Chapter 335 Cards

Lin Yi was a little surprised that the nostalgic server was launched ahead of schedule.

According to her understanding of Blizzard, Blizzard should have this style of painting.

——Propose a concept this year, set up a project next year, start creating in the year after, and then draw cakes, followed by skipping, skipping, skipping...but now, why suddenly don’t follow the routine.

In fact, the progress of the nostalgic server is accelerating. In addition to the pressure exerted by Blizzard's parent company, there is also the impact of the existing game market on Blizzard's family.

In addition, in the past few years, Blizzard has been living on its laurels, and its financial data is very ugly, so it is expected that the progress of the nostalgic server will speed up.

Apart from these, what Lin Yi didn't know was that part of the credit was actually due to her.

At that time, Lin Yi went to Blizzard. In addition to meeting the screenwriter of World of Warcraft, she also accepted Jeff's invitation to help give some pointers to the programmers of the nostalgic server, solved some troubles, and provided some ideas.

Lin Yi's pointers have given a lot of inspiration to the programmers of the nostalgic server. After all, just by looking at the hairline, you can tell that they are the best programmers, and they have no understanding.

So, after many programmers worked overtime, stayed up late, cultivated immortals, solved bugs, internal tests, and external tests, soon, the nostalgic server was launched ahead of schedule.

Well, since the server is open, let's play, it's just killing time anyway.

"I heard that there are many people in the nostalgic server, and it's very fun, I don't know if it's true or not"

While chatting casually, Lin Yi logged into and downloaded the game.

Very abruptly, the barrage that was still scrolling immediately quieted down.

The anchor wants to play games?

Nostalgic clothing?

Duck, grab the name!

The water friends are still easy to coax. Lin Yi's trick of besieging Wei and saving Zhao was very successful. As soon as he heard that he started playing games, no one made trouble in an instant.

"Sister Lin, go to that server?"

"Wait, I'm still buying accelerators"

"I went to NGA to see, no matter which server is [-]+, can you believe it, didn't you say that no one eats nostalgic server?"


A G game was quickly finished, and Lin Yi started to choose a server. Needless to say, it was naturally PVE.

The nostalgic server can't fly, and the game has been open for a week, since it's not in the first echelon, isn't it okay to choose PVP to find trouble?
With a decision in mind, Lin Yi opened the server list and began to check.

Uh, sure enough, PVE servers are not popular, there are only three PVE servers out of dozens of PVP servers.

Dagger Ridge, Jasper Mine, Coldridge Mountains.

Randomly picked a slightly pleasing server, Dagger Ridge, Lin Yi entered the game, created a troll, a professional hunter, entered the name LLLLL, and entered the game.

"LLLLL, is it really okay for the anchor to be so casual?"

"I pressed it with my eyes closed, I cried..."

"Hey, hunter, I like it"

"Ah, Dagger Ridge, what a coincidence, I'm level 30, I can lead the anchor, pinch my waist and laugh~"

"I'll go, you guys are so fast, there's a queue of 2+ for this shit"

Under the care of the pig farm, Lin Yi seemed to be hanging out in the queue of 1+. In less than a minute, she entered the game.

Skillfully press ESC to skip the opening CG,

Commanding his own troll hunter, Lin Yi was ready to do the novice mission.

She originally thought that there would be obstacles in the queue, and that without the disturbance from the water friends, she could play the game with peace of mind, but as soon as she walked into the troll's village, she knew that this idea was about to fail.

As far as the eye can see, they are all green trolls with fangs and explosive heads, one next to the other, so densely packed that there is nowhere to put their feet.

"Who is cheating on me?"

"Pey, my money was stolen, 100G"

"Look for my little brother to take me, I am a cute girl"

Even though the nostalgic server has been open for a week, there are still many people in Xinshou Village.

Because no one expected that the nostalgic server would become a big hit, and the pig farm’s originally planned servers were not enough, resulting in too long a queue and unable to enter the game, which resulted in players being unable to level up and could only move around Novice Village.

In addition, everyone knows that in online games, as long as there are too many people in a certain area, there will be lag.

If it's just a card, the key is that the monster refresh rate is also slow, which leads to serious monster grabbing and super slow upgrades.

In the early stage, the main range of activities of the players is Senjin Village, other monsters, other areas, you can't beat it even if you go there.

In addition to the problem of fixed monster refresh time, some tasks even have logic problems. They can only be selected by one person 1v1, and cannot form a team.

This BUG that does not belong to the BUG is the 60 version. The things left over from 05 have been inherited by the original flavor. This is a pain for the players, causing a long queue in front of a certain task NPC. Qi, it looks like a military parade.

If they are all old toys, high-quality, and obedient, it's okay, but if they encounter troublemakers and don't follow the rules, it will really kill them.

Seeing these long teams made up of troll players, Lin Yi decided to give up directly, stop doing the mission, and go to the wild to farm monsters.

"It seems that there is an anchor?!"

Suddenly, in the long queue, a white-haired male troll asked while typing.

"That's right, I'm watching the live broadcast, it's that troll, it's Sister Lin!"

The troll player who was squatting on the ground and pinching his feet immediately ran away, and even gave up on the mission NPC that was already close at hand after queuing for a long time.

"Oh, that's right, I'm going to chase Sister Lin!"

Another player throws away.

"Chong Duck, for Sister Lin!"

In an instant, the queue of hundreds of people began to collapse, rushing towards Lin Yi.

"What is this for?"

On the side, the player who was killing wild boars for the NPC couldn't help being curious.

"What happened, why are there so many people, let's go, let's go and see too"

Prompted by curiosity, a group of Lin Yi's fans led a large group of curious onlookers who didn't know what happened. They gathered together and ran towards the beach where Lin Yi was.

A large group of people shouted and ran to the same place, and the result was, Ka~ka~ka~ka.

Players who have played the pig farm game know that the server of the pig farm is very magical, the consequences of having too many people...


For a while, an unknown number of people were kicked to the login interface.

- The network connection was interrupted.

Looking at the familiar six-character mantra, I thought about how hard it was for me to stand in line for a day, and just played for less than an hour, and suddenly dropped it. At this moment, I don’t know how many players want to cry but have no tears.

Not only did he not see the excitement, but he also put himself in it.

The MMP in my heart had nowhere to tell, so I had to go to the forum of the pig farm to make a fuss.

"Pig farm garbage, what dog server, demand compensation"

"Go offline before you go online, why don't you go to heaven?"

"Where is the customer service lady, come out and match the line"

"Upstairs, there are no girls in the pig farm, only big men in women's clothing"


For a while, there was a lot of noise in the Zhuchang nostalgic server forum.

(End of this chapter)

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