xiaoxi, and has no time to do live broadcast.

Looking at the number of private chats, Lin Yi can roughly imagine that when the broadcast starts now, the live broadcast room will definitely be full of bullets, and the sky will turn upside down.

However, it's not a big problem, anyway, Lin Yi doesn't care about the feelings of these water friends.

She did the live broadcast just to pass the time, not to make money, to be famous, or to get wool from the water friends.

The so-called, if you don't want to be strong, you are talking about her situation.

——The anchor L you follow has started broadcasting, come and watch!

When the live broadcast room opened, those water friends who followed Lin Yi got the news in an instant, and rushed over in the next second without stopping.

"Wow, look what I got!"

"Pigeon ~ 咕咕咕咕~"

"Yaoshou, grandma, the anchor you follow, she, she started broadcasting"

"Sister Lin, hurry up, give me a crab, I'm starving to death"

"Hmph, I've been a pigeon for so long, I have to wear a skirt and stand on my head, otherwise I will unfollow"

"Yes, yes"

"Stand on your head, stand on your head"

Wear a skirt and stand on your head?

Lin Yi thought about it very seriously.

Even if you really stand on your head, your skirt should not fall down.

Therefore, water friends who want to see some river crabs are probably going to be disappointed.

Since it's impossible, don't worry about it.

As if she didn't see those rowdy water friends, and even ignored these rude requests, Lin Yi opened the battle net with a calm expression.

"Come to play the nostalgic server today"

In fact, Lin Yi only found out when she received a call from the pig farm this morning that the nostalgic service had already been opened, and, unexpectedly, this bowl of cold rice was very popular. There were constant discussions on the Internet, and news followed one after another.

As a result, all districts are queuing up, and many districts even line up to 3 to 5.

Who would have thought of this?
- Our game is very hot!

When calling Lin Yi, the pig farm even showed off a little.

Then he quickly returned to the topic and asked Lin Yi when he would come to play, even the green passage was reserved.

A month ago, Lin Yi got the news that the nostalgic server hadn't even launched the α test, but in the blink of an eye, the server was launched directly. How could it be so fast?

Could it be that Blizzard's programmers collectively exploded?
Lin Yi suddenly became a little worried about the other party's already extremely high hairline.

(End of this chapter)

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